Co-Authors (21)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
- Brosnan, RobertUC Davis
- Carstens, EarlUC Davis
- Chigerwe, MunasheUC Davis
- Chohan, AmandeepUC Davis
- Dear, JonathanUC Davis
- Dechant, JulieUC Davis
- Epstein, StevenUC Davis
- Flynn, HarrietUC Davis
- Hawkins, MichelleUC Davis
- Hopper, KateUC Davis
- Ilkiw, JanUC Davis
| - Kass, PhilipUC Davis
- Kittleson, MarkUC Davis
- Marks, StanleyUC Davis
- Mayhew, PhilippUC Davis
- Pascoe, PeterUC Davis
- Pollard, RachelUC Davis
- Pypendop, BrunoUC Davis
- Stanley, ScottUC Davis
- Steffey, EugeneUC Davis
- Stern, JoshuaUC Davis
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
People who share similar concepts with this person.
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