Analysis of Gut Microbiome and Diet Modification in Patients with Crohn's Disease. SOJ Microbiol Infect Dis. 2014; 2(3):1-13.
Walters SS, Quiros A, Rolston M, Grishina I, Li J, Fenton A, DeSantis TZ, Thai A, Andersen GL, Papathakis P, Nieves R, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. PMID: 29756026; PMCID: PMC5944867.
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Dysregulation of anti-inflammatory annexin A1 expression in progressive Crohns Disease. PLoS One. 2013; 8(10):e76969.
Sena A, Grishina I, Thai A, Goulart L, Macal M, Fenton A, Li J, Prindiville T, Oliani SM, Dandekar S, Goulart L, Sankaran-Walters S. PMID: 24130820; PMCID: PMC3794972.
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Sex differences matter in the gut: effect on mucosal immune activation and inflammation. Biol Sex Differ. 2013 May 07; 4(1):10.
Sankaran-Walters S, Macal M, Grishina I, Nagy L, Goulart L, Coolidge K, Li J, Fenton A, Williams T, Miller MK, Flamm J, Prindiville T, George M, Dandekar S. PMID: 23651648; PMCID: PMC3652739.
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The gut mucosal viral reservoir in HIV-infected patients is not the major source of rebound plasma viremia following interruption of highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Virol. 2011 May; 85(10):4772-82.
Lerner P, Guadalupe M, Donovan R, Hung J, Flamm J, Prindiville T, Sankaran-Walters S, Syvanen M, Wong JK, George MD, Dandekar S. PMID: 21345945; PMCID: PMC3126205.
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Epstein-Barr virus replication linked to B cell proliferation in inflamed areas of colonic mucosa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Clin Virol. 2011 Jan; 50(1):31-6.
Sankaran-Walters S, Ransibrahmanakul K, Grishina I, Hung J, Martinez E, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. PMID: 21035384; PMCID: PMC3052968.
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Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2010 Nov; 4(5):511-22.
Thai A, Prindiville T. PMID: 21122554.
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A prospective evaluation of the impact of allopurinol in pediatric and adult IBD patients with preferential metabolism of 6-mercaptopurine to 6-methylmercaptopurine. J Crohns Colitis. 2010 Nov; 4(5):546-52.
Gerich ME, Quiros JA, Marcin JP, Tennyson L, Henthorn M, Prindiville TP. PMID: 21122558.
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Removal of bile duct foreign body by using spyglass and spybite. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Jan; 8(1):e9.
Ransibrahmanakul K, Hasyagar C, Prindiville T. PMID: 19747987.
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Unusual presentations of eosinophilic gastroenteritis: case series and review of literature. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 May 07; 15(17):2156-61.
Sheikh RA, Prindiville TP, Pecha RE, Ruebner BH. PMID: 19418590; PMCID: PMC2678588.
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Capsule endoscopy's impact on clinical management and outcomes: a single-center experience with 145 patients. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Dec; 103(12):3022-8.
Toy E, Rojany M, Sheikh R, Mann S, Prindiville T. PMID: 19086954.
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Effective CD4+ T-cell restoration in gut-associated lymphoid tissue of HIV-infected patients is associated with enhanced Th17 cells and polyfunctional HIV-specific T-cell responses. Mucosal Immunol. 2008 Nov; 1(6):475-88.
Macal M, Sankaran S, Chun TW, Reay E, Flamm J, Prindiville TJ, Dandekar S. PMID: 19079215.
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Long-term follow-up of the endoscopic treatment of strictures in pediatric and adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Sep; 42(8):880-5.
Foster EN, Quiros JA, Prindiville TP. PMID: 18645528.
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Combined EUS with FNA and ERCP for the evaluation of patients with obstructive jaundice from presumed pancreatic malignancy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Sep; 68(3):461-6.
Ross WA, Wasan SM, Evans DB, Wolff RA, Trapani LV, Staerkel GA, Prindiville T, Lee JH. PMID: 18384788.
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Rapid onset of intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in primary human immunodeficiency virus infection is driven by an imbalance between immune response and mucosal repair and regeneration. J Virol. 2008 Jan; 82(1):538-45.
Sankaran S, George MD, Reay E, Guadalupe M, Flamm J, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. PMID: 17959677; PMCID: PMC2224350.
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Viral suppression and immune restoration in the gastrointestinal mucosa of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients initiating therapy during primary or chronic infection. J Virol. 2006 Aug; 80(16):8236-47.
Guadalupe M, Sankaran S, George MD, Reay E, Verhoeven D, Shacklett BL, Flamm J, Wegelin J, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. PMID: 16873279; PMCID: PMC1563811.
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Prevalence of enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in hospital-acquired diarrhea. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2006 Aug; 55(4):251-4.
Cohen SH, Shetab R, Tang-Feldman YJ, Sarma P, Silva J, Prindiville TP. PMID: 16650957.
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Eosinophilic gastroenteritis and citrus-induced urticaria. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2006 Feb; 30(1):61-70.
Kumar A, Teuber SS, Naguwa S, Prindiville T, Gershwin ME. PMID: 16461997.
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Diphenhydramine as an adjunct to sedation for colonoscopy: a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2006 Jan; 63(1):87-94.
Tu RH, Grewall P, Leung JW, Suryaprasad AG, Sheykhzadeh PI, Doan C, Garcia JC, Zhang N, Prindiville T, Mann S, Trudeau W. PMID: 16377322.
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Gut mucosal T cell responses and gene expression correlate with protection against disease in long-term HIV-1-infected nonprogressors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jul 12; 102(28):9860-5.
Sankaran S, Guadalupe M, Reay E, George MD, Flamm J, Prindiville T, Dandekar S. PMID: 15980151; PMCID: PMC1159164.
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Analysis of the Foxp3/scurfin gene in Crohn's disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Jun; 1051:218-28.
Park O, Grishina I, Leung PS, Gershwin ME, Prindiville T. PMID: 16126962.
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Crohn's disease associated with Sweet's syndrome and Sjögren's syndrome treated with infliximab. Clin Dev Immunol. 2005 Jun; 12(2):145-9.
Foster EN, Nguyen KK, Sheikh RA, Prindiville TP. PMID: 16050146; PMCID: PMC2270728.
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Ribosomal DNA sequence analysis of mucosa-associated bacteria in Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2004 Nov; 10(6):824-33.
Prindiville T, Cantrell M, Wilson KH. PMID: 15626901.
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Severe CD4+ T-cell depletion in gut lymphoid tissue during primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and substantial delay in restoration following highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Virol. 2003 Nov; 77(21):11708-17.
Guadalupe M, Reay E, Sankaran S, Prindiville T, Flamm J, McNeil A, Dandekar S. PMID: 14557656; PMCID: PMC229357.
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The biology of TNF blockade. Autoimmun Rev. 2003 Oct; 2(6):346-57.
Suryaprasad AG, Prindiville T. PMID: 14550876.
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Endoscopic evidence of mucosal injury in patients taking ticlopidine compared with patients taking aspirin/nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and controls. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2002 May-Jun; 34(5):529-32.
Sheikh RA, Romano PS, Prindiville TP, Yasmeen S, Trudeau W. PMID: 11960063.
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Cholesterol crystal embolization presenting as a colonic pseudotumor: case report and review. Gastrointest Endosc. 2001 Sep; 54(3):378-81.
Sheikh RA, Prindiville TP, Yasmeen S, Ruebner BH. PMID: 11522986.
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Genomic analysis of differentially expressed genes in liver and biliary epithelial cells of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun. 2001 Aug; 17(1):89-98.
Tanaka A, Leung PS, Kenny TP, Au-Young J, Prindiville T, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Gershwin ME. PMID: 11488641.
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Hemorrhoidal bleeding associated with sildenafil. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Aug; 96(8):2518-9.
Sheikh RA, Yasmeen S, Prindiville TP. PMID: 11513214.
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Haloperidol and benztropine interaction presenting as acute intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Mar; 96(3):934-5.
Sheikh RA, Prindiville T, Yasmeen S. PMID: 11280595.
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Microsporidial AIDS cholangiopathy due to Encephalitozoon intestinalis: case report and review. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Sep; 95(9):2364-71.
Sheikh RA, Prindiville TP, Yenamandra S, Munn RJ, Ruebner BH. PMID: 11007244.
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Genotyping of Bacteroides fragilis isolates from stool specimens by arbitrarily-primed-PCR. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2000 Aug; 37(4):225-9.
Sarma PN, Tang YJ, Prindiville TP, Osborne PD, Jang S, Silva J, Cohen SH. PMID: 10974572.
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Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin gene sequences in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Emerg Infect Dis. 2000 Mar-Apr; 6(2):171-4.
Prindiville TP, Sheikh RA, Cohen SH, Tang YJ, Cantrell MC, Silva J. PMID: 10756151; PMCID: PMC2640860.
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Are infectious agents involved in primary biliary cirrhosis? A PCR approach. J Hepatol. 1999 Oct; 31(4):664-71.
Tanaka A, Prindiville TP, Gish R, Solnick JV, Coppel RL, Keeffe EB, Ansari A, Gershwin ME. PMID: 10551390.
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Is there a serological difference between men and women with primary biliary cirrhosis? Am J Gastroenterol. 1999 Sep; 94(9):2482-6.
Nalbandian G, Van de Water J, Gish R, Manns M, Coppel RL, Rudich SM, Prindiville T, Gershwin ME. PMID: 10484012.
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Sclerosing mesenteritis seen clinically as pancreatic pseudotumor: two cases and a review. Pancreas. 1999 Apr; 18(3):316-21.
Sheikh RA, Prindiville TP, Arenson D, Ruebner BH. PMID: 10206491.
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Gastrointestinal hemorrhage consequent to foreign body reaction to silk sutures: case series and review. Gastrointest Endosc. 1998 Sep; 48(3):299-301.
Pecha RE, Prindiville T, Kotfila R, Ruebner B, Cheung AT, Trudeau W. PMID: 9744610.
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Detection of Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin gene by PCR. J Clin Microbiol. 1998 Jun; 36(6):1729-32.
Shetab R, Cohen SH, Prindiville T, Tang YJ, Cantrell M, Rahmani D, Silva J. PMID: 9620408; PMCID: PMC104908.
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A study of antimitochondrial antibodies in a random population in Estonia. Am J Gastroenterol. 1997 Jan; 92(1):124-6.
Turchany JM, Uibo R, Kivik T, Van de Water J, Prindiville T, Coppel RL, Gershwin ME. PMID: 8995951.
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Association of cocaine and methamphetamine use with giant gastroduodenal ulcers. Am J Gastroenterol. 1996 Dec; 91(12):2523-7.
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Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Lacteol Fort: a randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 1996 Aug; 91(8):1579-85.
Halpern GM, Prindiville T, Blankenburg M, Hsia T, Gershwin ME. PMID: 8759665.
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Analysis of function, specificity and T cell receptor expression of cloned mucosal T cell lines in Crohn's disease. J Autoimmun. 1996 Apr; 9(2):193-204.
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Heterogeneity of autoreactive T cell clones specific for the E2 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in primary biliary cirrhosis. J Exp Med. 1995 Feb 01; 181(2):723-33.
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Intraluminal ultrasonography during ERCP with high-frequency ultrasound catheters. Gastrointest Endosc. 1993 May-Jun; 39(3):432-5.
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Antimitochondrial antibodies in kindreds of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: antimitochondrial antibodies are unique to clinical disease and are absent in asymptomatic family members. Hepatology. 1992 Oct; 16(4):899-905.
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Use of designer recombinant mitochondrial antigens in the diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 1992 Mar; 15(3):367-72.
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Characterization and heterogeneity of monoclonal antibodies directed to intestinal mucin derived from Crohn's disease small bowel. Hybridoma. 1991 Apr; 10(2):269-80.
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Sjögren's syndrome and primary biliary cirrhosis: presence of autoantibodies to purified mitochondrial 2-OXO acid dehydrogenases. J Rheumatol. 1990 Nov; 17(11):1453-7.
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Inhibition of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity by a distinct population of autoantibodies recognizing dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 1990 Jun; 11(6):975-81.
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Autoantibodies to colonic cells and subcellular fractions in inflammatory bowel disease: do they exist? J Autoimmun. 1990 Jun; 3(3):307-20.
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The relative affinity of recombinant dihydrolipoamide transacetylase for autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 1990 May; 11(5):717-22.
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Characterization of monoclonal antihuman small bowel and colon specific mucin antibodies. Am J Clin Pathol. 1990 May; 93(5):621-30.
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Bacterial peritonitis following esophageal injection sclerotherapy for variceal hemorrhage. Gastrointest Endosc. 1990 Mar-Apr; 36(2):131-3.
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Subcutaneous emphysema as a complication of endoscopic sphincterotomy of the ampulla of Vater. Gastrointest Endosc. 1989 Sep-Oct; 35(5):447-9.
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Antimitochondrial autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis recognize cross-reactive epitope(s) on protein X and dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Hepatology. 1989 Aug; 10(2):127-33.
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Generation of monoclonal antibodies to involved ileum of Crohn's disease: characterization of a panel of antibodies with goblet cell membrane and brush border-specific reactivity. Am J Gastroenterol. 1988 Sep; 83(9):935-42.
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Characteristics of gut specific monoclonal antibodies. Hybridoma. 1988 Feb; 7(1):19-32.
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Prognostic indicators in acute variceal hemorrhage after treatment by schlerotherapy. Am J Gastroenterol. 1987 Jul; 82(7):655-9.
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Colonoscopic therapy of acute pseudoobstruction of the colon. Am J Gastroenterol. 1987 Feb; 82(2):145-8.
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A comparison of immediate versus delayed endoscopic injection sclerosis of bleeding esophageal varices. Gastrointest Endosc. 1986 Dec; 32(6):385-8.
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Endoscopic injection sclerosis in bleeding gastric varices. Gastrointest Endosc. 1986 Aug; 32(4):264-8.
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Outpatient endoscopic injection sclerosis of esophageal varices. Gastrointest Endosc. 1986 Feb; 32(1):4-6.
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