Ventilatory Assistance Before Umbilical Cord Clamping in Extremely Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 05 01; 7(5):e2411140.
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CTClinical Trials
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Growth Failure Prevalence in Neonates with Gastroschisis : A Statewide Cohort Study. J Pediatr. 2021 06; 233:112-118.e3.
Strobel KM, Romero T, Kramer K, Fernandez E, Rottkamp C, Uy C, Keller R, Moyer L, Poulain F, Kim JH, DeUgarte DA, Calkins KL, University of California Fetal Consortium. PMID: 33647253; PMCID: PMC8154735.
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Effect of Sustained Inflations vs Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death Among Extremely Preterm Infants: The SAIL Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2019 03 26; 321(12):1165-1175.
Kirpalani H, Ratcliffe SJ, Keszler M, Davis PG, Foglia EE, Te Pas A, Fernando M, Chaudhary A, Localio R, van Kaam AH, Onland W, Owen LS, Schmölzer GM, Katheria A, Hummler H, Lista G, Abbasi S, Klotz D, Simma B, Nadkarni V, Poulain FR, Donn SM, Kim HS, Park WS, Cadet C, Kong JY, Smith A, Guillen U, Liley HG, Hopper AO, Tamura M, SAIL Site Investigators. PMID: 30912836; PMCID: PMC6439695.
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Lipoyltransferase 1 Gene Defect Resulting in Fatal Lactic Acidosis in Two Siblings. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 2016:6520148.
Taché V, Bivina L, White S, Gregg J, Deignan J, Boyadjievd SA, Poulain FR. PMID: 27247813; PMCID: PMC4877452.
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Innate immunity of surfactant proteins A and D in urinary tract infection with uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Innate Immun. 2016 Jan; 22(1):9-20.
Hu F, Ding G, Zhang Z, Gatto LA, Hawgood S, Poulain FR, Cooney RN, Wang G. PMID: 26511057; PMCID: PMC4679646.
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Multi-institutional practice patterns and outcomes in uncomplicated gastroschisis: a report from the University of California Fetal Consortium (UCfC). J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Dec; 49(12):1782-6.
Lusk LA, Brown EG, Overcash RT, Grogan TR, Keller RL, Kim JH, Poulain FR, Shew SB, Uy C, DeUgarte DA, University of California Fetal Consortium. PMID: 25487483; PMCID: PMC4261143.
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Factors associated with gastroschisis outcomes. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Sep; 124(3):551-557.
Overcash RT, DeUgarte DA, Stephenson ML, Gutkin RM, Norton ME, Parmar S, Porto M, Poulain FR, Schrimmer DB, University of California Fetal Consortium*. PMID: 25162255; PMCID: PMC4147679.
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Surfactant protein D inhibits TNF-alpha production by macrophages and dendritic cells in mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Sep; 122(3):521-528.
Hortobágyi L, Kierstein S, Krytska K, Zhu X, Das AM, Poulain F, Haczku A. PMID: 18554706; PMCID: PMC4024109.
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Acute airway obstruction by a sheared endotracheal intubation stylet sheath in a premature infant. J Perinatol. 2007 Nov; 27(11):727-9.
Chiou HL, Diaz R, Orlino E, Poulain FR. PMID: 17960145.
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Shear stress paradigm for perinatal fractal arterial network remodeling in lambs with pulmonary hypertension and increased pulmonary blood flow. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007 Jun; 292(6):H3006-18.
Ghorishi Z, Milstein JM, Poulain FR, Moon-Grady A, Tacy T, Bennett SH, Fineman JR, Eldridge MW. PMID: 17308003.
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Surfactant protein D of the innate immune defence is inversely associated with human obesity and SP-D deficiency infers increased body weight in mice. Scand J Immunol. 2006 Dec; 64(6):633-8.
Sorensen GL, Hjelmborg JV, Leth-Larsen R, Schmidt V, Fenger M, Poulain F, Hawgood S, Sørensen TI, Kyvik KO, Holmskov U. PMID: 17083619.
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Susceptibility to ozone-induced airway inflammation is associated with decreased levels of surfactant protein D. Respir Res. 2006 Jun 01; 7:85.
Kierstein S, Poulain FR, Cao Y, Grous M, Mathias R, Kierstein G, Beers MF, Salmon M, Panettieri RA, Haczku A. PMID: 16740162; PMCID: PMC1488844.
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IL-4 and IL-13 form a negative feedback circuit with surfactant protein-D in the allergic airway response. J Immunol. 2006 Mar 15; 176(6):3557-65.
Haczku A, Cao Y, Vass G, Kierstein S, Nath P, Atochina-Vasserman EN, Scanlon ST, Li L, Griswold DE, Chung KF, Poulain FR, Hawgood S, Beers MF, Crouch EC. PMID: 16517724.
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Surfactant protein D is proatherogenic in mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006 Jun; 290(6):H2286-94.
Sorensen GL, Madsen J, Kejling K, Tornoe I, Nielsen O, Townsend P, Poulain F, Nielsen CH, Reid KB, Hawgood S, Falk E, Holmskov U. PMID: 16387789.
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Surfactant protein D deficiency influences allergic immune responses. Clin Exp Allergy. 2004 Dec; 34(12):1819-26.
Schaub B, Westlake RM, He H, Arestides R, Haley KJ, Campo M, Velasco G, Bellou A, Hawgood S, Poulain FR, Perkins DL, Finn PW. PMID: 15663554.
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Pulmonary collectins modulate strain-specific influenza a virus infection and host responses. J Virol. 2004 Aug; 78(16):8565-72.
Hawgood S, Brown C, Edmondson J, Stumbaugh A, Allen L, Goerke J, Clark H, Poulain F. PMID: 15280465; PMCID: PMC479098.
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Delayed clearance of pneumocystis carinii infection, increased inflammation, and altered nitric oxide metabolism in lungs of surfactant protein-D knockout mice. J Infect Dis. 2004 Apr 15; 189(8):1528-39.
Atochina EN, Gow AJ, Beck JM, Haczku A, Inch A, Kadire H, Tomer Y, Davis C, Preston AM, Poulain F, Hawgood S, Beers MF. PMID: 15073692.
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Surfactant protein-D, a mediator of innate lung immunity, alters the products of nitric oxide metabolism. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2004 Mar; 30(3):271-9.
Atochina EN, Beers MF, Hawgood S, Poulain F, Davis C, Fusaro T, Gow AJ. PMID: 12871850.
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SP-A is necessary for increased clearance of alveolar DPPC with hyperventilation or secretagogues. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2003 May; 284(5):L759-65.
Jain D, Dodia C, Bates SR, Hawgood S, Poulain FR, Fisher AB. PMID: 12676766.
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Urinary effects of morphine in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2003; 92(2):251-3.
Bengtsson BO, Wootton-Gorges SL, Poulain FR, Sherman MP. PMID: 12710656.
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Sequential targeted deficiency of SP-A and -D leads to progressive alveolar lipoproteinosis and emphysema. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2002 Nov; 283(5):L1002-10.
Hawgood S, Ochs M, Jung A, Akiyama J, Allen L, Brown C, Edmondson J, Levitt S, Carlson E, Gillespie AM, Villar A, Epstein CJ, Poulain FR. PMID: 12376353.
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Tissue distribution of surfactant proteins A and D in the mouse. J Histochem Cytochem. 2002 Jul; 50(7):993-6.
Akiyama J, Hoffman A, Brown C, Allen L, Edmondson J, Poulain F, Hawgood S. PMID: 12070278.
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Surfactant protein-A--deficient mice display an exaggerated early inflammatory response to a beta-resistant strain of influenza A virus. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002 Mar; 26(3):277-82.
Li G, Siddiqui J, Hendry M, Akiyama J, Edmondson J, Brown C, Allen L, Levitt S, Poulain F, Hawgood S. PMID: 11867335.
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A distinct pathway of cell-mediated apoptosis initiated by granulysin. J Immunol. 2001 Jul 01; 167(1):350-6.
Kaspar AA, Okada S, Kumar J, Poulain FR, Drouvalakis KA, Kelekar A, Hanson DA, Kluck RM, Hitoshi Y, Johnson DE, Froelich CJ, Thompson CB, Newmeyer DD, Anel A, Clayberger C, Krensky AM. PMID: 11418670.
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GM-CSF mediates alveolar macrophage proliferation and type II cell hypertrophy in SP-D gene-targeted mice. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2001 Jun; 280(6):L1148-56.
Hawgood S, Akiyama J, Brown C, Allen L, Li G, Poulain FR. PMID: 11350793.
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Congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with a gastroesophageal duplication cyst: a case report. J Pediatr Surg. 2001 Apr; 36(4):626-8.
Danzer E, Paek BW, Farmer DL, Poulain FR, Farrell JA, Harrison MR, Albanese CT. PMID: 11283892.
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The pulmonary collectins and surfactant metabolism. Annu Rev Physiol. 2001; 63:495-519.
Hawgood S, Poulain FR. PMID: 11181965.
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Characterization of the mouse collectin gene locus. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1999 Aug; 21(2):193-9.
Akiyama J, Volik SV, Plajzer-Frick I, Prince A, Sago H, Weier HU, Vanderbilt JN, Hawgood S, Poulain FR. PMID: 10423401.
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Biosynthesis of granulysin, a novel cytolytic molecule. Mol Immunol. 1999 May; 36(7):413-22.
Hanson DA, Kaspar AA, Poulain FR, Krensky AM. PMID: 10449094.
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Ultrastructure of phospholipid mixtures reconstituted with surfactant proteins B and D. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1999 May; 20(5):1049-58.
Poulain FR, Akiyama J, Allen L, Brown C, Chang R, Goerke J, Dobbs L, Hawgood S. PMID: 10226076.
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Structure and properties of surfactant protein B. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998 Nov 19; 1408(2-3):150-60.
Hawgood S, Derrick M, Poulain F. PMID: 9813296.
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Altered surfactant homeostasis and alveolar type II cell morphology in mice lacking surfactant protein D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Sep 29; 95(20):11869-74.
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Analysis of binding and membrane destabilization of phospholipid membranes by surfactant apoprotein B. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998 May 28; 1371(2):254-64.
Chang R, Nir S, Poulain FR. PMID: 9630660.
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Kinetics of phospholipid membrane fusion induced by surfactant apoproteins A and B. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1996 Jan 31; 1278(2):169-75.
Poulain FR, Nir S, Hawgood S. PMID: 8593273.
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Vasopressin effects on lung liquid volume in fetal sheep. Pediatr Res. 1995 Jul; 38(1):30-5.
Cummings JJ, Carlton DP, Poulain FR, Fike CD, Keil LC, Bland RD. PMID: 7478793.
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Functions of the surfactant proteins: a perspective. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1995 Feb; 19(2):99-104.
Hawgood S, Poulain FR. PMID: 7659473.
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Pulmonary surfactant therapy. West J Med. 1995 Jan; 162(1):43-50.
Poulain FR, Clements JA. PMID: 7863656; PMCID: PMC1022592.
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Changes in lung lipid during spontaneous labor in fetal sheep. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1994 Feb; 76(2):523-30.
Chapman DL, Carlton DP, Nielson DW, Cummings JJ, Poulain FR, Bland RD. PMID: 8175558.
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Hypoproteinemia slows lung liquid clearance in young lambs. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1993 Jan; 74(1):153-60.
Cummings JJ, Carlton DP, Poulain FR, Raj JU, Bland RD. PMID: 8444686.
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Effects of surfactant apolipoproteins on liposome structure: implications for tubular myelin formation. Am J Physiol. 1992 Jun; 262(6 Pt 1):L730-9.
Poulain FR, Allen L, Williams MC, Hamilton RL, Hawgood S. PMID: 1616057.
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Increased pulmonary vascular filtration pressure does not alter lung liquid secretion in fetal sheep. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1992 Feb; 72(2):650-5.
Carlton DP, Cummings JJ, Poulain FR, Bland RD. PMID: 1559944.
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Ion transport regulation of lung liquid secretion in foetal lambs. J Dev Physiol. 1992 Feb; 17(2):99-107.
Carlton DP, Cummings JJ, Chapman DL, Poulain FR, Bland RD. PMID: 1500638.
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Intrapulmonary terbutaline and aminophylline decrease lung liquid in fetal lambs. Pediatr Res. 1991 Apr; 29(4 Pt 1):357-61.
Chapman DL, Carlton DP, Cummings JJ, Poulain FR, Bland RD. PMID: 1852529.
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Lung overexpansion increases pulmonary microvascular protein permeability in young lambs. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1990 Aug; 69(2):577-83.
Carlton DP, Cummings JJ, Scheerer RG, Poulain FR, Bland RD. PMID: 2228868.
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