Understanding spatial relationships in US: a computer-based training tool that utilizes inexpensive off-the-shelf game controllers. Radiographics. 2014 Sep-Oct; 34(5):1334-43.
Teistler M, Brunberg JA, Bott OJ, Breiman RS, Ebert LC, Ross SG, Dresing K. PMID: 25110963.
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Labyrinthine artery aneurysm as an internal auditory canal mass. J Neurol Surg Rep. 2014 Aug; 75(1):e38-41.
Diaz RC, Konia T, Brunberg J. PMID: 25083386; PMCID: PMC4110144.
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Early onset of neurological symptoms in fragile X premutation carriers exposed to neurotoxins. Neurotoxicology. 2010 Aug; 31(4):399-402.
Paul R, Pessah IN, Gane L, Ono M, Hagerman PJ, Brunberg JA, Tassone F, Bourgeois JA, Adams PE, Nguyen DV, Hagerman R. PMID: 20466021; PMCID: PMC3918243.
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Psychological symptoms correlate with reduced hippocampal volume in fragile X premutation carriers. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Apr 05; 153B(3):775-85.
Adams PE, Adams JS, Nguyen DV, Hessl D, Brunberg JA, Tassone F, Zhang W, Koldewyn K, Rivera SM, Grigsby J, Zhang L, Decarli C, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 19908235; PMCID: PMC2868927.
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Characterisation of FXTAS related isolated intranuclear protein inclusions using laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2010 Jan 1; 41(1):33-39.
Moritz MT, Brunberg BJ, Krol KD, Wachsmann-Hogiu WS, Lane LS, Chan CJ. .
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FMR1 premutation in females diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009 Jul; 80(7):812-4.
Zhang L, Coffey S, Lua LL, Greco CM, Schafer JA, Brunberg J, Borodyanskaya M, Agius MA, Apperson M, Leehey M, Tartaglia N, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 19531693.
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ACR Appropriateness Criteria on low back pain. J Am Coll Radiol. 2009 Jun; 6(6):401-7.
Davis PC, Wippold FJ, Brunberg JA, Cornelius RS, De La Paz RL, Dormont PD, Gray L, Jordan JE, Mukherji SK, Seidenwurm DJ, Turski PA, Zimmerman RD, Sloan MA. PMID: 19467485.
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Ataxia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2008 Aug; 29(7):1420-2.
Brunberg JA, Expert Panel on Neurologic Imaging. PMID: 18701585; PMCID: PMC8119171.
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6 Fields:
Clinical and neuropathologic findings in a woman with the FMR1 premutation and multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol. 2008 Aug; 65(8):1114-6.
Greco CM, Tassone F, Garcia-Arocena D, Tartaglia N, Coffey SM, Vartanian TK, Brunberg JA, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 18695063; PMCID: PMC3081275.
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35 Fields:
Computed tomography use in a tertiary care university hospital. J Am Coll Radiol. 2008 Feb; 5(2):132-8.
Boone JM, Brunberg JA. PMID: 18242530; PMCID: PMC2736906.
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15 Fields:
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome: clinical features, genetics, and testing guidelines. Mov Disord. 2007 Oct 31; 22(14):2018-30, quiz 2140.
Berry-Kravis E, Abrams L, Coffey SM, Hall DA, Greco C, Gane LW, Grigsby J, Bourgeois JA, Finucane B, Jacquemont S, Brunberg JA, Zhang L, Lin J, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ, Leehey MA. PMID: 17618523.
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149 Fields:
Neuropathy as a presenting feature in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2007 Oct 01; 143A(19):2256-60.
Hagerman RJ, Coffey SM, Maselli R, Soontarapornchai K, Brunberg JA, Leehey MA, Zhang L, Gane LW, Fenton-Farrell G, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 17726686.
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31 Fields:
Volumetric brain changes in females with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Neurology. 2007 Aug 28; 69(9):851-9.
Adams JS, Adams PE, Nguyen D, Brunberg JA, Tassone F, Zhang W, Koldewyn K, Rivera SM, Grigsby J, Zhang L, DeCarli C, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 17724287.
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97 Fields:
Cognitive, anxiety and mood disorders in the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2007 Jul-Aug; 29(4):349-56.
Bourgeois JA, Cogswell JB, Hessl D, Zhang L, Ono MY, Tassone F, Farzin F, Brunberg JA, Grigsby J, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 17591512; PMCID: PMC3991490.
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51 Fields:
Molecular and imaging correlates of the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Neurology. 2006 Oct 24; 67(8):1426-31.
Cohen S, Masyn K, Adams J, Hessl D, Rivera S, Tassone F, Brunberg J, DeCarli C, Zhang L, Cogswell J, Loesch D, Leehey M, Grigsby J, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman R. PMID: 17060569.
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74 Fields:
Cognitive impairment in a 65-year-old male with the fragile X-associated tremor-ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Cogn Behav Neurol. 2006 Sep; 19(3):165-71.
Grigsby J, Leehey MA, Jacquemont S, Brunberg JA, Hagerman RJ, Wilson R, Epstein JH, Greco CM, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 16957495.
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Dementia with mood symptoms in a fragile X premutation carrier with the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome: clinical intervention with donepezil and venlafaxine. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2006; 18(2):171-7.
Bourgeois JA, Farzin F, Brunberg JA, Tassone F, Hagerman P, Zhang L, Hessl D, Hagerman R. PMID: 16720793.
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27 Fields:
Neuropathology of fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Brain. 2006 Jan; 129(Pt 1):243-55.
Greco CM, Berman RF, Martin RM, Tassone F, Schwartz PH, Chang A, Trapp BD, Iwahashi C, Brunberg J, Grigsby J, Hessl D, Becker EJ, Papazian J, Leehey MA, Hagerman RJ, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 16332642.
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269 Fields:
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis in a teenage girl with an immature ovarian teratoma. Pediatr Radiol. 2005 Jul; 35(7):694-7.
Stein-Wexler R, Wootton-Gorges SL, Greco CM, Brunberg JA. PMID: 15723218.
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17 Fields:
Spastic paraparesis, cerebellar ataxia, and intention tremor: a severe variant of FXTAS? J Med Genet. 2005 Feb; 42(2):e14.
Jacquemont S, Orrico A, Galli L, Sahota PK, Brunberg JA, Anichini C, Leehey M, Schaeffer S, Hagerman RJ, Hagerman PJ, Tassone F. PMID: 15689437; PMCID: PMC1735999.
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16 Fields:
Radiology Research Alliance: 2004 report. Academic Radiology. 2005 Feb 1; 12(2):255-260.
Partain PC, Brunberg BJ, Shapeero SL, Dunnick DN, Mattrey MR, Pisano PE, Gazelle GG. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Fragile-X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) in females with the FMR1 premutation. Am J Hum Genet. 2004 May; 74(5):1051-6.
Hagerman RJ, Leavitt BR, Farzin F, Jacquemont S, Greco CM, Brunberg JA, Tassone F, Hessl D, Harris SW, Zhang L, Jardini T, Gane LW, Ferranti J, Ruiz L, Leehey MA, Grigsby J, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 15065016; PMCID: PMC1181968.
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124 Fields:
Penetrance of the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome in a premutation carrier population. JAMA. 2004 Jan 28; 291(4):460-9.
Jacquemont S, Hagerman RJ, Leehey MA, Hall DA, Levine RA, Brunberg JA, Zhang L, Jardini T, Gane LW, Harris SW, Herman K, Grigsby J, Greco CM, Berry-Kravis E, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 14747503.
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276 Fields:
Evaluation of neck and body metastases to nodes with ferumoxtran 10-enhanced MR imaging: phase III safety and efficacy study. Radiology. 2003 Sep; 228(3):777-88.
Anzai Y, Piccoli CW, Outwater EK, Stanford W, Bluemke DA, Nurenberg P, Saini S, Maravilla KR, Feldman DE, Schmiedl UP, Brunberg JA, Francis IR, Harms SE, Som PM, Tempany CM, Group. PMID: 12954896.
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72 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Delayed diffusion-weighted MR abnormality in a patient with an extensive acute cerebral hypoxic injury. Acta Radiol. 2003 May; 44(3):343-6.
Hald JK, Brunberg JA, Dublin AB, Wootton-Gorges SL. PMID: 12752010.
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7 Fields:
Fragile X premutation tremor/ataxia syndrome: molecular, clinical, and neuroimaging correlates. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Apr; 72(4):869-78.
Jacquemont S, Hagerman RJ, Leehey M, Grigsby J, Zhang L, Brunberg JA, Greco C, Des Portes V, Jardini T, Levine R, Berry-Kravis E, Brown WT, Schaeffer S, Kissel J, Tassone F, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 12638084; PMCID: PMC1180350.
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319 Fields:
The fragile X premutation presenting as essential tremor. Arch Neurol. 2003 Jan; 60(1):117-21.
Leehey MA, Munhoz RP, Lang AE, Brunberg JA, Grigsby J, Greco C, Jacquemont S, Tassone F, Lozano AM, Hagerman PJ, Hagerman RJ. PMID: 12533098.
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34 Fields:
Fragile X premutation carriers: characteristic MR imaging findings of adult male patients with progressive cerebellar and cognitive dysfunction. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Nov-Dec; 23(10):1757-66.
Brunberg JA, Jacquemont S, Hagerman RJ, Berry-Kravis EM, Grigsby J, Leehey MA, Tassone F, Brown WT, Greco CM, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 12427636; PMCID: PMC8185834.
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147 Fields:
Diffusion MRI: a new strategy for assessment of cancer therapeutic efficacy. Mol Imaging. 2002 Oct; 1(4):336-43.
Chenevert TL, Meyer CR, Moffat BA, Rehemtulla A, Mukherji SK, Gebarski SS, Quint DJ, Robertson PL, Lawrence TS, Junck L, Taylor JM, Johnson TD, Dong Q, Muraszko KM, Brunberg JA, Ross BD. PMID: 12926229.
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55 Fields:
Brain structure and cognition in a community sample of elderly Latinos. Neurology. 2002 Aug 13; 59(3):383-91.
Wu CC, Mungas D, Petkov CI, Eberling JL, Zrelak PA, Buonocore MH, Brunberg JA, Haan MN, Jagust WJ. PMID: 12177372.
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CT findings in the infantile form of citrullinemia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 Feb; 23(2):334-6.
Albayram S, Murphy KJ, Gailloud P, Moghekar A, Brunberg JA. PMID: 11847065; PMCID: PMC7975255.
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Hippocampus and amygdala in schizophrenia: assessment of the relationship of neuroanatomy to psychopathology. Psychiatry Res. 2001 Nov 30; 108(2):79-87.
Rajarethinam R, DeQuardo JR, Miedler J, Arndt S, Kirbat R, Brunberg JA, Tandon R. PMID: 11738542.
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37 Fields:
Prevalence of cavum septum pellucidum in schizophrenia studied with MRI. Schizophr Res. 2001 Mar 30; 48(2-3):201-5.
Rajarethinam R, Miedler J, DeQuardo J, Smet CI, Brunberg J, Kirbat R, Tandon R. PMID: 11295373.
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13 Fields:
Neurodevelopmental outcome of patients after the fontan operation: A comparison between children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and other functional single ventricle lesions. J Pediatr. 2000 Nov; 137(5):646-52.
Goldberg CS, Schwartz EM, Brunberg JA, Mosca RS, Bove EL, Schork MA, Stetz SP, Cheatham JP, Kulik TJ. PMID: 11060530.
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Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with central nervous system pathology: a comparison of OptiMARK (Gd-DTPA-BMEA) and Magnevist (Gd-DTPA). Invest Radiol. 2000 Jul; 35(7):412-9.
Grossman RI, Rubin DL, Hunter G, Haughton VM, Lee D, Sze G, Kuhn MJ, Maravilla K, Tu R, Heindel W, Wippold FJ, Leeds N, Zelch J, Jinkins JR, Grodd W, Truwit C, Kanal E, Provenzale JM, Ramsey R, Simon J, Brunberg JA, Stevens GR, Kristy RM. PMID: 10901102.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Neonatal MR imaging: achieving our own expectations. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1998 Nov-Dec; 19(10):1809-10.
Brunberg JA. PMID: 9874525; PMCID: PMC8337728.
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Imaging of spinal intradural arachnoid cysts: MRI, myelography and CT. Neuroradiology. 1998 Oct; 40(10):664-8.
Silbergleit R, Brunberg JA, Patel SC, Mehta BA, Aravapalli SR. PMID: 9833898.
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Treatment of Wilson's disease with zinc: XV long-term follow-up studies. J Lab Clin Med. 1998 Oct; 132(4):264-78.
Brewer GJ, Dick RD, Johnson VD, Brunberg JA, Kluin KJ, Fink JK. PMID: 9794697.
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51 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Correlation of Continuous EEG Monitoring with [O-l5]H2O Positron Emission Tomography Determination of Cerebral Blood Flow during Balloon Test Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery. Experience in 34 cases. Interv Neuroradiol. 1998 Mar 30; 4(1):51-5.
Murphy KJ, Payne T, Jamadar DA, Beydoun A, Frey KA, Brunberg JA. PMID: 20673390.
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[O-15]H2O Positron Emission Tomography Determination of Cerebral Blood Flow Reserve after Intravenous Acetazolamide during Balloon Test Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery. Interv Neuroradiol. 1998 Mar 30; 4(1):57-62.
Murphy KJ, Deveikisz JP, Brunberg JA, Jamadar DA, Frey KA. PMID: 20673391.
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Spinal cord infection: myelitis and abscess formation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1998 Feb; 19(2):341-8.
Murphy KJ, Brunberg JA, Quint DJ, Kazanjian PH. PMID: 9504492; PMCID: PMC8338200.
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Magnetic resonance evaluation of ventrolateral medullary compression in essential hypertension. J Neurosurg. 1998 Feb; 88(2):226-31.
Colón GP, Quint DJ, Dickinson LD, Brunberg JA, Jamerson KA, Hoff JT, Ross DA. PMID: 9452228.
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9 Fields:
Does neuroanatomy predict ECT response? Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 1997 Nov; 21(8):1339-52.
Dequardo JR, Tomori O, Brunberg JA, Tandon R. PMID: 9460096.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Imaging of nodal metastases in the head and neck. J Magn Reson Imaging. 1997 Sep-Oct; 7(5):774-83.
Anzai Y, Brunberg JA, Lufkin RB. PMID: 9307901.
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20 Fields:
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Sep; 18(8):1597-9.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9296211; PMCID: PMC8338142.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Aug; 18(7):1397-400.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9282883; PMCID: PMC8338013.
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A comparison of the predictive power for survival in gliomas provided by MIB-1, bromodeoxyuridine and proliferating cell nuclear antigen with histopathologic and clinical parameters. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1997 Jul; 56(7):798-805.
McKeever PE, Ross DA, Strawderman MS, Brunberg JA, Greenberg HS, Junck L. PMID: 9210876.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Jun-Jul; 18(6):1196-9.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9194455; PMCID: PMC8337300.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 May; 18(5):997-1000.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9159389; PMCID: PMC8338105.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Apr; 18(4):795-9.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9127057; PMCID: PMC8338491.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Mar; 18(3):597-600.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Haughton VM, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9090433; PMCID: PMC8338428.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1997 Jan; 18(1):197-8.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 9010543; PMCID: PMC8337877.
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Adult claustrophobia, anxiety and sedation in MRI. Magn Reson Imaging. 1997; 15(1):51-4.
Murphy KJ, Brunberg JA. PMID: 9084025.
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Leptomeningeal fibrosis and the delayed diagnosis of a central nervous system neoplasm (primitive neuroectodermal tumor). Pediatr Neurol. 1997 Jan; 16(1):74-8.
Robertson PL, Muraszko KM, Blaivas M, Brunberg JA. PMID: 9044409.
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Orbital plain films as a prerequisite for MR imaging: is a known history of injury a sufficient screening criterion? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1996 Oct; 167(4):1053-5.
Murphy KJ, Brunberg JA. PMID: 8819411.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Oct; 17(9):1802-4.
Altman N, Boyer RS, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8896644; PMCID: PMC8338309.
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Solitary fibrous tumor of the paranasal sinuses: CT and MR appearance. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Oct; 17(9):1767-72.
Kim TA, Brunberg JA, Pearson JP, Ross DA. PMID: 8896635; PMCID: PMC8338285.
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Adverse reactions to gadolinium contrast media: a review of 36 cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1996 Oct; 167(4):847-9.
Murphy KJ, Brunberg JA, Cohan RH. PMID: 8819369.
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Treatment of Wilson disease with ammonium tetrathiomolybdate. II. Initial therapy in 33 neurologically affected patients and follow-up with zinc therapy. Arch Neurol. 1996 Oct; 53(10):1017-25.
Brewer GJ, Johnson V, Dick RD, Kluin KJ, Fink JK, Brunberg JA. PMID: 8859064.
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30 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Intracerebral depth electrode monitoring in partial epilepsy: the morbidity and efficacy of placement using magnetic resonance image-guided stereotactic surgery. Neurosurgery. 1996 Aug; 39(2):327-33; discussion 333-4.
Ross DA, Brunberg JA, Drury I, Henry TR. PMID: 8832670.
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Positron emission tomographic studies of cerebral benzodiazepine-receptor binding in chronic alcoholics. Ann Neurol. 1996 Aug; 40(2):163-71.
Gilman S, Koeppe RA, Adams K, Johnson-Greene D, Junck L, Kluin KJ, Brunberg J, Martorello S, Lohman M. PMID: 8773597.
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Hyperintense basal ganglia on T1-Weighted MR in a patient with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Jun-Jul; 17(6):1193-4.
Brunberg JA. PMID: 8791938.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Jun-Jul; 17(6):1201-3.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8791943; PMCID: PMC8338609.
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Spatial relationships of neuroanatomic landmarks in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 1996 May 31; 67(1):81-95.
DeQuardo JR, Bookstein FL, Green WD, Brunberg JA, Tandon R. PMID: 8797245.
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15 Fields:
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Apr; 17(4):803-4.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolper SM. PMID: 8848986; PMCID: PMC8337266.
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Images in clinical medicine. Miliary tuberculosis involving the central nervous system. N Engl J Med. 1996 Mar 21; 334(12):769.
Murphy K, Brunberg JA. PMID: 8592551.
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1 Fields:
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Mar; 17(3):601-4.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8881263; PMCID: PMC8337989.
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Annotated Bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Feb; 17(2):401-4.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8938323; PMCID: PMC8338364.
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3D gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography of the carotid arteries. Magn Reson Imaging. 1996; 14(6):593-600.
Cloft HJ, Murphy KJ, Prince MR, Brunberg JA. PMID: 8897361.
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3 Fields:
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Oct; 16(9):1949-52.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8694003; PMCID: PMC8338217.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Sep; 16(8):1748-52.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7502990; PMCID: PMC8337752.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Aug; 16(7):1567-8.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AP, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7484663; PMCID: PMC8338087.
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What MR sequences should be used in the evaluation of pulsatile tinnitus? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1995 Jul; 165(1):226.
Brunberg JA. PMID: 7785612.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 May; 16(5):1181-3.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7639152; PMCID: PMC8337814.
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Infarction of basal ganglia associated with California encephalitis virus. Pediatr Neurol. 1995 May; 12(4):346-9.
Leber SM, Brunberg JA, Pavkovic IM. PMID: 7546008.
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3 Fields:
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Mar; 16(3):614-6.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7793392; PMCID: PMC8337659.
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Postvaricella basal ganglia infarction in children. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Mar; 16(3):449-52.
Silverstein FS, Brunberg JA. PMID: 7793362; PMCID: PMC8337665.
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7 Fields:
In vivo MR determination of water diffusion coefficients and diffusion anisotropy: correlation with structural alteration in gliomas of the cerebral hemispheres. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Feb; 16(2):361-71.
Brunberg JA, Chenevert TL, McKeever PE, Ross DA, Junck LR, Muraszko KM, Dauser R, Pipe JG, Betley AT. PMID: 7726086; PMCID: PMC8338331.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1995 Feb; 16(2):420-3.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7726095; PMCID: PMC8338336.
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Pediatric midbrain tumors: a benign subgroup of brainstem gliomas. Pediatr Neurosurg. 1995; 22(2):65-73.
Robertson PL, Muraszko KM, Brunberg JA, Axtell RA, Dauser RC, Turrisi AT. PMID: 7710975.
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Simultaneous usage of homologous points, lines, and planes for optimal, 3-D, linear registration of multimodality imaging data. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1995; 14(1):1-11.
Meyer CR, Leichtman GS, Brunberg JA, Wahl RL, Quint LE. PMID: 18215805.
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MRI characterization of cerebral dysgenesis in maternal PKU. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1994 Dec; 407:83-5.
Allen RJ, Brunberg J, Schwartz E, Schaefer AM, Jackson G. PMID: 7766967.
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Craniopharyngiomas--the utility of contrast medium enhancement for MR imaging at 1.5 T. Acta Radiol. 1994 Nov; 35(6):520-5.
Hald JK, Eldevik OP, Brunberg JA, Chandler WF. PMID: 7946671.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Nov; 15(10):1970-2.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7863955; PMCID: PMC8334269.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Oct; 15(9):1798-800.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Eister AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 7847234; PMCID: PMC8333729.
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Aggressive papillary middle ear tumors: a report of two cases with review of the literature. Neurosurgery. 1994 Sep; 35(3):493-7; discussion 497.
Polinsky MN, Brunberg JA, McKeever PE, Sandler HM, Telian S, Ross D. PMID: 7800140.
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Experimental intracerebral hemorrhage: relationship between brain edema, blood flow, and blood-brain barrier permeability in rats. J Neurosurg. 1994 Jul; 81(1):93-102.
Yang GY, Betz AL, Chenevert TL, Brunberg JA, Hoff JT. PMID: 8207532.
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Gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced MR of the brain: clinical utility and safety in patients younger than two years of age. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Jun; 15(6):1001-8.
Eldevik OP, Brunberg JA. PMID: 8073967; PMCID: PMC8333459.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Jun; 15(6):1196-200.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8073999; PMCID: PMC8333479.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 May; 15(5):1000.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8059644; PMCID: PMC8332176.
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Ventricular enlargement, neuropsychological status, and premorbid function in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 1994 Apr 15; 35(8):517-24.
DeQuardo JR, Tandon R, Goldman R, Meador-Woodruff JH, McGrath-Giroux M, Brunberg JA, Kim L. PMID: 8038295.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Apr; 15(4):798-800.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8010286; PMCID: PMC8334218.
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Cystic cervical intramedullary ependymoma with previous intracyst hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T. J Neuroimaging. 1994 Apr; 4(2):111-3.
Sweasey TA, Brunberg JA, McKeever PE, Sandler HM, Chandler WF. PMID: 8186527.
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[15O]H2O positron emission tomography determination of cerebral blood flow during balloon test occlusion of the internal carotid artery. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Apr; 15(4):725-32.
Brunberg JA, Frey KA, Horton JA, Deveikis JP, Ross DA, Koeppe RA. PMID: 8010276; PMCID: PMC8334202.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Mar; 15(3):597-600.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8197965; PMCID: PMC8334303.
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Neuroradiology. Radiology. 1994 Mar; 190(3):924-36.
Gebarski SS, Atlas SW, Brunberg J, de la Paz R, Eldevik P, Elster AD, Graves V, Jack CR, Jinkins JR, Lane B, et al. PMID: 8115658.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1994 Feb; 15(2):398-400.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Swartz JD, Weissman JL, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8192092; PMCID: PMC8334623.
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Focal cerebral magnetic resonance changes associated with partial status epilepticus. Epilepsia. 1994 Jan-Feb; 35(1):35-41.
Henry TR, Drury I, Brunberg JA, Pennell PB, McKeever PE, Beydoun A. PMID: 8112255.
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Autosomal dominant transmission of the Pallister-Hall syndrome. J Pediatr. 1993 Dec; 123(6):943-6.
Topf KF, Kletter GB, Kelch RP, Brunberg JA, Biesecker LG. PMID: 8229528.
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In vivo cerebral metabolism and central benzodiazepine-receptor binding in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 1993 Oct; 43(10):1998-2006.
Henry TR, Frey KA, Sackellares JC, Gilman S, Koeppe RA, Brunberg JA, Ross DA, Berent S, Young AB, Kuhl DE. PMID: 8413957.
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Correlation of evoked potential and MRI findings in Wilson's disease. Neurology. 1993 Oct; 43(10):2059-64.
Selwa LM, Vanderzant CW, Brunberg JA, Brewer GJ, Drury I, Beydoun A. PMID: 8413967.
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Depression in stroke rehabilitation. Biol Psychiatry. 1993 May 15; 33(10):694-9.
Schwartz JA, Speed NM, Brunberg JA, Brewer TL, Brown M, Greden JF. PMID: 8353164.
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Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: early CT alterations following use in management of severe respiratory failure in neonates. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1993 May-Jun; 14(3):595-603.
Brunberg JA, Kewitz G, Schumacher RE. PMID: 8517346; PMCID: PMC8333391.
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Neuropsychological deficits are correlated with frontal hypometabolism in positron emission tomography studies of older alcoholic patients. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1993 Apr; 17(2):205-10.
Adams KM, Gilman S, Koeppe RA, Kluin KJ, Brunberg JA, Dede D, Berent S, Kroll PD. PMID: 8488956.
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Annotated bibliography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1993 Mar-Apr; 14(2):501-5.
Altman N, Brunberg JA, Elster AD, George AE, Hackney DB, Lufkin RB, Ross JS, Smith AS, Swartz JD, Wolpert SM. PMID: 8456739; PMCID: PMC8332940.
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Crossed cerebellar diaschisis: occurrence and resolution demonstrated with PET during carotid temporary balloon occlusion. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1992 Jan-Feb; 13(1):58-61.
Brunberg JA, Frey KA, Horton JA, Kuhl DE. PMID: 1595493; PMCID: PMC8331801.
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CT of severe inner ear anomalies, including aplasia, in a case of Wildervanck syndrome. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1992 Jan-Feb; 13(1):201-2.
Keeney G, Gebarski SS, Brunberg JA. PMID: 1595443; PMCID: PMC8331751.
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Intramedullary lesions of the pediatric spinal cord: correlation of findings from MR imaging, intraoperative sonography, surgery, and histologic study. Radiology. 1991 Nov; 181(2):573-9.
Brunberg JA, DiPietro MA, Venes JL, Dauser RC, Muraszko KM, Berkey GS, D'Amato CJ, Rubin JM. PMID: 1924807.
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Chronic acquired hepatic failure: MR imaging of the brain at 1.5 T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1991 Sep-Oct; 12(5):909-14.
Brunberg JA, Kanal E, Hirsch W, Van Thiel DH. PMID: 1950920; PMCID: PMC8333503.
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Technical note. Device to facilitate MR imaging of patients in skeletal traction. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1991 Jul-Aug; 12(4):746-7.
Brunberg JA, Papadopoulos SM. PMID: 1882758; PMCID: PMC8331604.
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Spinal cord schistosomiasis: a pediatric case mimicking intrinsic cord neoplasm. Neurology. 1991 May; 41(5):755-7.
Selwa LM, Brunberg JA, Mandell SH, Garofalo EA. PMID: 1902919.
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Quantitative measurement of tissue perfusion and diffusion in vivo. Magn Reson Med. 1991 Jan; 17(1):197-212.
Chenevert TL, Pipe JG, Williams DM, Brunberg JA. PMID: 2067394.
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Arytenoid subluxation: diagnosis and treatment. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1991 Jan; 100(1):1-9.
Hoffman HT, Brunberg JA, Winter P, Sullivan MJ, Kileny PR. PMID: 1985521.
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Cerebellar and frontal hypometabolism in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration studied with positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol. 1990 Dec; 28(6):775-85.
Gilman S, Adams K, Koeppe RA, Berent S, Kluin KJ, Modell JG, Kroll P, Brunberg JA. PMID: 2285264.
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The use of biopsy in the evaluation of pediatric nasopharyngeal masses. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 1990 Nov; 20(2):169-79.
Burkey B, Koopmann CF, Brunberg J. PMID: 1962762.
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Anisotropic diffusion in human white matter: demonstration with MR techniques in vivo. Radiology. 1990 Nov; 177(2):401-5.
Chenevert TL, Brunberg JA, Pipe JG. PMID: 2217776.
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Lumbar synovial cysts: correlation of myelographic, CT, MR, and pathologic findings. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1990 Jul-Aug; 11(4):777-9.
Silbergleit R, Gebarski SS, Brunberg JA, McGillicudy J, Blaivas M. PMID: 2136366; PMCID: PMC8331609.
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EEG diagnoses of neonatal seizures: clinical correlations and outcome. Pediatr Neurol. 1989 Jan-Feb; 5(1):17-24.
Scher MS, Painter MJ, Bergman I, Barmada MA, Brunberg J. PMID: 2712934.
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Comparison of MR imaging, CT, and angiography in the evaluation of the enlarged cavernous sinus. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1988 Nov; 151(5):1015-23.
Hirsch WL, Hryshko FG, Sekhar LN, Brunberg J, Kanal E, Latchaw RE, Curtin H. PMID: 3262999.
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Diagnosis of tethered cords by magnetic resonance imaging. Surg Neurol. 1988 Jul; 30(1):60-4.
Hall WA, Albright AL, Brunberg JA. PMID: 3394011.
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Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal dysraphism. Radiol Clin North Am. 1988 Mar; 26(2):181-205.
Brunberg JA, Latchaw RE, Kanal E, Burk DL, Albright L. PMID: 3277220.
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Pediatric musculoskeletal magnetic resonance imaging. Radiol Clin North Am. 1988 Mar; 26(2):211-39.
Kanal E, Burk DL, Brunberg JA, Johnson ND, Wood BP, Flom L. PMID: 3277221.
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High resolution MR imaging of the knee. Magn Reson Annu. 1988; 1-36.
Burk DL, Dalinka MK, Kanal E, Brunberg JA. PMID: 3079293.
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Spinal and paraspinal neurofibromatosis: surface coil MR imaging at 1.5 T1. Radiology. 1987 Mar; 162(3):797-801.
Burk DL, Brunberg JA, Kanal E, Latchaw RE, Wolf GL. PMID: 3101136.
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1.5-T surface-coil MRI of the knee. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1986 Aug; 147(2):293-300.
Burk DL, Kanal E, Brunberg JA, Johnstone GF, Swensen HE, Wolf GL. PMID: 3487947.
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Visual evoked potentials during hypothermia and prolonged circulatory arrest. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1978 Jul; 45(1):100-6.
Reilly EL, Kondo C, Brunberg JA, Doty DB. PMID: 78811.
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Central nervous system consequences in infants of cardiac surgery using deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest. Circulation. 1974 Aug; 50(2 Suppl):II60-8.
Brunberg JA, Reilly EL, Doty DB. PMID: 4843616.
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The effect of deep hypothermia and total circulatory arrest on the electroencephalogram in children. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1974 Jun; 36(6):661-7.
Reilly EL, Brunberg JA, Doty DB. PMID: 4135365.
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Reye syndrome. An association with type I vaccine-like poliovirus. Arch Neurol. 1974 Apr; 30(4):304-6.
Brunberg JA, Bell WE. PMID: 4361391.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Choreoathetosis in infants following cardiac surgery with deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest. J Pediatr. 1974 Feb; 84(2):232-5.
Brunberg JA, Doty DB, Reilly EL. PMID: 4810730.
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Type 3 glycogenosis. An adult with diffuse weakness and muscle wasting. Arch Neurol. 1971 Aug; 25(2):171-8.
Brunberg JA, McCormick WF, Schochet SS. PMID: 5285455.
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The role of ouabain-sensitive adenosine triphosphatase in the stimulating effect of thyrotropin on the iodide pump of the rat thyroid. Endocrinology. 1966 Oct; 79(4):801-7.
Brunberg JA, Halmi NS. PMID: 4224909.
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