Quinton Rogers

Title(s)Professor Emeritus, VM: Molecular Biosciences
SchoolSchool of Veterinary Medicine
Address1210 VM3B
CA 95616
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    NIH S10RR003390Apr 1, 1987 - Mar 31, 1989
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH R01DK013252May 1, 1976 - Mar 31, 1990
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH R01AM013252May 1, 1976 - Mar 31, 1986
    Role: Principal Investigator

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    Altmetrics Details PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Milk composition in free-ranging polar bears (Ursus maritimus) as a model for captive rearing milk formula. Zoo Biol. 2011 Sep-Oct; 30(5):550-65. Hedberg GE, Derocher AE, Andersen M, Rogers QR, DePeters EJ, Lönnerdal B, Mazzaro L, Chesney RW, Hollis B. PMID: 21246608.
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    2. Bioavailability of lysine for kittens in overheated casein is underestimated by the rat growth assay method. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2010 Oct; 94(5):e102-8. Larsen JA, Fascetti AJ, Calvert CC, Rogers QR. PMID: 20546073.
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    3. Does taurine deficiency cause metabolic bone disease and rickets in polar bear cubs raised in captivity? Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009; 643:325-31. Chesney RW, Hedberg GE, Rogers QR, Dierenfeld ES, Hollis BE, Derocher A, Andersen M. PMID: 19239163.
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    4. Dietary crude protein has minimal effect on the activity of selected enzymes of methionine catabolism in kittens fed diets near-limiting in methionine. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2008 Apr; 92(2):149-56. Strieker MJ, Morris JG, Avery EH, Freedland RA, Rogers QR. PMID: 18336411.
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    5. Urinary felinine excretion in intact male cats is increased by dietary cystine. Br J Nutr. 2008 Oct; 100(4):801-9. Hendriks WH, Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ, Weidgraaf K, Hugh Morton R, Rogers QR. PMID: 18341755.
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    6. Testosterone increases urinary free felinine, N-acetylfelinine and methylbutanolglutathione excretion in cats (Felis catus). J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2008 Feb; 92(1):53-62. Hendriks WH, Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ, Weidgraaf K, Ugarte C, Rogers QR. PMID: 18184380.
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    7. Increasing dietary crude protein does not increase the methionine requirement in kittens. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2007 Dec; 91(11-12):465-74. Strieker MJ, Morris JG, Kass PH, Rogers QR. PMID: 17988350.
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    8. Taurine and zoo felids: considerations of dietary and biological tissue concentrations. Zoo Biol. 2007 Nov; 26(6):517-31. Hedberg GE, Dierenfeld ES, Rogers QR. PMID: 19360598.
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    9. Differences in taurine synthesis rate among dogs relate to differences in their maintenance energy requirement. J Nutr. 2007 May; 137(5):1171-5. Ko KS, Backus RC, Berg JR, Lame MW, Rogers QR. PMID: 17449577.
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    10. Adipose fatty acid composition and rate of incorporation of alpha-linolenic acid differ between normal and lipoprotein lipase-deficient cats. J Nutr. 2006 Dec; 136(12):2980-6. Veltri BC, Backus RC, Rogers QR, Depeters EJ. PMID: 17116707.
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    11. Excess dietary cystine intensifies the adverse effect of a methionine deficiency in the cat. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2006 Dec; 90(11-12):440-5. Strieker MJ, Werner A, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 17083423.
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    12. Effects of dietary lysine supplementation in cats with enzootic upper respiratory disease. J Feline Med Surg. 2007 Apr; 9(2):97-108. Maggs DJ, Sykes JE, Clarke HE, Yoo SH, Kass PH, Lappin MR, Rogers QR, Waldron MK, Fascetti AJ. PMID: 17055313.
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    13. Copper deficiency does not lead to taurine deficiency in rats. J Nutr. 2006 Oct; 136(10):2502-5. Ko KS, Tôrres CL, Fascetti AJ, Stipanuk MH, Hirschberger L, Rogers QR. PMID: 16988117.
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    14. Low plasma taurine concentration in Newfoundland dogs is associated with low plasma methionine and cyst(e)ine concentrations and low taurine synthesis. J Nutr. 2006 Oct; 136(10):2525-33. Backus RC, Ko KS, Fascetti AJ, Kittleson MD, Macdonald KA, Maggs DJ, Berg JR, Rogers QR. PMID: 16988121.
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    15. Increasing dietary crude protein does not increase the essential amino acid requirements of kittens. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2006 Aug; 90(7-8):344-53. Strieker MJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 16867080.
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    16. Platelet taurine concentration can be predicted from whole blood taurine concentrations in dogs. J Nutr. 2006 07; 136(7 Suppl):2055S-2057S. Torres CL, Walker NJ, Rogers QR, Tablin F. PMID: 16772496.
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    17. Elevation of plasma cholecystokinin concentration following a meal is increased by gonadectomy in male cats. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2006 Apr; 90(3-4):152-8. Backus RC, Kanchuk ML, Rogers QR. PMID: 16519760.
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    18. Pyrroloquinoline quinone modulates mitochondrial quantity and function in mice. J Nutr. 2006 Feb; 136(2):390-6. Stites T, Storms D, Bauerly K, Mah J, Harris C, Fascetti A, Rogers Q, Tchaparian E, Satre M, Rucker RB. PMID: 16424117.
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    19. Nutritional homeostasis and indispensable amino acid sensing: a new solution to an old puzzle. Trends Neurosci. 2006 Feb; 29(2):91-9. Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 16406138.
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    20. Post Prandial Plasma Free Arginine Concentrations Increase in Rainbow Trout Fed Arginine-deficient Diets. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2005 Mar 1; 18(3):396-402. Park PG, Bai BS, Ok OI, Han HK, Hung HS, Rogers RQ, Min MT. .
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    21. Localizing the X-linked orange colour phenotype using feline resource families. Anim Genet. 2005 Feb; 36(1):67-70. Grahn RA, Lemesch BM, Millon LV, Matise T, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Fretwell N, Bailey SJ, Batt RM, Lyons LA. PMID: 15670134.
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    22. Effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation before and after oral acetaminophen challenge in cats. Am J Vet Res. 2005 Feb; 66(2):196-204. Hill AS, Rogers QR, O'Neill SL, Christopher MM. PMID: 15757115.
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    23. Mammalian isovalthine metabolism. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2005 Feb; 89(1-2):1-10. Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ, Rogers QR, Hendriks WH. PMID: 19112709.
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    24. Cats select for adequate methionine but not threonine. J Nutr. 2004 08; 134(8 Suppl):2046S-2049S. Rogers QR, Wigle AR, Laufer A, Castellanos VH, Morris JG. PMID: 15284399.
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    25. Excess dietary lysine does not cause lysine-arginine antagonism in adult cats. J Nutr. 2004 08; 134(8 Suppl):2042S-2045S. Fascetti AJ, Maggs DJ, Kanchuk ML, Clarke HE, Rogers QR. PMID: 15284398.
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    26. Lysine requirement of kittens given purified diets for maximal growth. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2004 Apr; 88(3-4):113-6. Morris JG, Rogers QR, O'Donnell JA. PMID: 15059234.
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    27. Lipoic acid is 10 times more toxic in cats than reported in humans, dogs or rats. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2004 Apr; 88(3-4):150-6. Hill AS, Werner JA, Rogers QR, O'Neill SL, Christopher MM. PMID: 15059240.
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    28. Influences of stage of lactation, teat position and sequential milk sampling on the composition of domestic cat milk (Felis catus). J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2004 Feb; 88(1-2):46-58. Jacobsen KL, DePeters EJ, Rogers QR, Taylor SJ. PMID: 19774762.
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    29. Determination of free and total cyst(e)ine in plasma of dogs and cats. Vet Clin Pathol. 2004; 33(4):228-33. Tôrres CL, Miller JW, Rogers QR. PMID: 15570560.
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    30. More feedback on taurine deficiencies in cats, dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003 Dec 15; 223(12):1729; author reply 1729. Childers HE. PMID: 14690199.
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    31. Palatability affects the percentage of metabolizable energy as protein selected by adult beagles. J Nutr. 2003 Nov; 133(11):3516-22. Tôrres CL, Hickenbottom SJ, Rogers QR. PMID: 14608067.
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    32. Taurine deficiency in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy: 12 cases (1997-2001). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003 Oct 15; 223(8):1137-41. Fascetti AJ, Reed JR, Rogers QR, Backus RC. PMID: 14584743.
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    33. Taurine deficiency in Newfoundlands fed commercially available complete and balanced diets. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003 Oct 15; 223(8):1130-6. Backus RC, Cohen G, Pion PD, Good KL, Rogers QR, Fascetti AJ. PMID: 14584742.
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    34. Taurine status in normal dogs fed a commercial diet associated with taurine deficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2003 Oct; 87(9-10):359-72. Tôrres CL, Backus RC, Fascetti AJ, Rogers QR. PMID: 14507418.
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    35. Determination of the selenium requirement in kittens. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2003 Oct; 87(9-10):315-23. Wedekind KJ, Howard KA, Backus RC, Yu S, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 14507414.
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    36. Taurine concentrations in animal feed ingredients; cooking influences taurine content. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2003 Aug; 87(7-8):251-62. Spitze AR, Wong DL, Rogers QR, Fascetti AJ. PMID: 12864905.
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    37. Weight gain in gonadectomized normal and lipoprotein lipase-deficient male domestic cats results from increased food intake and not decreased energy expenditure. J Nutr. 2003 Jun; 133(6):1866-74. Kanchuk ML, Backus RC, Calvert CC, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 12771331.
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    38. Plasma and whole blood taurine in normal dogs of varying size fed commercially prepared food. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2003 Jun; 87(5-6):236-44. Delaney SJ, Kass PH, Rogers QR, Fascetti AJ. PMID: 12752830.
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    39. Teratogenic effects of chronic ingestion of high levels of vitamin A in cats. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2003 Feb; 87(1-2):42-51. Freytag TL, Liu SM, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 14511148.
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    40. Up-regulation of nitrogen catabolic enzymes is not required to readily oxidize excess protein in cats. J Nutr. 2002 Sep; 132(9):2819-20; author reply 2821-2. Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 12221252.
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    41. Plasma amino acid concentrations in 36 dogs with histologically confirmed superficial necrolytic dermatitis. Vet Dermatol. 2002 Aug; 13(4):177-86. Outerbridge CA, Marks SL, Rogers QR. PMID: 12174180.
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    42. Cats require more dietary phenylalanine or tyrosine for melanin deposition in hair than for maximal growth. J Nutr. 2002 Jul; 132(7):2037-42. Anderson PJ, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 12097689.
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    43. Dietary rice bran decreases plasma and whole-blood taurine in cats. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1745S-7S. Stratton-Phelps M, Backus RC, Rogers QR, Fascetti AJ. PMID: 12042514.
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    44. Evaluation of multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis for the assessment of extracellular and total body water in healthy cats. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1757S-9S. Elliott DA, Backus RC, Van Loan MD, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042518.
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    45. Breath hydrogen concentrations of cats given commercial canned and extruded diets indicate gastrointestinal microbial activity vary with diet type. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1763S-6S. Backus RC, Puryear LM, Crouse BA, Biourge VC, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042520.
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    46. Extracellular water and total body water estimated by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis in healthy cats: a cross-validation study. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1760S-2S. Elliott DA, Backus RC, Van Loan MD, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042519.
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    47. Processing of dietary casein decreases bioavailability of lysine in growing kittens. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1748S-50S. Larsen JA, Calvert CC, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042515.
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    48. Red hair in black cats is reversed by addition of tyrosine to the diet. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1646S-8S. Morris JG, Yu S, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042480.
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    49. Neutering induces changes in food intake, body weight, plasma insulin and leptin concentrations in normal and lipoprotein lipase-deficient male cats. J Nutr. 2002 06; 132(6 Suppl 2):1730S-2S. Kanchuk ML, Backus RC, Calvert CC, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 12042509.
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    50. Improved growth of lipoprotein lipase deficient kittens by feeding a low-fat, highly digestible diet small star, filled. J Nutr Biochem. 2002 Mar; 13(3):149-156. Reginato CF, Backus RC, Rogers QR. PMID: 11893479.
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    51. Diet composition and blood values of captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) fed either supplemented meat or commercial food preparations. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2002 Mar; 33(1):16-28. Bechert U, Mortenson J, Dierenfeld ES, Cheeke P, Keller M, Holick M, Chen TC, Rogers Q. PMID: 12216789.
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    52. A low-selenium diet increases thyroxine and decreases 3,5,3'triiodothyronine in the plasma of kittens. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2002 Feb; 86(1-2):36-41. Yu S, Howard KA, Wedekind KJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 11906571.
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    53. Effect of oral administration of L-lysine on conjunctivitis caused by feline herpesvirus in cats. Am J Vet Res. 2002 Jan; 63(1):99-103. Stiles J, Townsend WM, Rogers QR, Krohne SG. PMID: 16206789.
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    54. Blood copper concentrations and cuproenzyme activities in a colony of cats. Vet Clin Pathol. 2002; 31(4):183-8. Fascetti AJ, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 12447780.
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    55. Kinetics of taurine depletion and repletion in plasma, serum, whole blood and skeletal muscle in cats. Amino Acids. 2001 Dec; 21(4):417-27. Pacioretty L, Hickman MA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 11858700.
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    56. Quantitation of urinary 3-methylhistidine excretion in growing dogs as an index of in vivo skeletal muscle catabolism. J Nutr Biochem. 2001 Jun; 12(6):346-350. Hill AS, Marks SL, Rogers QR. PMID: 11516638.
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    57. Dietary crude protein concentration does not affect the leucine requirement of growing dogs. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2001 Apr; 85(3-4):88-100. Delaney SJ, Hill AS, Backus RC, Czarnecki-Maulden GL, Rogers QR. PMID: 11686777.
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    58. Effect of low levels of dietary tyrosine on the hair colour of cats. J Small Anim Pract. 2001 Apr; 42(4):176-80. Yu S, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 11327664.
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    59. Antioxidant prevention of Heinz body formation and oxidative injury in cats. Am J Vet Res. 2001 Mar; 62(3):370-4. Hill AS, O'Neill S, Rogers QR, Christopher MM. PMID: 11277202.
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    60. Maternal expression of functional lipoprotein lipase and effects on body fat mass and body condition scores of mature cats with lipoprotein lipase deficiency. Am J Vet Res. 2001 Feb; 62(2):264-9. Backus RC, Ginzinger DG, Ashbourne Excoffon KJ, Clee SM, Hayden MR, Eckel RH, Hickman MA, Rogers QR. PMID: 11212037.
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    61. Complications and outcomes associated with use of gastrostomy tubes for nutritional management of dogs with renal failure: 56 cases (1994-1999). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2000 Nov 01; 217(9):1337-42. Elliott DA, Riel DL, Rogers QR. PMID: 11061386.
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    62. Effect of hemodialysis on plasma amino acid concentrations in healthy dogs. Am J Vet Res. 2000 Aug; 61(8):869-73. Elliott DA, Marks SL, Cowgill LD, Kass PH, Rogers QR. PMID: 10951974.
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    63. Relationship between serum leptin immunoreactivity and body fat mass as estimated by use of a novel gas-phase Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy deuterium dilution method in cats. Am J Vet Res. 2000 Jul; 61(7):796-801. Backus RC, Havel PJ, Gingerich RL, Rogers QR. PMID: 10895903.
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    64. Dietary copper influences reproduction in cats. J Nutr. 2000 May; 130(5):1287-90. Fascetti AJ, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 10801931.
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    65. Effect of fish oil, arginine, and doxorubicin chemotherapy on remission and survival time for dogs with lymphoma: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study. Cancer. 2000 Apr 15; 88(8):1916-28. Ogilvie GK, Fettman MJ, Mallinckrodt CH, Walton JA, Hansen RA, Davenport DJ, Gross KL, Richardson KL, Rogers Q, Hand MS. PMID: 10760770.
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    66. Phenotypic correction of feline lipoprotein lipase deficiency by adenoviral gene transfer. Hum Gene Ther. 2000 Jan 01; 11(1):21-32. Liu G, Ashbourne Excoffon KJ, Wilson JE, McManus BM, Rogers QR, Miao L, Kastelein JJ, Lewis ME, Hayden MR. PMID: 10646636.
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    67. High dietary protein and taurine increase cysteine desulfhydration in kittens. J Nutr. 1999 Dec; 129(12):2225-30. Park T, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 10573554.
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    68. Effects of glutamine supplementation of an amino acid-based purified diet on intestinal mucosal integrity in cats with methotrexate-induced enteritis. Am J Vet Res. 1999 Jun; 60(6):755-63. Marks SL, Cook AK, Reader R, Kass PH, Théon AP, Greve C, Rogers QR. PMID: 10376908.
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    69. Comparison of the effects of asparaginase administered subcutaneously versus intramuscularly for treatment of multicentric lymphoma in dogs receiving doxorubicin. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1999 Feb 01; 214(3):353-6. Valerius KD, Ogilvie GK, Fettman MJ, Walton JA, Richardson K, Powers BE, McNiel EA, Rogers QR. PMID: 10023395.
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    70. Lysine deficiency alters diet selection without depressing food intake in rats. J Nutr. 1999 Feb; 129(2):424-30. Hrupka BJ, Lin Y, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 10024622.
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    71. Plasma amino acid profiles in cats with naturally acquired chronic renal failure. Am J Vet Res. 1999 Jan; 60(1):109-13. Goldstein RE, Marks SL, Cowgill LD, Kass PH, Rogers QR. PMID: 9918157.
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    72. Lipid and lipoprotein analysis of cats with lipoprotein lipase deficiency. Eur J Clin Invest. 1999 Jan; 29(1):17-26. Ginzinger DG, Clee SM, Dallongeville J, Lewis ME, Henderson HE, Bauje E, Rogers QR, Jensen DR, Eckel RH, Dyer R, Innis S, Jones B, Fruchart JC, Hayden MR. PMID: 10092984.
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    73. Leukocytosis and thrombocytosis caused by consumption of a low magnesium and high calcium diet elevates whole-blood taurine concentration in cats. J Nutr. 1998 12; 128(12 Suppl):2581S-2583S. Backus RC, Howard KA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 9868208.
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    74. Optimizing dietary amino acid patterns at various levels of crude protein for cats. J Nutr. 1998 12; 128(12 Suppl):2577S-2580S. Rogers QR, Taylor TP, Morris JG. PMID: 9868207.
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    75. Magnesium requirement of kittens is increased by high dietary calcium. J Nutr. 1998 12; 128(12 Suppl):2601S-2602S. Howard KA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 9868215.
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    76. Dietary copper influences reproductive efficiency of queens. J Nutr. 1998 12; 128(12 Suppl):2590S-2592S. Fascetti AJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 9868211.
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    77. Vitamin B-6 deficiency and level of dietary protein affect hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase activity in cats. J Nutr. 1998 Nov; 128(11):1995-2000. Bai SC, Rogers QR, Wong DL, Sampson DA, Morris JG. PMID: 9808655.
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    78. Dietary excess of vitamin B-6 affects the concentrations of amino acids in the caudate nucleus and serum and the binding properties of serotonin receptors in the brain cortex of rats. J Nutr. 1998 Oct; 128(10):1829-35. Schaeffer MC, Gretz D, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 9772157.
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    79. Use of Total Parenteral Nutrition in Dogs: 209 Cases (1988-1995). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. 1998 Aug 1; 8(3):201-213.. Reuter RJ, Marks MS, Rogers RQ, Farver FT. .
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    80. Heinz body formation in cats fed baby food containing onion powder. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1998 Apr 15; 212(8):1260-6. Robertson JE, Christopher MM, Rogers QR. PMID: 9569166.
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    81. Taurine status in cats is not maintained by dietary cysteinesulfinic acid. J Nutr. 1998 Apr; 128(4):751-7. Edgar SE, Kirk CA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 9521639.
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    82. Neurochemical changes after imbalanced diets suggest a brain circuit mediating anorectic responses to amino acid deficiency in rats. J Nutr. 1998 Apr; 128(4):771-81. Gietzen DW, Erecius LF, Rogers QR. PMID: 9521642.
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    83. Maximal growth occurs at a broad range of essential amino acids to total nitrogen ratios in kittens. Amino Acids. 1998; 15(3):221-34. Taylor TP, Morris JG, Kass PH, Rogers QR. PMID: 9871501.
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    84. Diet-induced atherosclerosis in the domestic cat. Lab Invest. 1997 Nov; 77(5):409-19. Ginzinger DG, Wilson JE, Redenbach D, Lewis ME, Clee SM, Excoffon KJ, Rogers QR, Hayden MR, McManus BM. PMID: 9389784.
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    85. The potency of dietary amino acids in elevating plasma cholecystokinin immunoreactivity in cats is related to amino acid hydrophobicity. Regul Pept. 1997 Sep 26; 72(1):31-40. Backus RC, Howard KA, Rogers QR. PMID: 9404730.
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    86. Dietary modulation of methotrexate-induced enteritis in cats. Am J Vet Res. 1997 Sep; 58(9):989-96. Marks SL, Cook AK, Griffey S, Kass PH, Rogers QR. PMID: 9285003.
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    87. Absence of a salt (NaCl) preference or appetite in sodium-replete or depleted kittens. Appetite. 1997 Aug; 29(1):1-10. Yu S, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 9268420.
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    88. Small changes in essential amino acid concentrations alter diet selection in amino acid-deficient rats. J Nutr. 1997 May; 127(5):777-84. Hrupka BJ, Lin YM, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 9165001.
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    89. Effect of weight gain and subsequent weight loss on glucose tolerance and insulin response in healthy cats. J Vet Intern Med. 1997 Mar-Apr; 11(2):86-91. Biourge V, Nelson RW, Feldman EC, Willits NH, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 9127295.
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    90. Dietary composition alters methotrexate toxicity without changing its pharmacokinetic parameters in cats. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 1997 Feb 1; 8(2):79-84. Marks MS, Vulliet VP, Kass KP, Rogers RQ. .
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    91. Threonine is catabolized by L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase and threonine dehydratase in hepatocytes from domestic cats (Felis domestica). J Nutr. 1996 Sep; 126(9):2218-26. Hammer VA, Rogers QR, Freedland RA. PMID: 8814210.
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    92. Optimizing the pattern of essential amino acids as the sole source of dietary nitrogen supports near-maximal growth in kittens. J Nutr. 1996 Sep; 126(9):2243-52. Taylor TP, Morris JG, Willits NH, Rogers QR. PMID: 8814213.
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    93. Vitamin K deficiency in cats fed commercial fish-based diets. J Small Anim Pract. 1996 Jul; 37(7):322-6. Strieker MJ, Morris JG, Feldman BF, Rogers QR. PMID: 8840252.
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    94. Dietary crude protein increases slightly the requirement for threonine in kittens. J Nutr. 1996 May; 126(5):1496-504. Hammer VA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 8618149.
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    95. Acid-base balance affects dietary choice in cats. Appetite. 1996 Apr; 26(2):175-92. Cook NE, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 8737168.
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    96. Liver denervation attenuates the hypophagia produced by an imbalanced amino acid diet. Physiol Behav. 1996 Apr-May; 59(4-5):925-9. Bellinger LL, Williams FE, Rogers QR, Gietzen DW. PMID: 8778888.
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    97. Dietary antibiotics decrease taurine loss in cats fed a canned heat-processed diet. J Nutr. 1996 Feb; 126(2):509-15. Kim SW, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 8632225.
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    98. Maillard reaction products in purified diets induce taurine depletion in cats which is reversed by antibiotics. J Nutr. 1996 Jan; 126(1):195-201. Kim SW, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 8558301.
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    99. Quantitative excretion of 3-methylhistidine in urine of cats as a measure of in vivo skeletal muscle protein catabolism. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 1996 Jan 1; 7(1):60-63. Marks MS, Rogers RQ, Morris MJ. .
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    100. Dietary soybean protein decreases plasma taurine in cats. J Nutr. 1995 Nov; 125(11):2831-7. Kim SW, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7472663.
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    101. Nitrogen requirement of cats during gestation and lactation. Nutrition Research. 1995 Oct 1; 15(10):1535-1546. Piechota PT, Rogers RQ, Morris MJ. .
      View in: Publisher Site   Mentions:
    102. Diets causing taurine depletion in cats substantially elevate postprandial plasma cholecystokinin concentration. J Nutr. 1995 Oct; 125(10):2650-7. Backus RC, Rogers QR, Rosenquist GL, Calam J, Morris JG. PMID: 7562102.
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    103. Elevation of plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) immunoreactivity by fat, protein, and amino acids in the cat, a carnivore. Regul Pept. 1995 May 30; 57(2):123-31. Backus RC, Rosenquist GL, Rogers QR, Calam J, Morris JG. PMID: 7659788.
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    104. Serotonin3 antagonists block aversion to saccharin in an amino acid-imbalanced diet. Am J Physiol. 1995 May; 268(5 Pt 2):R1203-8. Terry-Nathan VR, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 7771580.
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    105. Long-term voluntary fasting in adult obese cats: nitrogen balance, plasma amino acid concentrations and urinary orotic acid excretion. J Nutr. 1994 12; 124(12 Suppl):2680S-2682S. Biourge V, Groff JM, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7996267.
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    106. Diet-induced cholecystokinin release in cats. J Nutr. 1994 12; 124(12 Suppl):2670S-2671S. Kirk CA, Beverly JL, Ritter RC, Strieker MJ, Brenner L, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7996264.
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    107. Microbial degradation of taurine in fecal cultures from cats given commercial and purified diets. J Nutr. 1994 12; 124(12 Suppl):2540S-2545S. Backus RC, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 7996233.
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    108. Assessment of the nutritional adequacy of pet foods through the life cycle. J Nutr. 1994 12; 124(12 Suppl):2520S-2534S. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7996231.
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    109. The histamine content of commercial pet foods. N Z Vet J. 1994 Dec; 42(6):201-4. Guilford WG, Roudebush P, Rogers QR. PMID: 16031783.
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    110. Development of gastroscopic food sensitivity testing in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 1994 Nov-Dec; 8(6):414-22. Guilford WG, Strombeck DR, Rogers Q, Frick OL, Lawoko C. PMID: 7884728.
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    111. An epizootic of feline herpesvirus, type 1 in a large specific pathogen-free cat colony and attempts to eradicate the infection by identification and culling of carriers. Lab Anim. 1994 Oct; 28(4):320-9. Hickman MA, Reubel GH, Hoffman DE, Morris JG, Rogers QR, Pedersen NC. PMID: 7830371.
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    112. Effects of protein, lipid, or carbohydrate supplementation on hepatic lipid accumulation during rapid weight loss in obese cats. Am J Vet Res. 1994 Oct; 55(10):1406-15. Biourge VC, Massat B, Groff JM, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7998698.
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    113. Experimental induction of hepatic lipidosis in cats. Am J Vet Res. 1994 Sep; 55(9):1291-302. Biourge VC, Groff JM, Munn RJ, Kirk CA, Nyland TG, Madeiros VA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7802398.
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    114. Rats on a macronutrient self-selection diet eat most meals from a single food cup. Appetite. 1994 Aug; 23(1):67-78. Miller GD, Hrupka BJ, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR, Stern JS. PMID: 7826058.
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    115. Nitrogen balance, plasma free amino acid concentrations and urinary orotic acid excretion during long-term fasting in cats. J Nutr. 1994 Jul; 124(7):1094-103. Biourge V, Groff JM, Fisher C, Bee D, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 8027861.
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    116. Concentrations of amino acids in plasma and whole blood in response to food deprivation and refeeding in healthy two-day-old foals. Am J Vet Res. 1994 Jul; 55(7):1020-7. Zicker SC, Rogers QR. PMID: 7978619.
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    117. Temporal changes in concentrations of amino acids in plasma and whole blood of healthy neonatal foals from birth to two days of age. Am J Vet Res. 1994 Jul; 55(7):1012-9. Zicker SC, Rogers QR. PMID: 7978618.
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    118. Concentrations of amino acids in plasma from 45- to 47-week gestation mares and foetuses (Equus caballus). Comp Biochem Physiol Biochem Mol Biol. 1994 Jun; 108(2):173-9. Zicker SC, Vivrette S, Rogers QR. PMID: 8055184.
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    119. Kittens choose a high leucine diet even when isoleucine and valine are the limiting amino acids. J Nutr. 1994 May; 124(5):689-93. Hargrove DM, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 8169660.
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    120. Dietary taurine requirement of cats is determined by microbial degradation of taurine in the gut. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1994; 359:59-70. Morris JG, Rogers QR, Kim SW, Backus RC. PMID: 7887289.
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    121. Dietary cysteic acid serves as a precursor of taurine for cats. J Nutr. 1994 Jan; 124(1):103-9. Edgar SE, Hickman MA, Marsden MM, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 8283286.
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    122. Utilization of d-methoinine by weanling kittens. Nutrition Research. 1993 Jul 1; 13(7):815-824. Smalley SK, Rogers RQ, Morris MJ, Dowd DE. .
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    123. The role of palatability in the food intake response of rats fed high-protein diets. Appetite. 1993 Jun; 20(3):181-96. McArthur LH, Kelly WF, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 8373141.
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    124. Spontaneous occurrence of hepatic lipidosis in a group of laboratory cats. J Vet Intern Med. 1993 May-Jun; 7(3):194-7. Biourge V, Pion P, Lewis J, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 8331615.
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    125. Timing and dose of amino acids injected into prepyriform cortex influence food intake. Physiol Behav. 1993 May; 53(5):899-903. Beverly JL, Hrupka BJ, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 8511205.
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    126. Learned preference and aversion for complete and isoleucine-devoid diets in rats. Physiol Behav. 1993 Mar; 53(3):485-94. Naito-Hoopes M, McArthur LH, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 8451313.
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    127. Brainstem auditory evoked potential interwave intervals are prolonged in vitamin B-6-deficient cats. J Nutr. 1993 Jan; 123(1):20-6. Buckmaster PS, Holliday TA, Bai SC, Rogers QR. PMID: 8421226.
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    128. Effect of dietary phosphoric acid supplementation on acid-base balance and mineral and bone metabolism in adult cats. Am J Vet Res. 1992 Nov; 53(11):2125-35. Fettman MJ, Coble JM, Hamar DW, Norrdin RW, Seim HB, Kealy RD, Rogers QR, McCrea K, Moffat K. PMID: 1466511.
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    129. Clinical findings in cats with dilated cardiomyopathy and relationship of findings to taurine deficiency. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992 Jul 15; 201(2):267-74. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Thomas WP, Skiles ML, Rogers QR. PMID: 1500323.
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    130. Response of cats with dilated cardiomyopathy to taurine supplementation. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992 Jul 15; 201(2):275-84. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Thomas WP, Delellis LA, Rogers QR. PMID: 1500324.
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    131. Learned preference for the limiting amino acid in rats fed a threonine-deficient diet. Physiol Behav. 1992 May; 51(5):909-14. Gietzen DW, McArthur LH, Theisen JC, Rogers QR. PMID: 1615051.
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    132. Dietary protein source (soybean vs. casein) and taurine status affect kinetics of the enterohepatic circulation of taurocholic acid in cats. J Nutr. 1992 Apr; 122(4):1019-28. Hickman MA, Bruss ML, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 1552356.
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    133. Taurine balance is different in cats fed purified and commercial diets. J Nutr. 1992 Mar; 122(3):553-9. Hickman MA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 1531852.
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    134. Taurine depletion and cardiovascular disease in adult cats fed a potassium-depleted acidified diet. Am J Vet Res. 1992 Mar; 53(3):402-5. Dow SW, Fettman MJ, Smith KR, Ching SV, Hamar DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 1534475.
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    135. Dilated cardiomyopathy associated with taurine deficiency in the domestic cat: relationship to diet and myocardial taurine content. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1992; 315:63-73. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Skiles ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 1387282.
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    136. The metabolic basis for the taurine requirement of cats. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1992; 315:33-44. Morris JH, Rogers QR. PMID: 1509952.
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    137. Intestinal taurine and the enterohepatic circulation of taurocholic acid in the cat. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1992; 315:45-54. Hickman MA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 1509964.
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    138. Effect of dietary protein and taurine on enzyme activities involved in cysteine metabolism in cat tissues. J Nutr. 1991 11; 121(11 Suppl):S181-2. Park T, Jerkins AA, Steele RD, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 1941224.
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    139. Dietary management of idiopathic feline hepatic lipidosis with a liquid diet supplemented with citrulline and choline. J Nutr. 1991 11; 121(11 Suppl):S155-6. Biourge V, Pion P, Lewis J, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 1941213.
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    140. Effect of meal-feeding and food deprivation on plasma and whole blood taurine concentrations in cats. J Nutr. 1991 11; 121(11 Suppl):S177-8. Pion PD, Lewis J, Greene K, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Kittleson MD. PMID: 1941221.
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    141. Pathology associated with vitamin B-6 deficiency in growing kittens. J Nutr. 1991 11; 121(11 Suppl):S77-8. Blanchard PC, Bai SC, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 1834817.
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    142. Threonine concentration in the prepyriform cortex has separate effects on dietary selection and intake of a threonine-imbalanced diet by rats. J Nutr. 1991 Aug; 121(8):1287-92. Beverly JL, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 1907316.
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    143. Effect of age on the concentrations of amino acids in the plasma of healthy foals. Am J Vet Res. 1991 Jul; 52(7):1014-8. Zicker SC, Spensley MS, Rogers QR, Willits NH. PMID: 1892255.
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    144. Concentrations of amino acids in the plasma of neonatal foals with septicemia. Am J Vet Res. 1991 Jul; 52(7):1010-3. Zicker SC, Spensley MS, Rogers QR, Willits NH. PMID: 1909845.
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    145. The level of dietary protein affects the vitamin B-6 requirement of cats. J Nutr. 1991 Jul; 121(7):1054-61. Bai SC, Sampson DA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 2051225.
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    146. Protein synthesis in the prepyriform cortex: effects on intake of an amino acid-imbalanced diet by Sprague-Dawley rats. J Nutr. 1991 May; 121(5):754-61. Beverly JL, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 2019884.
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    147. Why is the nutrition of cats different from that of dogs? Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 1991 Apr; 116 Suppl 1:64S-67S. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 2048085.
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    148. Evaluation of commercial pet foods. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 1991 Apr; 116 Suppl 1:67S-70S. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 2048086.
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    149. Distribution of dietary limiting amino acid injected into the prepyriform cortex. Am J Physiol. 1991 Mar; 260(3 Pt 2):R525-32. Beverly JL, Hrupka BJ, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 1900394.
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    150. Dietary acid and alkali loading do not alter taurine uptake by renal proximal tubule brush border membrane vesicles in kittens. J Nutr. 1991 Feb; 121(2):215-22. Park T, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Morris JP. PMID: 1825327.
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    151. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma amino acid concentrations with elevated dietary protein concentration in dogs with portacaval shunts. Life Sci. 1991; 48(23):2215-23. Schaeffer MC, Rogers QR, Leung PM, Wolfe BM, Strombeck DR. PMID: 2046453.
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    152. The role of serotonin (5-HT) in feeding responses to amino acids. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1991; 294:389-404. Gietzen DW, Hammer VA, Beverly JL, Rogers QR. PMID: 1837684.
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    153. Effect of diet on struvite activity product in feline urine. Am J Vet Res. 1990 Dec; 51(12):2025-30. Buffington CA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 2150743.
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    154. Adrenal hormones and the anorectic response and adaptation of rats to amino acid imbalance. J Nutr. 1990 Dec; 120(12):1617-23. Hammer VA, Gietzen DW, Sworts VD, Beverly JL, Rogers QR. PMID: 2262807.
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    155. Effect of dietary limiting amino acid in prepyriform cortex on food intake. Am J Physiol. 1990 Oct; 259(4 Pt 2):R709-15. Beverly JL, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 2121052.
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    156. Effect of dietary limiting amino acid in prepyriform cortex on meal patterns. Am J Physiol. 1990 Oct; 259(4 Pt 2):R716-23. Beverly JL, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. PMID: 2121053.
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    157. Serotonin3 receptor antagonists block anorectic responses to amino acid imbalance. Am J Physiol. 1990 Sep; 259(3 Pt 2):R627-36. Hammer VA, Gietzen DW, Beverly JL, Rogers QR. PMID: 2118734.
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    158. Effect of processing on fate of dietary [14C]taurine in cats. J Nutr. 1990 Sep; 120(9):995-1000. Hickman MA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 2144588.
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    159. Dietary Pyridoxine and Protein Intake in Kittens. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1990 May 1; 585(1):534-535. SAMPSON SD, O'CONNOR OD, BAI BS, MORRIS MJ, ROGERS RQ. .
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    160. Effect of diet on Heinz body formation in kittens. Am J Vet Res. 1990 Mar; 51(3):475-8. Hickman MA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 2138440.
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    161. Taurine deficiency myocardial failure in the domestic cat. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1990; 351:423-30. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 2236148.
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    162. Plasma and brain ammonia and amino acids in rats measured after feeding 75% casein or 28% egg white. J Nutr. 1989 Nov; 119(11):1583-92. Semon BA, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Gietzen DW. PMID: 2600663.
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    163. Effect of dietary taurine on renal taurine transport by proximal tubule brush border membrane vesicles in the kitten. J Nutr. 1989 Oct; 119(10):1452-60. Park T, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Chesney RW. PMID: 2585136.
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    164. Dietary amino acid imbalance and neurochemical changes in three hypothalamic areas. Physiol Behav. 1989 Sep; 46(3):503-11. Gietzen DW, Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 2516331.
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    165. Fluctuations in plasma pyrroline-5-carboxylate concentrations during feeding and fasting. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1989 Aug; 69(2):448-52. Fleming GA, Granger A, Rogers QR, Prosser M, Ford DB, Phang JM. PMID: 2753984.
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    166. Vitamin B-6 requirement of growing kittens. J Nutr. 1989 Jul; 119(7):1020-7. Bai SC, Sampson DA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 2754508.
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    167. Taurine for cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1989 Apr 15; 194(8):1005-6. Pion PD, Power HT, Rogers QR, Kittleson MD. PMID: 2523369.
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    168. Taurine deficiency as a cause of dilated cardiomyopathy in cats. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 1989 Apr; 114 Suppl 1:62S-64S. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Rogers QR. PMID: 2749718.
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    169. Plasma ammonia, plasma, brain and liver amino acids and urea cycle enzyme activities in rats fed ammonium acetate. J Nutr. 1989 Feb; 119(2):166-74. Semon BA, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Gietzen DW. PMID: 2918387.
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    170. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced liver disease in horses: an early diagnosis. Am J Vet Res. 1988 Apr; 49(4):572-8. Mendel VE, Witt MR, Gitchell BS, Gribble DN, Rogers QR, Segall HJ, Knight HD. PMID: 3377320.
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    171. Effects of dietary excesses of the branched-chain amino acids on growth, food intake and plasma amino acid concentrations of kittens. J Nutr. 1988 Mar; 118(3):311-20. Hargrove DM, Rogers QR, Calvert CC, Morris JG. PMID: 3351631.
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    172. Increase in plasma ammonia and amino acids when rats are fed a 44% casein diet. Physiol Behav. 1988; 43(5):631-6. Semon BA, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Gietzen DW. PMID: 3200919.
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    173. Effect of pre-feeding ammonium acetate on food intake of rats fed high protein diets. Physiol Behav. 1988; 42(5):471-6. Semon BA, Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 3393609.
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    174. Precursor amino acid concentrations in normal weight bulimics and normal controls. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 1988; 12(6):893-8. Lydiard RB, Brady KT, O'Neil PM, Schlesier-Carter B, Hamilton S, Rogers Q, Ballenger JC. PMID: 3241872.
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    175. Effect of excess dietary methionine on weight gain and plasma amino acids in kittens. J Nutr. 1987 Nov; 117(11):1838-43. Fau D, Smalley KA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3681474.
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    176. Serotonin and feeding responses of rats to amino acid imbalance: initial phase. Am J Physiol. 1987 Nov; 253(5 Pt 2):R763-71. Gietzen DW, Rogers QR, Leung PM, Semon B, Piechota T. PMID: 2446514.
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    177. Histidine requirement of kittens for growth, haematopoiesis and prevention of cataracts. Br J Nutr. 1987 Nov; 58(3):521-32. Quam DD, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3689751.
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    178. Effect of concentration of some dietary amino acids and protein on plasma urea nitrogen concentration in growing kittens. J Nutr. 1987 Oct; 117(10):1689-96. Kang MH, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3668682.
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    179. An arginine-deficient diet in humans does not evoke hyperammonemia or orotic aciduria. J Nutr. 1987 Oct; 117(10):1734-9. Carey GP, Kime Z, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Hargrove D, Buffington CA, Brusilow SW. PMID: 3668688.
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    180. Diurnal feeding and drinking patterns of adult cats as affected by changes in the level of fat in the diet. Appetite. 1987 Oct; 9(2):89-98. Kane E, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 3688846.
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    181. Myocardial failure in cats associated with low plasma taurine: a reversible cardiomyopathy. Science. 1987 Aug 14; 237(4816):764-8. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 3616607.
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    182. Phenylalanine requirement of kittens and the sparing effect of tyrosine. J Nutr. 1987 Jun; 117(6):1102-7. Williams JM, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3598720.
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    183. Effect of type of protein on food intake of rats fed high protein diets. Physiol Behav. 1987; 41(5):451-8. Semon BA, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Gietzen DW. PMID: 3432399.
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    184. Effects of high dietary methionine on activities of selected enzymes in the liver of kittens (Felis domesticus). Comp Biochem Physiol B. 1987; 88(2):551-5. Fau D, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3427903.
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    185. Clinicopathologic study of horses surviving pyrrolizidine alkaloid (Senecio vulgaris) toxicosis. Am J Vet Res. 1986 Aug; 47(8):1776-80. Lessard P, Wilson WD, Olander HJ, Rogers QR, Mendel VE. PMID: 2875683.
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    186. Comparative nitrogen nutrition of carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous mammals. Arch Tierernahr. 1986 Feb-Mar; 36(2-3):234-45. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 3741120.
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    187. Long-term biochemical and physiologic effects of surgically placed portacaval shunts in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 1986 Feb; 47(2):346-55. Schaeffer MC, Rogers QR, Buffington CA, Wolfe BM, Strombeck DR. PMID: 3954218.
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    188. Norepinephrine and amino acids in prepyriform cortex of rats fed imbalanced amino acid diets. Physiol Behav. 1986; 36(6):1071-80. Gietzen DW, Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 3088622.
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    189. Influence of taste on dietary choice of rats fed amino acid imbalanced or deficient diets. Physiol Behav. 1986; 38(2):255-64. Leung PM, Larson DM, Rogers QR. PMID: 3797492.
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    190. Effect of amino acid imbalance and deficiency on dietary choice patterns of rats. Physiol Behav. 1986; 37(5):747-58. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 3095866.
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    191. Aversion of the cat to dietary medium-chain triglycerides and caprylic acid. Physiol Behav. 1985 Sep; 35(3):371-5. MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 4070410.
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    192. The nitrogen requirement of the weanling kitten. Br J Nutr. 1985 May; 53(3):501-12. Smalley KA, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Eslinger LL. PMID: 4063287.
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    193. Metabolic role of urea cycle intermediates: nutritional and clinical aspects. Introduction. J Nutr. 1985 Apr; 115(4):505-8. Rogers QR, Visek WJ. PMID: 3981271.
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    194. Self-selection of dietary casein and soy-protein by the cat. Physiol Behav. 1985 Apr; 34(4):583-94. Cook NE, Kane E, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 4040256.
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    195. Deficiency of pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase in the intestinal mucosa of the cat. J Nutr. 1985 Jan; 115(1):146-50. Rogers QR, Phang JM. PMID: 3965666.
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    196. Leucine and isoleucine requirements of the kitten. Br J Nutr. 1984 Nov; 52(3):595-605. Hargrove DM, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6498150.
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    197. Effects of catecholamines and ammonia on plasma and brain amino acids in dogs. Am J Physiol. 1984 Aug; 247(2 Pt 1):E276-83. Strombeck DR, Harrold D, Rogers QR. PMID: 6465311.
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    198. Essential fatty acid requirements of cats: pathology of essential fatty acid deficiency. Am J Vet Res. 1984 Jul; 45(7):1310-7. MacDonald ML, Anderson BC, Rogers QR, Buffington CA, Morris JG. PMID: 24049889.
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    199. Effects of linoleate and arachidonate deficiencies on reproduction and spermatogenesis in the cat. J Nutr. 1984 Apr; 114(4):719-26. MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Cupps PT. PMID: 6716173.
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    200. Effects of dietary supplementation with butylated hydroxyanisole, cysteine, and vitamins B on tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) toxicosis in ponies. Am J Vet Res. 1984 Mar; 45(3):459-64. Garrett BJ, Holtan DW, Cheeke PR, Schmitz JA, Rogers QR. PMID: 6711974.
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    201. Effect of dietary protein and GABA on food intake, growth and tissue amino acids in cats. Physiol Behav. 1984 Feb; 32(2):301-8. Tews JK, Rogers QR, Morris JG, Harper AE. PMID: 6718555.
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    202. Effects of dietary arachidonate deficiency on the aggregation of cat platelets. Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol Toxicol. 1984; 78(1):123-6. MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6146457.
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    203. Nutrition of the domestic cat, a mammalian carnivore. Annu Rev Nutr. 1984; 4:521-62. MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6380542.
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    204. Failure of dietary leucine to influence the tryptophan-niacin pathway in the chicken. J Nutr. 1984 Jan; 114(1):33-41. Penz AM, Clifford AJ, Rogers QR, Kratzer FH. PMID: 6693983.
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    205. Plasma amino acid, glucagon, and insulin concentrations in dogs with nitrosamine-induced hepatic disease. Am J Vet Res. 1983 Nov; 44(11):2028-36. Strombeck DR, Harrold D, Rogers Q, Wheeldon E, Stern J, Schaeffer M. PMID: 6359978.
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    206. Selected features of copper metabolism in the cat. J Nutr. 1983 Oct; 113(10):1963-71. Doong G, Keen CL, Rogers Q, Morris J, Rucker RB. PMID: 6619976.
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    207. The tryptophan requirement of the kitten. Br J Nutr. 1983 Sep; 50(2):487-93. Hargrove DM, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6615776.
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    208. Role of linoleate as an essential fatty acid for the cat independent of arachidonate synthesis. J Nutr. 1983 Jul; 113(7):1422-33. MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6408230.
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    209. Methionine requirement of kittens given amino acid diets containing adequate cystine. Br J Nutr. 1983 May; 49(3):411-7. Smalley KA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6860623.
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    210. Cingulate lesions and behavioral adaptation to amino acid imbalanced diets. Physiol Behav. 1983 Feb; 30(2):243-6. Meliza LL, Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 6405412.
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    211. Effects of time and duration of exposure to 12% O2 and prior food deprivation on hypoxic hypophagia of rats. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1982 Dec; 53(12):1202-6. Schnakenberg DD, Rogers QR. PMID: 7159341.
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    212. Developmental changes in composition of cats milk: trace elements, minerals, protein, carbohydrate and fat. J Nutr. 1982 Sep; 112(9):1763-9. Keen CL, Lonnerdal B, Clegg MS, Hurley LS, Morris JG, Rogers QR, Rucker RB. PMID: 6213745.
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    213. Do cats really need more protein?. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 1982 Sep 1; 23(9):521-532. ROGERS RQ, MORRIS MJ. .
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    214. Metabolic basis for some of the nutritional peculiarities of the cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 1982 Sep 1; 23(9):599-613. MORRIS MJ, ROGERS RQ. .
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    215. Methionine requirement of the growing kitten, in the absence of dietary cystine. J Nutr. 1982 May; 112(5):962-71. Schaeffer MC, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6210767.
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    216. Potassium requirement of kittens as affected by dietary protein. J Nutr. 1982 Feb; 112(2):216-22. Hills DL, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7057260.
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    217. Dynamics of insulin and glucagon secretion by the isolated perfused cat pancreas. Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol. 1982; 72(2):333-8. Curry DL, Morris JG, Rogers QR, Stern JS. PMID: 6125307.
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    218. Acceptability and digestibility by adult cats of diets made with various sources and levels of fat. J Anim Sci. 1981 Dec; 53(6):1516-23. Kane E, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 6210651.
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    219. Effects of level of dietary glutamic acid and thiamin on food intake, weight gain, plasma amino acids, and thiamin status of growing kittens. J Nutr. 1981 Sep; 111(9):1568-79. Deady JE, Anderson B, O'Donnell JA, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 6115895.
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    220. Effect of high dietary glutamic acid on the excretion of 35S-thiamin in kittens. J Nutr. 1981 Sep; 111(9):1580-5. Deady JE, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6115896.
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    221. Effect of diet on plasma taurine in the cat. J Nutr. 1981 Jun; 111(6):1111-6. O'Donnell JA, Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 6453958.
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    222. Effect of anterior prepyriform and medial amygdaloid lesions on acquisition of taste-avoidance and response to dietary amino acid imbalance. Physiol Behav. 1981 Jun; 26(6):1031-5. Meliza LL, Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 6792637.
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    223. Effects of ammonia infusion on plasma glucagon, insulin, and amino acids in intact, pancreatectomized, and adrenalectomized dogs. Am J Vet Res. 1981 May; 42(5):810-8. Strombeck DR, Rogers QR, Stern JS. PMID: 7020500.
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    224. Zinc deficiency in the cat. J Nutr. 1981 Mar; 111(3):488-95. Kane E, Morris JG, Rogers QR, Ihrke PJ, Cupps PT. PMID: 7205404.
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    225. Threonine imbalance, deficiency and neurologic dysfunction in the kitten. J Nutr. 1980 Dec; 110(12):2444-59. Titchenal CA, Rogers QR, Indrieri RJ, Morris JG. PMID: 6449569.
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    226. Effect of pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced hepatic disease on plasma amino acid patterns in the horse. Am J Vet Res. 1980 Nov; 41(11):1894-8. Gulick BA, Liu IK, Qualls CW, Gribble DH, Rogers QR. PMID: 7212423.
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    227. Hyperphagia after ventral tegmental lesions and food intake responses of rats fed disproportionate amounts of dietary amino acids. Physiol Behav. 1980 Sep; 25(3):457-64. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 7443817.
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    228. Effect of dietary arginine level on urinary orotate and citrate excretion in growing kittens. J Nutr. 1980 Jun; 110(6):1204-8. Costello MJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 7381590.
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    229. Effects of hippocampal lesions on adaptive intake of diets with disproportionate amounts of amino acids. Physiol Behav. 1979 Jul; 23(1):129-36. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 515202.
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    230. Essentiality of amino acids for the growing kitten. J Nutr. 1979 Apr; 109(4):718-23. Rogers QR, Morris JG. PMID: 430271.
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    231. The utilization of ornithine and citrulline by the growing kitten. J Nutr. 1979 Apr; 109(4):724-9. Morris JG, Rogers QR, Winterrowd DL, Kamikawa EM. PMID: 155152.
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    232. Arginine: an essential amino acid for the cat. J Nutr. 1978 Dec; 108(12):1944-53. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 722344.
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    233. Effect of dietary amino acids on transfer ribonucleic acid charging levels in rat liver. J Nutr. 1978 Sep; 108(9):1412-21. Shenoy ST, Rogers QR. PMID: 249332.
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    234. Fasting hypoglycemia in a pup. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1978 Aug 01; 173(3):299-300. Strombeck DR, Rogers Q, Freedland R, McEwan LC. PMID: 689974.
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    235. Plasma amino acid concentrations in dogs with hepatic disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1978 Jul 01; 173(1):93-6. Strombeck DR, Rogers Q. PMID: 670060.
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    236. Ammonia intoxication in the near-adult cat as a result of a dietary deficiency of arginine. Science. 1978 Jan 27; 199(4327):431-2. Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 619464.
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    237. Valine requirement of the growing kitten. J Nutr. 1977 Jul; 107(7):1308-12. Hardy AJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. PMID: 874574.
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    238. Effect of starvation on the charging levels of transfer ribonucleic acid and total acceptor capacity in rat liver. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1977 Jun 03; 476(3):218-27. Shenoy ST, Rogers QR. PMID: 884100.
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    239. Lack of hepatic enzymatic adaptation to low and high levels of dietary protein in the adult cat. Enzyme. 1977; 22(5):348-56. Rogers QR, Morris JG, Freedland RA. PMID: 19238.
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    240. Coagulopathy and encephalopathy in a dog with acute hepatic necrosis. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1976 Oct 15; 169(8):813-6. Strombeck DR, Krum S, Rogers Q. PMID: 977448.
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    241. Amino acid imbalance in the liquid-fed lamb. Aust J Biol Sci. 1975 Apr; 28(2):169-81. Rogers QR, Egan AR. PMID: 1167130.
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    242. Plasma and tissue free amino acid concentrations in rats fed tryptophan-imbalanced diets with or without niacin. J Nutr. 1974 Dec; 104(12):1584-96. Pant KC, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 4430932.
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    243. Effect of amygdaloid lesions on dietary intake of disproportionate amounts of amino acids. Physiol Behav. 1973 Aug; 11(2):221-6. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 4729160.
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    244. The influence of amino acids on the neuroregulation of food intake. Fed Proc. 1973 Jun; 32(6):1709-19. Rogers QR, Leung PM. PMID: 4710879.
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    245. Relative importance of kidney and liver in synthesis of arginine by the rat. Am J Physiol. 1973 Jan; 224(1):127-9. Featherston WR, Rogers QR, Freedland RA. PMID: 4683290.
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    246. Food intake and preference of olfactory bulbectomized rats fed amino acid imbalanced or deficient diets. Physiol Behav. 1972 Oct; 9(4):553-7. Leung PM, Larson DM, Rogers QR. PMID: 4670854.
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    247. Prolylhydroxyproline absorption in hamsters. Can J Biochem. 1972 Jul; 50(7):782-90. Hueckel HJ, Rogers QR. PMID: 5050935.
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    248. In vivo synthesis and utilization of arginine in the rat. Am J Physiol. 1972 Jul; 223(1):236-40. Rogers QR, Freedland RA, Symmons RA. PMID: 5039067.
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    249. A non-functional arginine biosynthetic pathway in polyoma infected-mouse embryo cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1972 Jun 09; 47(5):1044-50. Winters AL, Consigli RA, Rogers QR. PMID: 4337743.
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    250. Effect of dietary protein and feeding schedule on hepatic polysome patterns in the rat. J Nutr. 1972 May; 102(5):639-46. Symmons RA, Maguire EJ, Rogers QB. PMID: 5022198.
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    251. Growth and food intake of rats fed tryptophan-imbalanced diets with or without niacin. J Nutr. 1972 Jan; 102(1):117-30. Pant KC, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5007108.
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    252. Food selection studies of rats fed tryptophan-imbalanced diets with or without niacin. J Nutr. 1972 Jan; 102(1):131-42. Pant KC, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 4257076.
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    253. Importance of prepyriform cortex in food-intake response of rats to amino acids. Am J Physiol. 1971 Sep; 221(3):929-35. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 5570352.
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    254. Liver polysome patterns of rats fed amino acid imbalanced diets. J Nutr. 1970 Nov; 100(11):1249-58. Pronczuk AW, Rogers QR, Munro HN. PMID: 5476426.
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    255. Selection of a solution containing histidine by rats fed a histidine-imbalanced diet. J Comp Physiol Psychol. 1970 Jul; 72(1):66-71. Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5424674.
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    256. The importance of dispensable amino acids for maximal growth in the rat. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1970 Jun; 134(2):517-22. Rogers QR, Chen DM, Harper AE. PMID: 5419140.
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    257. The influence of thyroxine and thiouracil on rats fed excess tyrosine. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1970 Mar; 133(3):821-5. Boctor AM, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 4392267.
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    258. Urinary excretion of hydroxyproline-containing peptides in man, rat, hamster, dog and monkey after feeding gelatin. Comp Biochem Physiol. 1970 Jan 01; 32(1):7-16. Hueckel HJ, Rogers QR. PMID: 4984990.
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    259. Effects of thyroxine and cortisol on liver threonine dehydratase and tryptophan pyrrolase in rats fed a high protein diet. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1969 Feb; 130(2):556-63. Ku Y, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5765299.
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    260. Food intake: regulation by plasma amino acid pattern. Life Sci. 1969 Jan 15; 8(2):1-9. Leung PM, Rogers QR. PMID: 5370303.
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    261. Effect of amino acid imbalance on plasma and tissue free amino acids in the rat. J Nutr. 1968 Nov; 96(3):303-18. Leung PM, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5725887.
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    262. Variations in the recovery of carbon-14 in colored samples treated with peroxide. Anal Biochem. 1968 Sep; 24(3):393-6. Benevenga NJ, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5723297.
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    263. Effect of amino acid imbalance on dietary choice in the rat. J Nutr. 1968 Jul; 95(3):483-92. Leung PM, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5665652.
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    264. Effect of an amino acid imbalance on the metabolism of the most-limiting amino acid in the rat. J Nutr. 1968 Jul; 95(3):434-44. Benevenga NJ, Harper AE, Rogers QR. PMID: 5665648.
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    265. Effect of amino acid imbalance in rats fed ad libitum, interval-fed or force-fed. J Nutr. 1968 Jul; 95(3):474-82. Leung PM, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5665651.
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    266. Effects of excess leucine on growth and food selection. J Nutr. 1967 Apr; 91(4):561-72. Rogers QR, Tannous RI, Harper AE. PMID: 6039031.
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    267. Effect of amino acid imbalance on rats maintained in a cold environment. Am J Physiol. 1966 Jun; 210(6):1234-8. Harper AE, Rogers QR. PMID: 5923057.
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    268. Effect of threonine on the toxicity of excess tyrosine and cataract formation in the rat. J Nutr. 1966 May; 89(1):91-6. Alam SQ, Becker RV, Stucki WP, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5940447.
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    269. Effect of amino acid imbalance on the fate of the limiting amino acid. J Nutr. 1966 May; 89(1):80-90. Yoshida A, Leung PM, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5940446.
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    270. Effect of tyrosine and threonine on free amino acids in plasma, liver, muscle, and eye in the rat. J Nutr. 1966 May; 89(1):97-105. Alam SQ, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5940448.
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    271. Effect of leucine--isoleucine antagonism on the amino acid pattern of plasma and tissues of the rat. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1966 Feb; 113(2):356-61. Tannous RI, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5941193.
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    272. Protein digestion: nutritional and metabolic considerations. World Rev Nutr Diet. 1966; 6:250-91. Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 5330175.
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    276. Effect of leucineisoleucine antagonism on plasma amino acid pattern of rats. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1962 Jun; 97:497-504. ROGERS QR, SPOLTER PD, HARPER AE. PMID: 14493357.
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    277. Observations on protein digestion in vivo. IV. Further observations on the gastrointestinal contents of rats fed different dietary proteins. J Nutr. 1962 03; 76(3):235-41. Chen ML, Rogers QR, Harper AE. PMID: 13878637.
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