Equine dental and skeletal fluorosis induced by well water consumption. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2020 Nov; 32(6):942-947.
Kelly LH, Uzal FA, Poppenga RH, Kinde H, Hill AE, Wilson WD, Webb BT. PMID: 33140708; PMCID: PMC7649535.
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Validation of Single and Pooled Manure Drag Swabs for the Detection of Salmonella Serovar Enteritidis in Commercial Poultry Houses. Avian Dis. 2015 Dec; 59(4):548-53.
Kinde H, Goodluck HA, Pitesky M, Friend TD, Campbell JA, Hill AE. PMID: 26629631.
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Commercial and Homemade Extremely Dilute Hypochlorous Acid Solutions Are Bactericidal Against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli In Vitro. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2015 Feb 1; 35(2):161-164.
Ramey RD, Kinde KH. .
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Cluster of cases of massive hemorrhage associated with anticoagulant detection in race horses. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2015 Jan; 27(1):112-6.
Carvallo FR, Poppenga R, Kinde H, Diab SS, Nyaoke AC, Hill AE, Arthur RM, Uzal FA. PMID: 25525145.
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Congenital portosystemic shunts and hepatic encephalopathy in goat kids in California: 11 cases (1999-2012). J Vet Diagn Invest. 2014 Jan; 26(1):173-7.
Kinde H, Pesavento PA, Loretti AP, Adaska JM, Barr BC, Moore JD, Anderson ML, Rimoldi G, Hill AE, Jones ME. PMID: 24532697.
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Fatal musculoskeletal injuries of Quarter Horse racehorses: 314 cases (1990-2007). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012 Oct 01; 241(7):935-42.
Sarrafian TL, Case JT, Kinde H, Daft BM, Read DH, Moore JD, Uzal FA, Stover SM. PMID: 23013508.
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Strong circumstantial evidence for ethanol toxicosis in Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum). Journal of Ornithology. 2012 Jul 1; 153(3):995-998.
Kinde KH, Foate FE, Beeler BE, Uzal UF, Moore MJ, Poppenga PR. .
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Development of a sequence typing scheme for differentiation of Salmonella Enteritidis strains. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2012 Jun; 331(2):165-75.
Tankouo-Sandjong B, Kinde H, Wallace I. PMID: 22486191.
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Characteristics of Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racehorses that sustained a complete scapular fracture. Equine Vet J. 2012 Jul; 44(4):425-31.
Vallance SA, Case JT, Entwistle RC, Kinde H, Barr BC, Moore J, Anderson ML, Arthur RM, Stover SM. PMID: 21950466.
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Pathology of Clostridium perfringens type C enterotoxemia in horses. Vet Pathol. 2012 Mar; 49(2):255-63.
Diab SS, Kinde H, Moore J, Shahriar MF, Odani J, Anthenill L, Songer G, Uzal FA. PMID: 21502373.
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Zygomycotic lymphadenitis in slaughtered feedlot cattle. Vet Pathol. 2010 Jan; 47(1):108-15.
Ortega J, Uzal FA, Walker R, Kinde H, Diab SS, Shahriar F, Pamma R, Eigenheer A, Read DH. PMID: 20080490.
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Study of laryngopharyngeal pathology in Thoroughbred horses in southern California. Equine Vet J. 2009 Dec; 41(9):903-7.
Diab S, Pascoe J, Shahriar M, Read D, Kinde H, Moore J, Odani J, Uzal F. PMID: 20383989.
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Genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of bovine viral diarrhea virus isolates from BVDV infected alpacas in North America. Vet Microbiol. 2009 May 12; 136(3-4):209-16.
Kim SG, Anderson RR, Yu JZ, Zylich NC, Kinde H, Carman S, Bedenice D, Dubovi EJ. PMID: 19059738.
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Infections caused by pathogenic free-living amebas (Balamuthia mandrillaris and Acanthamoeba sp.) in horses. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2007 May; 19(3):317-22.
Kinde H, Read DH, Daft BM, Manzer M, Nordhausen RW, Kelly DJ, Fuerst PA, Booton G, Visvesvara GS. PMID: 17459867.
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Infection of internal umbilical remnant in foals by Clostridium sordellii. Vet Pathol. 2007 May; 44(3):269-75.
Ortega J, Daft B, Assis RA, Kinde H, Anthenill L, Odani J, Uzal FA. PMID: 17491067.
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Recovery of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Mycobacterium bovis from cheese entering the United States through a noncommercial land port of entry. J Food Prot. 2007 Jan; 70(1):47-52.
Kinde H, Mikolon A, Rodriguez-Lainz A, Adams C, Walker RL, Cernek-Hoskins S, Treviso S, Ginsberg M, Rast R, Harris B, Payeur JB, Waterman S, Ardans A. PMID: 17265859.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Recovery of Mycobacterium bovis from soft fresh cheese originating in Mexico. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2007 Feb; 73(3):1025-8.
Harris NB, Payeur J, Bravo D, Osorio R, Stuber T, Farrell D, Paulson D, Treviso S, Mikolon A, Rodriguez-Lainz A, Cernek-Hoskins S, Rast R, Ginsberg M, Kinde H. PMID: 17142354; PMCID: PMC1800782.
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Allele frequency and likely impact of the glycogen branching enzyme deficiency gene in Quarter Horse and Paint Horse populations. J Vet Intern Med. 2006 Sep-Oct; 20(5):1207-11.
Wagner ML, Valberg SJ, Ames EG, Bauer MM, Wiseman JA, Penedo MC, Kinde H, Abbitt B, Mickelson JR. PMID: 17063718.
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Use of sentinel chickens to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures in noncommercial poultry operations infected with exotic Newcastle disease virus. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2006 May; 18(3):296-9.
McCluskey BJ, Burgess B, Glover J, Kinde H, Hietala S. PMID: 16789722.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Association between findings on palmarodorsal radiographic images and detection of a fracture in the proximal sesamoid bones of forelimbs obtained from cadavers of racing Thoroughbreds. Am J Vet Res. 2006 May; 67(5):858-68.
Anthenill LA, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Hill AE, Lee CM, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Read DH, Johnson BJ, Woods LW, Daft BM, Kinde H, Moore JD, Farman CA, Odani JS, Pesavento PA, Uzal FA, Case JT, Ardans AA. PMID: 16649922.
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Seasonal meningoencephalitis in Holstein cattle caused by Naegleria fowleri. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2005 Nov; 17(6):605-9.
Daft BM, Visvesvara GS, Read DH, Kinde H, Uzal FA, Manzer MD. PMID: 16475525.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Comparison of a Salmonella enteritidis-specific polymerase chain reaction assay to delayed secondary enrichment culture for the detection of Salmonella enteritidis in environmental drag swab samples. Avian Dis. 2005 Sep; 49(3):418-22.
Charlton BR, Walker RL, Kinde BH, Bauer CR, Channing-Santiago SE, Farver TB. PMID: 16252498.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Correlation of phenotype with the genotype of egg-contaminating Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005 Aug; 71(8):4388-99.
Morales CA, Porwollik S, Frye JG, Kinde H, McClelland M, Guard-Bouldin J. PMID: 16085829; PMCID: PMC1183325.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
The isolation of exotic Newcastle disease (END) virus from nonpoultry avian species associated with the epidemic of END in chickens in southern California: 2002-2003. Avian Dis. 2005 Jun; 49(2):195-8.
Kinde H, Hullinger PJ, Charlton B, McFarland M, Hietala SK, Velez V, Case JT, Garber L, Wainwright SH, Mikolon AB, Breitmeyer RE, Ardans AA. PMID: 16094822.
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Longitudinal monitoring of two commercial layer flocks and their environments for Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis and other Salmonellae. Avian Dis. 2005 Jun; 49(2):189-94.
Kinde H, Castellan DM, Kerr D, Campbell J, Breitmeyer R, Ardans A. PMID: 16094821.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Diagnosis of Taxus (yew) poisoning in a horse. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2005 May; 17(3):252-5.
Tiwary AK, Puschner B, Kinde H, Tor ER. PMID: 15945382.
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Environmental air sampling to detect exotic Newcastle disease virus in two California commercial poultry flocks. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2005 Mar; 17(2):198-200.
Hietala SK, Hullinger PJ, Crossley BM, Kinde H, Ardans AA. PMID: 15825506.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Exotic Newcastle disease in California: laboratory response to an animal health emergency. Can Vet J. 2004 Dec; 45(12):1022.
Hietala S, Kinde H, Crossley BM, Ardans A. PMID: 15646851; PMCID: PMC2751724.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Descriptive study of California egg layer premises and analysis of risk factors for Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis as characterized by manure drag swabs. Avian Dis. 2004 Sep; 48(3):550-61.
Castellan DM, Kinde H, Kass PH, Cutler G, Breitmeyer RE, Bell DD, Ernst RA, Kerr DC, Little HE, Willoughby D, Riemann HP, Ardans A, Snowdon JA, Kuney DR. PMID: 15529977.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
The occurrence and distribution of Salmonella enteritidis and other serovars on California egg laying premises: a comparison of two sampling methods and two culturing techniques. Avian Dis. 2004 Sep; 48(3):590-4.
Kinde H, Castellan DM, Kass PH, Ardans A, Cutler G, Breitmeyer RE, Bell DD, Ernst RA, Kerr DC, Little HE, Willoughby D, Riemann HP, Snowdon JA, Kuney DR. PMID: 15529981.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Survival of exotic Newcastle disease virus in commercial poultry environment following removal of infected chickens. Avian Dis. 2004 Sep; 48(3):669-74.
Kinde H, Utterback W, Takeshita K, McFarland M. PMID: 15529993.
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Phylogenetic relationships among virulent Newcastle disease virus isolates from the 2002-2003 outbreak in California and other recent outbreaks in North America. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 May; 42(5):2329-34.
Pedersen JC, Senne DA, Woolcock PR, Kinde H, King DJ, Wise MG, Panigrahy B, Seal BS. PMID: 15131226; PMCID: PMC404648.
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HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Molecular phylogenetics and diagnosis of soil and clinical isolates of Halicephalobus gingivalis (Nematoda: Cephalobina: Panagrolaimoidea), an opportunistic pathogen of horses. Int J Parasitol. 2003 Sep 15; 33(10):1115-25.
Nadler SA, Carreno RA, Adams BJ, Kinde H, Baldwin JG, Mundo-Ocampo M. PMID: 13129534.
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The occurrence of avian influenza A subtype H6N2 in commercial layer flocks in Southern California (2000-02): clinicopathologic findings. Avian Dis. 2003; 47(3 Suppl):1214-8.
Kinde H, Read DH, Daft BM, Hammarlund M, Moore J, Uzal F, Mukai J, Woolcock P. PMID: 14575145.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Sensitivity and specificity of western blot testing of cerebrospinal fluid and serum for diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in horses with and without neurologic abnormalities. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2002 Oct 01; 221(7):1007-13.
Daft BM, Barr BC, Gardner IA, Read D, Bell W, Peyser KG, Ardans A, Kinde H, Morrow JK. PMID: 12369679.
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Eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus infection in a horse from California. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002 Mar; 8(3):283-8.
Franklin RP, Kinde H, Jay MT, Kramer LD, Green EG, Chiles RE, Ostlund E, Husted S, Smith J, Parker MD. PMID: 11927026; PMCID: PMC2732474.
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Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency in quarter horse foals. J Vet Intern Med. 2001 Nov-Dec; 15(6):572-80.
Valberg SJ, Ward TL, Rush B, Kinde H, Hiraragi H, Nahey D, Fyfe J, Mickelson JR. PMID: 11817063.
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Identification by subtractive hybridization of sequences specific for Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2001 Nov; 67(11):4984-91.
Agron PG, Walker RL, Kinde H, Sawyer SJ, Hayes DC, Wollard J, Andersen GL. PMID: 11679316; PMCID: PMC93261.
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Epidemiologic and biological characteristics of salmonellosis in three dairy herds. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2001 Aug 01; 219(3):310-22.
Anderson RJ, House JK, Smith BP, Kinde H, Walker RL, Vande Steeg BJ, Breitmeyer RE. PMID: 11497044.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Comparison of VIDAS enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay using Moore swab sampling and conventional culture method for Salmonella detection in bulk tank milk and in-line milk filters in California dairies. Int J Food Microbiol. 2001 Jul 20; 67(1-2):123-9.
Walker RL, Kinde H, Anderson RJ, Brown AE. PMID: 11482560.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
The influence of crumble and mash feed on oral lesions of white leghorn laying hens. Avian Dis. 2001 Apr-Jun; 45(2):349-54.
Daft B, Read D, Manzer M, Bickford A, Kinde H. PMID: 11417814.
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Pathologic and bacteriologic findings in 27-week-old commercial laying hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4. Avian Dis. 2000 Apr-Jun; 44(2):239-48.
Kinde H, Shivaprasad HL, Daft BM, Read DH, Ardans A, Breitmeyer R, Rajashekara G, Nagaraja KV, Gardner IA. PMID: 10879902.
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Halicephalobus gingivalis (H. deletrix) infection in two horses in southern California. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2000 Mar; 12(2):162-5.
Kinde H, Mathews M, Ash L, St Leger J. PMID: 10730949.
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Desert bighorn sheep mortality due to presumptive type C botulism in California. J Wildl Dis. 2000 Jan; 36(1):184-9.
Swift PK, Wehausen JD, Ernest HB, Singer RS, Pauli AM, Kinde H, Rocke TE, Bleich VC. PMID: 10682765.
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Hoof size, shape, and balance as possible risk factors for catastrophic musculoskeletal injury of Thoroughbred racehorses. Am J Vet Res. 1998 Dec; 59(12):1545-52.
Kane AJ, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Bock KB, Case JT, Johnson BJ, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Larochelle D, Moore J, Mysore J, Stoltz J, Woods L, Read DH, Ardans AA. PMID: 9858404.
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Amebic meningoencephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris (leptomyxid ameba) in a horse. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1998 Oct; 10(4):378-81.
Kinde H, Visvesvara GS, Barr BC, Nordhausen RW, Chiu PH. PMID: 9786532.
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Relationship between race start characteristics and risk of catastrophic injury in thoroughbreds: 78 cases (1992). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1998 Feb 15; 212(4):544-9.
Estberg L, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Johnson BJ, Jack RA, Case JT, Ardans A, Read DH, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Moore J, Stoltz J, Woods L. PMID: 9491163.
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Prevalence of Salmonella in municipal sewage treatment plant effluents in southern California. Avian Dis. 1997 Apr-Jun; 41(2):392-8.
Kinde H, Adelson M, Ardans A, Little EH, Willoughby D, Berchtold D, Read DH, Breitmeyer R, Kerr D, Tarbell R, Hughes E. PMID: 9201405.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Sewage effluent: likely source of Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4 infection in a commercial chicken layer flock in southern California. Avian Dis. 1996 Jul-Sep; 40(3):672-6.
Kinde H, Read DH, Ardans A, Breitmeyer RE, Willoughby D, Little HE, Kerr D, Gireesh R, Nagaraja KV. PMID: 8883800.
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Leptospiral abortion in horses following a flooding incident. Equine Vet J. 1996 Jul; 28(4):327-30.
Kinde H, Hietala SK, Bolin CA, Dowe JT. PMID: 8818599.
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Salmonella enteritidis, phase type 4 infection in a commercial layer flock in southern California: bacteriologic and epidemiologic findings. Avian Dis. 1996 Jul-Sep; 40(3):665-71.
Kinde H, Read DH, Chin RP, Bickford AA, Walker RL, Ardans A, Breitmeyer RE, Willoughby D, Little HE, Kerr D, Gardner IA. PMID: 8883799.
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Serum alpha-tocopherol, vitamin A, and blood selenium concentrations, and glutathione peroxidase activity in llamas fed alfalfa hay. Am J Vet Res. 1996 May; 57(5):689-92.
Dart AJ, Kinde H, Hodgson DR, Peauroi JR, Selby AW, Maas J, Fowler ME. PMID: 8723883.
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Fatal musculoskeletal injuries incurred during racing and training in thoroughbreds. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1996 Jan 01; 208(1):92-6.
Estberg L, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Johnson BJ, Case JT, Ardans A, Read DH, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Moore J, Stoltz J, Woods LW. PMID: 8682713.
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Evaluation of abortions in cattle attributable to neosporosis in selected dairy herds in California. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1995 Nov 01; 207(9):1206-10.
Anderson ML, Palmer CW, Thurmond MC, Picanso JP, Blanchard PC, Breitmeyer RE, Layton AW, McAllister M, Daft B, Kinde H, et al. PMID: 7559072.
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Mycoplasma infection in a commercial goat dairy caused by Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (caprine biotype). J Vet Diagn Invest. 1994 Oct; 6(4):423-7.
Kinde H, DaMassa AJ, Wakenell PS, Petty R. PMID: 7858021.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Causes of death in racehorses over a 2 year period. Equine Vet J. 1994 Jul; 26(4):327-30.
Johnson BJ, Stover SM, Daft BM, Kinde H, Read DH, Barr BC, Anderson M, Moore J, Woods L, Stoltz J, et al. PMID: 8575402.
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Type C botulism in turkeys: determination of the median toxic dose. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1994 Jan; 6(1):93-5.
Jeffrey JS, Galey FD, Meteyer CU, Kinde H, Rezvani M. PMID: 8011788.
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Serotypes of Salmonella isolated from California turkey flocks and their environment in 1984-89 and comparison with human isolates. Avian Dis. 1993 Jul-Sep; 37(3):715-9.
Hird DW, Kinde H, Case JT, Charlton BR, Chin RP, Walker RL. PMID: 8257361.
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HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
In vitro isolation and characterization of a Neospora sp. from aborted bovine foetuses. Parasitology. 1993 Apr; 106 ( Pt 3):239-49.
Conrad PA, Barr BC, Sverlow KW, Anderson M, Daft B, Kinde H, Dubey JP, Munson L, Ardans A. PMID: 8488061.
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Mycoplasma bovis associated with decubital abscesses in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1993 Apr; 5(2):194-7.
Kinde H, Daft BM, Walker RL, Charlton BR, Petty R. PMID: 8507696.
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Use of ribotyping for characterization of Salmonella serotypes. J Clin Microbiol. 1993 Feb; 31(2):233-7.
Esteban E, Snipes K, Hird D, Kasten R, Kinde H. PMID: 8432808; PMCID: PMC262741.
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HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Intranuclear inclusions of unknown pathogenic significance from diagnostic cases in three avian species. Avian Dis. 1993 Jan-Mar; 37(1):244-53.
Cardona CJ, Trampel DW, Bickford AA, Daft BM, Droual R, Kinde H. PMID: 8383960.
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Tracheal aspergillosis in 6 1/2-week-old chickens caused by Aspergillus flavus. Avian Dis. 1992 Oct-Dec; 36(4):1081-5.
Barton JT, Daft BM, Read DH, Kinde H, Bickford AA. PMID: 1485863.
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Recurrent transient paresis in a turkey flock. Avian Dis. 1992 Jul-Sep; 36(3):760-5.
Jeffrey JS, Droual R, Meteyer CU, Galey FD, Kinde H, Medina H. PMID: 1417611.
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An association between complete and incomplete stress fractures of the humerus in racehorses. Equine Vet J. 1992 Jul; 24(4):260-3.
Stover SM, Johnson BJ, Daft BM, Read DH, Anderson M, Barr BC, Kinde H, Moore J, Stoltz J, Ardans AA, et al. PMID: 1499531.
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Actinomycetales infections in slender-horned gazelles: six cases (1987-1989). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992 Jun 01; 200(11):1719-22.
Kinde H, Walker RL, Skinner VA, Daft BM, Hughes RL. PMID: 1624356.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Clostridium botulinum type-C intoxication associated with consumption of processed alfalfa hay cubes in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1991 Sep 15; 199(6):742-6.
Kinde H, Bettey RL, Ardans A, Galey FD, Daft BM, Walker RL, Eklund MW, Byrd JW. PMID: 1955364.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Viral pathogenesis of a nephrotropic infectious bronchitis virus isolated from commercial pullets. Avian Dis. 1991 Apr-Jun; 35(2):415-21.
Kinde H, Daft BM, Castro AE, Bickford AA, Gelb J, Reynolds B. PMID: 1649594.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Environmental Survey for Listeria Species in Frozen Milk Product Plants in California. J Food Prot. 1991 Mar; 54(3):178-182.
Walker RL, Jensen LH, Kinde H, Alexander AV, Owens LS. PMID: 31051650.
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Bovine fetal encephalitis and myocarditis associated with protozoal infections. Vet Pathol. 1990 Sep; 27(5):354-61.
Barr BC, Anderson ML, Blanchard PC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Conrad PA. PMID: 2238388.
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Environmental Survey for Listeria Species in California Milk Processing Plants. J Food Prot. 1990 Mar; 53(3):198-201.
Charlton BR, Kinde H, Jensen LH. PMID: 31018392.
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Bovine fetal encephalitis and myocarditis associated with protozoa. Vet Rec. 1990 Feb 03; 126(5):120-1.
Barr BC, Anderson ML, Blanchard PC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Conrad PA. PMID: 2309409.
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A fatal case of oak poisoning in a double-wattled cassowary (Casuarius casuarius). Avian Dis. 1988 Oct-Dec; 32(4):849-51.
Kinde H. PMID: 3202781.
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Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken wings. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1983 Mar; 45(3):1116-8.
Kinde H, Genigeorgis CA, Pappaioanou M. PMID: 6847181; PMCID: PMC242414.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health