Postpartum fevers, a rare presentation of secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Clin Case Rep. 2023 Mar; 11(3):e7070.
Lee J, Pham B, Karanjawala ZE, Adesina O. PMID: 36941837; PMCID: PMC10023518.
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A Case of Osimertinib-Induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia. Clin Lung Cancer. 2022 11; 23(7):639-642.
Patel KG, Corbett RL, Karanjawala ZE, Kelly KA, Stollenwerk N, Riess JW. PMID: 36104273.
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Melanotic Xp11 translocation renal cancers: a distinctive neoplasm with overlapping features of PEComa, carcinoma, and melanoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 Apr; 33(4):609-19.
Argani P, Aulmann S, Karanjawala Z, Fraser RB, Ladanyi M, Rodriguez MM. PMID: 19065101.
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Epstein-Barr virus-associated central nervous system lymphoproliferative disease in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome responsive to highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2008 May 01; 46(9):1476-8.
Kuo DZ, Milstone AM, Omokaro SO, Friedman AD, Karanjawala ZE, Borowitz M, Joyner ML, Halsey NA, Sibinga EM. PMID: 18419459.
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New markers of pancreatic cancer identified through differential gene expression analyses: claudin 18 and annexin A8. Am J Surg Pathol. 2008 Feb; 32(2):188-96.
Karanjawala ZE, Illei PB, Ashfaq R, Infante JR, Murphy K, Pandey A, Schulick R, Winter J, Sharma R, Maitra A, Goggins M, Hruban RH. PMID: 18223320; PMCID: PMC2678811.
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PAM4-reactive MUC1 is a biomarker for early pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Dec 15; 13(24):7380-7.
Gold DV, Karanjawala Z, Modrak DE, Goldenberg DM, Hruban RH. PMID: 18094420.
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Generation and characterization of endonuclease G null mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Jan; 25(1):294-302.
Irvine RA, Adachi N, Shibata DK, Cassell GD, Yu K, Karanjawala ZE, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 15601850; PMCID: PMC538798.
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DNA damage and aging. Mech Ageing Dev. 2004 Jun; 125(6):405-16.
Karanjawala ZE, Lieber MR. PMID: 15272504.
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Ageing, repetitive genomes and DNA damage. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Jan; 5(1):69-75.
Lieber MR, Karanjawala ZE. PMID: 14708011.
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Developmental retinal apoptosis in Ku86-/- mice. DNA Repair (Amst). 2003 Dec 09; 2(12):1429-34.
Karanjawala ZE, Hinton DR, Oh E, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 14642570.
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Overexpression of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase is lethal for mice lacking double-strand break repair. DNA Repair (Amst). 2003 Mar 01; 2(3):285-94.
Karanjawala ZE, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 12547391.
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The embryonic lethality in DNA ligase IV-deficient mice is rescued by deletion of Ku: implications for unifying the heterogeneous phenotypes of NHEJ mutants. DNA Repair (Amst). 2002 Dec 05; 1(12):1017-26.
Karanjawala ZE, Adachi N, Irvine RA, Oh EK, Shibata D, Schwarz K, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 12531011.
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Oxygen metabolism causes chromosome breaks and is associated with the neuronal apoptosis observed in DNA double-strand break repair mutants. Curr Biol. 2002 Mar 05; 12(5):397-402.
Karanjawala ZE, Murphy N, Hinton DR, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 11882291.
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Two overlapping divergent transcription units in the human genome: the FEN1/C11orf10 locus. OMICS. 2002; 6(3):273-9.
Adachi N, Karanjawala ZE, Matsuzaki Y, Koyama H, Lieber MR. PMID: 12427278.
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The Finland-United States investigation of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus genetics (FUSION) study. I. An autosomal genome scan for genes that predispose to type 2 diabetes. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 11; 67(5):1174-85.
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Complete maternal isodisomy of chromosome 8 in an individual with an early-onset ileal carcinoid tumor. Am J Med Genet. 2000 Jul 31; 93(3):207-10.
Karanjawala ZE, Kääriäinen H, Ghosh S, Tannenbaum J, Martin C, Ally D, Tuomilehto J, Valle T, Collins FS. PMID: 10925383.
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Localization of multiple melanoma tumor-suppressor genes on chromosome 11 by use of homozygosity mapping-of-deletions analysis. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Aug; 67(2):417-31.
Goldberg EK, Glendening JM, Karanjawala Z, Sridhar A, Walker GJ, Hayward NK, Rice AJ, Kurera D, Tebha Y, Fountain JW. PMID: 10877980; PMCID: PMC1287213.
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The mammalian FEN-1 locus: structure and conserved sequence features. Microb Comp Genomics. 2000; 5(3):173-7.
Karanjawala ZE, Shi X, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 11252354.
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The nonhomologous DNA end joining pathway is important for chromosome stability in primary fibroblasts. Curr Biol. 1999 Dec 16-30; 9(24):1501-4.
Karanjawala ZE, Grawunder U, Hsieh CL, Lieber MR. PMID: 10607596.
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Genetics in the context of medical practice. JAMA. 1998 Nov 04; 280(17):1533-4.
Karanjawala ZE, Collins FS. PMID: 9809738.
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A large sample of finnish diabetic sib-pairs reveals no evidence for a non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus susceptibility locus at 2qter. J Clin Invest. 1998 Aug 15; 102(4):704-9.
Ghosh S, Hauser ER, Magnuson VL, Valle T, Ally DS, Karanjawala ZE, Rayman JB, Knapp JI, Musick A, Tannenbaum J, Te C, Eldridge W, Shapiro S, Musick T, Martin C, So A, Witt A, Harvan JB, Watanabe RM, Hagopian W, Eriksson J, Nylund SJ, Kohtamaki K, Tuomilehto-Wolf E, Boehnke M, et al. PMID: 9710438; PMCID: PMC508932.
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Methods for precise sizing, automated binning of alleles, and reduction of error rates in large-scale genotyping using fluorescently labeled dinucleotide markers. FUSION (Finland-U.S. Investigation of NIDDM Genetics) Study Group. Genome Res. 1997 Feb; 7(2):165-78.
Ghosh S, Karanjawala ZE, Hauser ER, Ally D, Knapp JI, Rayman JB, Musick A, Tannenbaum J, Te C, Shapiro S, Eldridge W, Musick T, Martin C, Smith JR, Carpten JD, Brownstein MJ, Powell JI, Whiten R, Chines P, Nylund SJ, Magnuson VL, Boehnke M, Collins FS. PMID: 9049634.
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Substrate nucleotide-determined non-templated addition of adenine by Taq DNA polymerase: implications for PCR-based genotyping and cloning. Biotechniques. 1996 Oct; 21(4):700-9.
Magnuson VL, Ally DS, Nylund SJ, Karanjawala ZE, Rayman JB, Knapp JI, Lowe AL, Ghosh S, Collins FS. PMID: 8891224.
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Conversion of Allylic Alcohols into Allylic Nitromethyl Compounds via a Palladium-Catalyzed Solvolysis: An Enantioselective Synthesis of an Advanced Carbocyclic Nucleoside Precursor(1). J Org Chem. 1996 May 31; 61(11):3616-3622.
Deardorff DR, Savin KA, Justman CJ, Karanjawala ZE, Sheppeck II JE, Hager DC, Aydin N. PMID: 11667207.
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