Chlamydial infections in free-ranging raptors presenting to a university veterinary medical teaching hospital (1993-2022). Am J Vet Res. 2025 Jan 08; 1-10.
Hawkins MG, Blair E, Keel MK, Horgan MD, Kelly TR, Guzman DS, Seibert BA, Zabka TS, Lowenstine LJ, Drazenovich T, Nilsen RA, Barnum S, Ritchie BW. PMID: 39778338.
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Simian homologues of human herpesviruses and implications for novel viral introduction to free-living mountain gorillas. Am J Primatol. 2023 01; 85(1):e23439.
Smiley Evans T, Lowenstine LJ, Ssebide B, Barry PA, Kinani JF, Nizeyimana F, Noheli JB, Okello R, Mudakikwa A, Cranfield MR, Mazet JAK, Mazet JAK, Johnson CK, Gilardi KV. PMID: 36263518; PMCID: PMC11017921.
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Reproductive tract neoplasia in adult female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Vet Pathol. 2021 11; 58(6):1131-1141.
Landolfi JA, Gaffney PM, McManamon R, Gottdenker NL, Ellis AE, Rech RR, Han S, Lowenstine LJ, Agnew D, Garner MM, McAloose D, Hollinger C, St Leger J, Terrell SP, Duncan M, Pessier AP. PMID: 34269107.
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Pathological lesions of the digestive tract in free-ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). Am J Primatol. 2021 08; 83(8):e23290.
Muhangi D, Gardiner CH, Ojok L, Cranfield MR, Gilardi KVK, Mudakikwa AB, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 34096629.
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Heterogeneity in patterns of helminth infections across populations of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). Sci Rep. 2021 05 25; 11(1):10869.
Petrželková KJ, Uwamahoro C, Pafco B, Cervená B, Samaš P, Mudakikwa A, Muvunyi R, Uwingeli P, Gilardi K, Nziza J, Noheri JB, Eckardt W, Ndagijimana F, Ssebide B, Okwirokello R, Nizeyimana F, Syaluha EK, Nzayisenga G, Flores Girón L, Bahizi M, Ntwari AE, Lukusa JP, Tumushime JC, Mangura D, Mapilanga J, Kalonji A, Aruho R, Stryková A, Tehlarová Z, Cameira R, Lowenstine L, Šlapeta J, Romportl D, Ferrari N, Cranfield M, Modrý D. PMID: 34035316; PMCID: PMC8149636.
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Metastatic perioral melanoma in a wild mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei). J Med Primatol. 2021 06; 50(3):197-200.
Kambale Syaluha E, Zimmerman D, Ramer J, Gilardi K, Kabuyaya M, Cranfield MR, Kent MS, Corner SM, Yeh N, Lowenstine L. PMID: 33893639.
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Unlocking the Role of a Genital Herpesvirus, Otarine Herpesvirus 1, in California Sea Lion Cervical Cancer. Animals (Basel). 2021 Feb 13; 11(2).
Deming AC, Wellehan JFX, Colegrove KM, Hall A, Luff J, Lowenstine L, Duignan P, Cortés-Hinojosa G, Gulland FMD. PMID: 33668446; PMCID: PMC7918579.
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The Need for Attention to Confirmation Bias and Confounding in the Field of Plastic Pollution and Wildlife Impacts: Comment on "Clinical Pathology of Plastic Ingestion in Marine Birds and Relationships with Blood Chemistry". Environ Sci Technol. 2021 01 05; 55(1):801-804.
Roman L, Gilardi K, Lowenstine L, Hardesty BD, Wilcox C. PMID: 33306367.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Is plastic ingestion in birds as toxic as we think? Insights from a plastic feeding experiment. Sci Total Environ. 2019 May 15; 665:660-667.
Roman L, Lowenstine L, Parsley LM, Wilcox C, Hardesty BD, Gilardi K, Hindell M. PMID: 30776638.
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12 Fields:
Morbidity and mortality in infant mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei): A 46-year retrospective review. Am J Primatol. 2017 10; 79(10).
Hassell JM, Zimmerman D, Cranfield MR, Gilardi K, Mudakikwa A, Ramer J, Nyirakaragire E, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 28749595.
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Mountain gorilla lymphocryptovirus has Epstein-Barr virus-like epidemiology and pathology in infants. Sci Rep. 2017 07 13; 7(1):5352.
Smiley Evans T, Lowenstine LJ, Gilardi KV, Barry PA, Ssebide BJ, Kinani JF, Nizeyimana F, Noheri JB, Cranfield MR, Mudakikwa A, Goldstein T, Mazet JAK, Mazet JAK, Johnson CK. PMID: 28706209; PMCID: PMC5509654.
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Trichodinosis associated with pathology of the reproductive tract in waterfowl. Avian Pathol. 2016 Aug; 45(4):418-25.
Carnaccini S, Lowenstine LJ, Sentíes-Cué CG, Nyaoke A, Bland M, Bickford AA, Shivaprasad HL, Stoute ST. PMID: 26926786.
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Ectopic pregnancy with associated gestational choriocarcinoma in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Dis Aquat Organ. 2016 Jul 07; 120(2):159-64.
Fravel VA, Lowenstine LJ, Koehne A. PMID: 27409239.
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Comparative Pathology of Aging Great Apes: Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans. Vet Pathol. 2016 Mar; 53(2):250-76.
Lowenstine LJ, McManamon R, Terio KA. PMID: 26721908.
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58 Fields:
Gene expression and TB pathogenesis in rhesus macaques: TR4, CD40, CD40L, FAS (CD95), and TNF are host genetic markers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells that are associated with severity of TB lesions. Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Dec; 36:396-409.
Roodgar M, Ross CT, Tarara R, Lowenstine L, Dandekar S, Smith DG. PMID: 26483316; PMCID: PMC9924821.
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Laser Capture Microdissection of Feline Streptomyces spp Pyogranulomatous Dermatitis and Cellulitis. Vet Pathol. 2015 Nov; 52(6):1172-5.
Traslavina RP, Reilly CM, Vasireddy R, Samitz EM, Stepnik CT, Outerbridge C, Affolter VK, Byrne BA, Lowenstine LJ, White SD, Murphy B. PMID: 25516065.
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Human herpes simplex virus type 1 in confiscated gorilla. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Nov; 20(11):1883-6.
Gilardi KV, Oxford KL, Gardner-Roberts D, Kinani JF, Spelman L, Barry PA, Cranfield MR, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 25341185; PMCID: PMC4214296.
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Central vestibular disease in a blue and gold macaw (Ara ararauna) with cerebral infarction and hemorrhage. J Avian Med Surg. 2014 Jun; 28(2):132-42.
Grosset C, Guzman DS, Keating MK, Gaffney PM, Lowenstine L, Zwingenberger A, Young AC, Vernau KM, Sokoloff AM, Hawkins MG. PMID: 25115042.
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Respiratory disease in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Rwanda, 1990-2010: outbreaks, clinical course, and medical management. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2013 Dec; 44(4):1027-35.
Spelman LH, Gilardi KV, Lukasik-Braum M, Kinani JF, Nyirakaragire E, Lowenstine LJ, Cranfield MR. PMID: 24450064.
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18 Fields:
AnimalsPHPublic Health
Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal sac in a spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). J Zoo Wildl Med. 2013 Dec; 44(4):1068-74.
Goodnight AL, Traslavina RP, Emanuelson K, Affolter VK, Gaffney PM, Vernau W, Williams C, Wu CI, Sturges BK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 24450071.
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Fatal hepatic tetratrichomoniasis in a juvenile Waldrapp ibis (Geronticus eremita). J Vet Diagn Invest. 2013 Mar; 25(2):277-81.
Laing ST, Weber ES, Yabsley MJ, Shock BC, Grosset C, Petritz OA, Barr B, Reilly CM, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 23404476.
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Lethal effects of water quality on threatened California salamanders but not on co-occurring hybrid salamanders. Conserv Biol. 2013 Feb; 27(1):95-102.
Ryan ME, Johnson JR, Fitzpatrick BM, Lowenstine LJ, Picco AM, Shaffer HB. PMID: 23140535.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Effects of meloxicam on hematologic and plasma biochemical analysis variables and results of histologic examination of tissue specimens of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Am J Vet Res. 2012 Nov; 73(11):1720-7.
Sinclair KM, Church ME, Farver TB, Lowenstine LJ, Owens SD, Paul-Murphy J. PMID: 23106456.
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Meeting report: Spontaneous lesions and diseases in wild, captive-bred, and zoo-housed nonhuman primates and in nonhuman primate species used in drug safety studies. Vet Pathol. 2012 Nov; 49(6):1057-69.
Sasseville VG, Mansfield KG, Mankowski JL, Tremblay C, Terio KA, Mätz-Rensing K, Gruber-Dujardin E, Delaney MA, Schmidt LD, Liu D, Markovits JE, Owston M, Harbison C, Shanmukhappa S, Miller AD, Kaliyaperumal S, Assaf BT, Kattenhorn L, Macri SC, Simmons HA, Baldessari A, Sharma P, Courtney C, Bradley A, Cline JM, Reindel JF, Hutto DL, Montali RJ, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 23135296; PMCID: PMC4034460.
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Myenteric ganglionitis as a cause of recurrent colic in an adult horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012 Jun 15; 240(12):1494-500.
Blake KR, Affolter VK, Lowenstine LJ, Vilches-Moure JG, le Jeune SS. PMID: 22657934.
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Disseminated pulmonary adiaspiromycosis in a crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758). J Wildl Dis. 2012 Apr; 48(2):523-5.
Morandi F, Galuppi R, Buitrago MJ, Delogu M, Lowenstine LJ, Panarese S, Benazzi C, Sarli G. PMID: 22493137.
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Chapter 9 Respiratory System Diseases of Nonhuman Primates. . 2012 Jan 1; 413-481.
Lowenstine LL, Osborn OK. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Amanitin toxicosis in two cats with acute hepatic and renal failure. Vet Pathol. 2012 Nov; 49(6):1032-5.
Tokarz D, Poppenga R, Kaae J, Filigenzi M, Lowenstine LJ, Pesavento P. PMID: 22184185.
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T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a double yellow-headed Amazon parrot (Amazona ochrocephala oratrix). J Avian Med Surg. 2011 Dec; 25(4):286-94.
Osofsky A, Hawkins MG, Foreman O, Kent MS, Vernau W, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 22458185.
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Human metapneumovirus infection in wild mountain gorillas, Rwanda. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 Apr; 17(4):711-3.
Palacios G, Lowenstine LJ, Cranfield MR, Gilardi KV, Spelman L, Lukasik-Braum M, Kinani JF, Mudakikwa A, Nyirakaragire E, Bussetti AV, Savji N, Hutchison S, Egholm M, Lipkin WI. PMID: 21470468; PMCID: PMC3377396.
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66 Fields:
Polyomavirus infection in a free-ranging California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) with intestinal T-cell lymphoma. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2010 Jul; 22(4):628-32.
Colegrove KM, Wellehan JF, Rivera R, Moore PF, Gulland FM, Lowenstine LJ, Nordhausen RW, Nollens HH. PMID: 20622238.
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10 Fields:
Detection of a respiratory coronavirus from tissues archived during a pneumonia epizootic in free-ranging Pacific harbor seals Phoca vitulina richardsii. Dis Aquat Organ. 2010 Jun 11; 90(2):113-20.
Nollens HH, Wellehan JF, Archer L, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM. PMID: 20662367.
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Morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular characterization of a novel Lankesterella protozoan in two White's tree frogs (Litoria caerulea). J Zoo Wildl Med. 2010 Jun; 41(2):242-8.
Gericota B, Garner MM, Barr B, Nordhausen R, Larsen RS, Lowenstine LJ, Murphy BG. PMID: 20597215.
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West Nile virus infection in a green-winged macaw (Ara chloropterus). Avian Dis. 2010 Mar; 54(1):164-9.
Stockman J, Hawkins MG, Burns RE, Fang Y, Brault AC, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 20408419.
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Drs. Colegrove and Lowenstine Respond. Veterinary Pathology. 2010 Jan 1; 47(1):186-186.
Colegrove CK, Lowenstine LL. .
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Normal morphology and hormone receptor expression in the male California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) genital tract. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2009 Nov; 292(11):1818-26.
Colegrove KM, Gulland FM, Naydan DK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 19768750; PMCID: PMC2871535.
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The normal genital tract of the female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus): cyclic changes in histomorphology and hormone receptor distribution. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2009 Nov; 292(11):1801-17.
Colegrove KM, Gulland FM, Naydan DK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 19768749.
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Tumor morphology and immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, p53, and Ki67 in urogenital carcinomas of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Vet Pathol. 2009 Jul; 46(4):642-55.
Colegrove KM, Gulland FM, Naydan DK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 19276047.
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9 Fields:
Pathological features of amyloidosis in stranded California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). J Comp Pathol. 2009 Feb-Apr; 140(2-3):105-12.
Colegrove KM, Gulland FM, Harr K, Naydan DK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 19114281.
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Histopathology of the urinary bladders of cynomolgus monkeys treated with PPAR agonists. Toxicol Pathol. 2008 Oct; 36(6):769-76.
Hardisty JF, Anderson DC, Brodie S, Cline JM, Hahn FF, Kolenda-Roberts H, Lele SM, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 18776159.
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Disseminated lymphoma of presumptive T-cell origin in a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). J Avian Med Surg. 2008 Sep; 22(3):226-33.
Malka S, Crabbs T, Mitchell EB, Zehnder A, Kent MS, Lowenstine LJ, Hawkins MG. PMID: 19014096.
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An unusual presentation of canine distemper virus infection in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Vet Dermatol. 2008 Aug; 19(4):232-8.
Zehnder AM, Hawkins MG, Koski MA, Luff JA, Benak J, Lowenstine LJ, White SD. PMID: 18547381.
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Changes in blubber contaminant concentrations in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) associated with weight loss and gain during rehabilitation. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 01; 42(11):4181-7.
Hall AJ, Gulland FM, Ylitalo GM, Greig DJ, Lowenstine L. PMID: 18589985.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Myxozoan parasitism in waterfowl. Int J Parasitol. 2008 Aug; 38(10):1199-207.
Bartholomew JL, Atkinson SD, Hallett SL, Lowenstine LJ, Garner MM, Gardiner CH, Rideout BA, Keel MK, Brown JD. PMID: 18342316.
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20 Fields:
Chapter 41 Algal Bloom Toxicity in Marine Animals. . 2008 Jan 1; 341-348.
Lowenstine LL. .
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Assessment of melamine and cyanuric acid toxicity in cats. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2007 Nov; 19(6):616-24.
Puschner B, Poppenga RH, Lowenstine LJ, Filigenzi MS, Pesavento PA. PMID: 17998549.
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57 Fields:
AnimalsPHPublic Health
Age-prevalence of Otarine Herpesvirus-1, a tumor-associated virus, and possibility of its sexual transmission in California sea lions. Vet Microbiol. 2007 Feb 25; 120(1-2):1-8.
Buckles EL, Lowenstine LJ, DeLong RL, Melin SR, Vittore RK, Wong HN, Ross GL, St Leger JA, Greig DJ, Duerr RS, Gulland FM, Stott JL. PMID: 17208394.
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Otarine Herpesvirus-1, not papillomavirus, is associated with endemic tumours in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). J Comp Pathol. 2006 Nov; 135(4):183-9.
Buckles EL, Lowenstine LJ, Funke C, Vittore RK, Wong HN, St Leger JA, Greig DJ, Duerr RS, Gulland FM, Stott JL. PMID: 17034810.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Infection with a novel gammaherpesvirus in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). J Wildl Dis. 2006 Oct; 42(4):830-5.
Goldstein T, Lowenstine LJ, Lipscomb TP, Mazet JA, Mazet JA, Novak J, Stott JL, Gulland FM. PMID: 17255451.
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Endocrine and Immune Systems. . 2006 Sep 13; 309-315.
Lowenstine LL. .
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Publisher Site Mentions:
Fetus in fetu in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardi): histopathologic, genetic, and toxicologic analysis. Vet Pathol. 2006 Jul; 43(4):541-4.
Buckles EL, Gulland FM, Aldridge BM, Gelatt TS, Ross PS, Haulena M, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 16846996.
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Acute lead toxicosis in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) consequent to ingestion of a lead fishing sinker. J Wildl Dis. 2006 Jul; 42(3):651-7.
Zabka TS, Haulena M, Puschner B, Gulland FM, Conrad PA, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 17092897.
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MHC gene configuration variation in geographically disparate populations of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Mol Ecol. 2006 Feb; 15(2):529-33.
Bowen L, Aldridge BM, Delong R, Melin S, Godinez C, Zavala A, Gulland F, Lowenstine L, Stott JL, Johnson ML. PMID: 16448418.
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Historical perspective and future directions in training of veterinary pathologists with an emphasis on zoo and wildlife species. J Vet Med Educ. 2006; 33(3):338-45.
Lowenstine LJ, Montali RJ. PMID: 17035204.
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SRY negative 64,XX intersex phenotype in an American saddlebred horse. Vet J. 2007 Mar; 173(2):437-9.
Bannasch D, Rinaldo C, Millon L, Latson K, Spangler T, Hubberty S, Galuppo L, Lowenstine L. PMID: 16386440.
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Aerobic bacterial flora of the vagina and prepuce of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) and investigation of associations with urogenital carcinoma. Vet Microbiol. 2006 Apr 16; 114(1-2):94-103.
Johnson S, Lowenstine L, Gulland F, Jang S, Imai D, Almy F, Delong R, Gardner I. PMID: 16326045.
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Tissue distribution of phocine herpesvirus-1 (PhHV-1) in infected harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the central Californian coast and a comparison of diagnostic methods. J Comp Pathol. 2005 Aug-Oct; 133(2-3):175-83.
Goldstein T, Mazet JA, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM, Rowles TK, King DP, Aldridge BM, Stott JL. PMID: 16045920.
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Metastrongyloid nematode (Otostrongylus circumlitus) infection in a stranded California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)--a new host-parasite association. J Wildl Dis. 2005 Jul; 41(3):593-8.
Kelly TR, Greig D, Colegrove KM, Lowenstine LJ, Dailey M, Gulland FM, Haulena M. PMID: 16244070.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Leptospirosis in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) stranded along the California coast. J Wildl Dis. 2005 Apr; 41(2):426-30.
Colegrove KM, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM. PMID: 16107678.
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Pathology of domoic acid toxicity in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Vet Pathol. 2005 Mar; 42(2):184-91.
Silvagni PA, Lowenstine LJ, Spraker T, Lipscomb TP, Gulland FM. PMID: 15753472.
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36 Fields:
Evaluation of cardiac lesions and risk factors associated with myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis). Am J Vet Res. 2005 Feb; 66(2):289-99.
Kreuder C, Miller MA, Lowenstine LJ, Conrad PA, Carpenter TE, Jessup DA, Mazet JA, Mazet JA. PMID: 15757130.
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An immunogenetic basis for the high prevalence of urogenital cancer in a free-ranging population of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Immunogenetics. 2005 Feb; 56(11):846-8.
Bowen L, Aldridge BM, Delong R, Melin S, Buckles EL, Gulland F, Lowenstine LJ, Stott JL, Johnson ML. PMID: 15650877.
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The role of organochlorines in cancer-associated mortality in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Mar Pollut Bull. 2005 Jan; 50(1):30-9.
Ylitalo GM, Stein JE, Hom T, Johnson LL, Tilbury KL, Hall AJ, Rowles T, Greig D, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM. PMID: 15664031.
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Class II multiformity generated by variable MHC- DRB region configurations in the California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus). Immunogenetics. 2004 Apr; 56(1):12-27.
Bowen L, Aldridge BM, Gulland F, Van Bonn W, DeLong R, Melin S, Lowenstine LJ, Stott JL, Johnson ML. PMID: 14997355.
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Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis in a stranded Steller (northern) sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). J Comp Pathol. 2004 Feb-Apr; 130(2-3):195-8.
Zabka TS, Buckles EL, Gulland FM, Haulena M, Naydan DK, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 15003477.
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Patterns of mortality in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) from 1998-2001. J Wildl Dis. 2003 Jul; 39(3):495-509.
Kreuder C, Miller MA, Jessup DA, Lowenstine LJ, Harris MD, Ames JA, Carpenter TE, Conrad PA, Mazet JA. PMID: 14567210.
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Evaluation of a collagen patch as a method of enhancing ventriculotomy healing in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Vet Surg. 2003 Mar-Apr; 32(2):103-12.
Ferrell S, Werner J, Kyles A, Lowenstine L, Kass P, Tell L. PMID: 12692754.
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AnimalsCTClinical Trials
A primer of primate pathology: lesions and nonlesions. Toxicol Pathol. 2003 Jan-Feb; 31 Suppl:92-102.
Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 12597436.
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23 Fields:
Spontaneous rat bite fever in non-human primates: a review of two cases. J Med Primatol. 2002 Dec; 31(6):345-9.
Valverde CR, Lowenstine LJ, Young CE, Tarara RP, Roberts JA. PMID: 12519213.
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Disseminated pulmonary adiaspiromycosis caused by Emmonsia crescens in a horse. Equine Vet J. 2002 Nov; 34(7):749-52.
Pusterla N, Pesavento PA, Leutenegger CM, Hay J, Lowenstine LJ, Durando MM, Magdesian KG. PMID: 12462193.
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Internal papillomatosis with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma in a peach-fronted conure (Aratinga aurea). Avian Dis. 2002 Oct-Dec; 46(4):1062-9.
Gibbons PM, Busch MD, Tell LA, Graham JE, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 12495076.
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A retrospective study of 11 cases of lungworm (Didelphostrongylus hayesi) infection in opossums (Didelphis virginiana). J Zoo Wildl Med. 2002 Jun; 33(2):151-6.
Lamberski N, Reader JR, Cook LF, Johnson EM, Baker DG, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 12398306.
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Systemic mycosis caused by Scedosporium apiospermum in a stranded northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) undergoing rehabilitation. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2002 Jun; 33(2):166-71.
Haulena M, Buckles E, Gulland FM, Lawrence JA, Wong A, Jang S, Christopher MM, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 12398309.
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Evaluation of an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for demonstration of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). J Parasitol. 2002 Jun; 88(3):594-9.
Miller MA, Gardner IA, Packham A, Mazet JK, Hanni KD, Jessup D, Estes J, Jameson R, Dodd E, Barr BC, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM, Conrad PA. PMID: 12099433.
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Otarine herpesvirus-1: a novel gammaherpesvirus associated with urogenital carcinoma in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Vet Microbiol. 2002 Apr 22; 86(1-2):131-7.
King DP, Hure MC, Goldstein T, Aldridge BM, Gulland FM, Saliki JT, Buckles EL, Lowenstine LJ, Stott JL. PMID: 11888696.
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Rectal prolapse in a free-ranging mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei): clinical presentation and surgical management. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2001 Dec; 32(4):509-13.
Kalema-Zikusoka G, Lowenstine L. PMID: 12785708.
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Effects of petroleum on mink applied as a model for reproductive success in sea otters. J Wildl Dis. 2001 Oct; 37(4):686-92.
Mazet JA, Gardner IA, Jessup DA, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 11763732.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Isolation and characterization of two parasitic protozoa from a Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) with meningoencephalomyelitis. J Parasitol. 2001 Aug; 87(4):816-22.
Miller MA, Sverlow K, Crosbie PR, Barr BC, Lowenstine LJ, Gulland FM, Packham A, Conrad PA. PMID: 11534647.
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Humoral immune responses to phocine herpesvirus-1 in Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsii) during an outbreak of clinical disease. Vet Microbiol. 2001 May 03; 80(1):1-8.
King DP, Lie AR, Goldstein T, Aldridge BM, Gulland FM, Haulena M, Adkison MA, Lowenstine LJ, Stott JL. PMID: 11278118.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Isolation and characterization of Sarcocystis from brain tissue of a free-living southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) with fatal meningoencephalitis. Parasitol Res. 2001 Mar; 87(3):252-7.
Miller MA, Crosbie PR, Sverlow K, Hanni K, Barr BC, Kock N, Murray MJ, Lowenstine LJ, Conrad PA. PMID: 11293576.
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Atypical parasitic migration and necrotizing sacral myelitis due to Serratospiculoides amaculata in a prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus). Avian Dis. 2001 Jan-Mar; 45(1):276-83.
Hawkins MG, Couto S, Tell LA, Joseph V, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 11332496.
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Evaluation of changes in hematologic and clinical biochemical values after exposure to petroleum products in mink (Mustela vison) as a model for assessment of sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Am J Vet Res. 2000 Oct; 61(10):1197-203.
Mazet JK, Gardner IA, Jessup DA, Lowenstine LJ, Boyce WM. PMID: 11039547.
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Prey, parasites and pathology associated with the mortality of a juvenile gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) stranded along the northern California coast. Dis Aquat Organ. 2000 Aug 31; 42(2):111-7.
Dailey MD, Gulland FM, Lowenstine LJ, Silvagni P, Howard D. PMID: 11023250.
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Mortality of sea lions along the central California coast linked to a toxic diatom bloom. Nature. 2000 Jan 06; 403(6765):80-4.
Scholin CA, Gulland F, Doucette GJ, Benson S, Busman M, Chavez FP, Cordaro J, DeLong R, De Vogelaere A, Harvey J, Haulena M, Lefebvre K, Lipscomb T, Loscutoff S, Lowenstine LJ, Marin R, Miller PE, McLellan WA, Moeller PD, Powell CL, Rowles T, Silvagni P, Silver M, Spraker T, Trainer V, Van Dolah FM. PMID: 10638756.
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Capillaria hepatica (Nematoda) infections in human-habituated mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) of the Parc National de Volcans, Rwanda. J Parasitol. 1999 Dec; 85(6):1168-70.
Graczyk TK, Lowenstine LJ, Cranfield MR. PMID: 10647051.
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Endothelial cell changes are associated with pulmonary edema and respiratory distress in mice infected with the WA1 human Babesia parasite. J Parasitol. 1999 Jun; 85(3):479-89.
Hemmer RM, Wozniak EJ, Lowenstine LJ, Plopper CG, Wong V, Conrad PA. PMID: 10386441.
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Meningoencephalitis due to a Sarcocystis neurona-like protozoan in Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi). J Parasitol. 1998 Dec; 84(6):1184-9.
Lapointe JM, Duignan PJ, Marsh AE, Gulland FM, Barr BC, Naydan DK, King DP, Farman CA, Huntingdon KA, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 9920311.
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Antigenic and nucleotide characterization of a herpesvirus isolated from Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsii). Arch Virol. 1998; 143(10):2021-7.
King DP, Parselles R, Gulland FM, Lapointe JM, Lowenstine LJ, Ferrick DA, Stott JL. PMID: 9856089.
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Bartonella henselae antibody prevalence in free-ranging and captive wild felids from California. J Wildl Dis. 1998 Jan; 34(1):56-63.
Yamamoto K, Chomel BB, Lowenstine LJ, Kikuchi Y, Phillips LG, Barr BC, Swift PK, Jones KR, Riley SP, Kasten RW, Foley JE, Pedersen NC. PMID: 9476226.
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Clinical and pathological characterization of northern elephant seal skin disease. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Jul; 33(3):438-49.
Beckmen KB, Lowenstine LJ, Newman J, Hill J, Hanni K, Gerber J. PMID: 9249688.
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Herpesvirus infection in stranded Pacific harbor seals of coastal California. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Jul; 33(3):450-8.
Gulland FM, Lowenstine LJ, Lapointe JM, Spraker T, King DP. PMID: 9249689.
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Congenital defects in northern elephant seals stranded along the central California coast. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Apr; 33(2):220-5.
Trupkiewicz JG, Gulland FM, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 9131551.
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Lesions associated with Pasteurella multocida infection in raptors. Avian Dis. 1997 Jan-Mar; 41(1):203-13.
Morishita TY, Lowenstine LJ, Hirsh DC, Brooks DL. PMID: 9087338.
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Comparative pathogenesis of human WA1 and Babesia microti isolates in a Syrian hamster model. Lab Anim Sci. 1996 Oct; 46(5):507-15.
Wozniak EJ, Lowenstine LJ, Hemmer R, Robinson T, Conrad PA. PMID: 8905583.
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Pasteurella multocida in psittacines: prevalence, pathology, and characterization of isolates. Avian Dis. 1996 Oct-Dec; 40(4):900-7.
Morishita TY, Lowenstine LJ, Hirsh DC, Brooks DL. PMID: 8980823.
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Pasteurella multocida in raptors: prevalence and characterization. Avian Dis. 1996 Oct-Dec; 40(4):908-18.
Morishita TY, Lowenstine LJ, Hirsh DC, Brooks DL. PMID: 8980824.
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Leptospirosis in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) stranded along the central California coast, 1981-1994. J Wildl Dis. 1996 Oct; 32(4):572-80.
Gulland FM, Koski M, Lowenstine LJ, Colagross A, Morgan L, Spraker T. PMID: 9359054.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Coccidioidomycosis in free-living California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in central California. J Wildl Dis. 1996 Oct; 32(4):707-10.
Fauquier DA, Gulland FM, Trupkiewicz JG, Spraker TR, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 9359077.
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Herpesvirus particles associated with oral and respiratory lesions in a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). J Wildl Dis. 1996 Jul; 32(3):521-6.
Pettan-Brewer KC, Drew ML, Ramsay E, Mohr FC, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 8827680.
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Baseline coagulation assay values for northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), and disseminated intravascular coagulation in this species. J Wildl Dis. 1996 Jul; 32(3):536-40.
Gulland FM, Werner L, O'Neill SO, Lowenstine LJ, Trupkiewitz J, Smith D, Royal B, Strubel I. PMID: 8827684.
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Metastatic carcinoma of probable transitional cell origin in 66 free-living California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), 1979 to 1994. J Wildl Dis. 1996 Apr; 32(2):250-8.
Gulland FM, Trupkiewicz JG, Spraker TR, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 8722262.
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A survey for selected viral, chlamydial, and parasitic diseases in wild dusky-headed parakeets (Aratinga weddellii) and tui parakeets (Brotogeris sanctithomae) in Peru. J Wildl Dis. 1995 Oct; 31(4):523-8.
Gilardi KV, Lowenstine LJ, Gilardi JD, Munn CA. PMID: 8592384.
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Multicentric skeletal sarcomas associated with probable retrovirus particles in two African hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris). Vet Pathol. 1994 Jul; 31(4):481-4.
Peauroi JR, Lowenstine LJ, Munn RJ, Wilson DW. PMID: 7941242.
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Apparent gossypol-induced toxicosis in adult dairy goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1994 Feb 15; 204(4):642-3.
East NE, Anderson M, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 8163423.
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Evidence of horizontal transmission of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaques. J Infect Dis. 1993 Oct; 168(4):836-43.
Vogel P, Miller CJ, Lowenstine LL, Lackner AA. PMID: 8376830.
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Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in hens overfed a purified diet. Selected enzyme activities and liver histology in relation to liver hemorrhage and reproductive performance. Poult Sci. 1993 Aug; 72(8):1479-91.
Walzem RL, Simon C, Morishita T, Lowenstine L, Hansen RJ. PMID: 8378221.
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Evidence for a lentiviral etiology in an epizootic of immune deficiency and lymphoma in stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides). J Med Primatol. 1992 Jan; 21(1):1-14.
Lowenstine LJ, Lerche NW, Yee JL, Uyeda A, Jennings MB, Munn RJ, McClure HM, Anderson DC, Fultz PN, Gardner MB. PMID: 1318381.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Epithelial intracytoplasmic herpes viral inclusions associated with an outbreak of duck virus enteritis. Avian Dis. 1992 Jan-Mar; 36(1):164-8.
Barr BC, Jessup DA, Docherty DE, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 1314555.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
A highly divergent simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVstm) recovered from stored stump-tailed macaque tissues. J Virol. 1991 Dec; 65(12):7061-5.
Khan AS, Galvin TA, Lowenstine LJ, Jennings MB, Gardner MB, Buckler CE. PMID: 1942258; PMCID: PMC250828.
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SIV of stump-tailed macaque (SIVstm) is a divergent Asian isolate. J Med Primatol. 1991 Jun; 20(4):167-71.
Khan AS, Galvin TA, Jennings MB, Gardner MB, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 1719204.
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Gastric stromal tumors in two rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Vet Pathol. 1991 Jan; 28(1):30-6.
Banerjee M, Lowenstine LJ, Munn RJ. PMID: 2017825.
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Retroviral infections of the CNS of nonhuman primates. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1990; 160:77-96.
Lackner AA, Lowenstine LJ, Marx PA. PMID: 2162289.
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Immunohistochemical localization of type D retrovirus serotype 1 in the digestive tract of rhesus monkeys with simian AIDS. J Med Primatol. 1990; 19(3-4):339-49.
Lackner AA, Moore PF, Marx PA, Munn RJ, Gardner MB, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 2172543.
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Genital mucosal transmission of simian immunodeficiency virus: animal model for heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. J Virol. 1989 Oct; 63(10):4277-84.
Miller CJ, Alexander NJ, Sutjipto S, Lackner AA, Gettie A, Hendrickx AG, Lowenstine LJ, Jennings M, Marx PA. PMID: 2778875; PMCID: PMC251042.
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Asymptomatic infection of the central nervous system by the macaque immunosuppressive type D retrovirus, SRV-1. J Gen Virol. 1989 Jul; 70 ( Pt 7):1641-51.
Lackner AA, Marx PA, Lerche NW, Gardner MB, Kluge JD, Spinner A, Kwang HS, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 2544658.
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Feline immunodeficiency virus is a lentivirus associated with an AIDS-like disease in cats. AIDS. 1989; 3 Suppl 1:S43-9.
Sparger EE, Luciw PA, Elder JH, Yamamoto JK, Lowenstine LJ, Pedersen NC. PMID: 2558688.
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Three cases of gastric neoplasia in psittacines. Avian Dis. 1989 Jan-Mar; 33(1):204-10.
Leach MW, Paul-Murphy J, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 2930404.
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Mucosal epithelial cells and Langerhans cells are targets for infection by the immunosuppressive type D retrovirus simian AIDS retrovirus serotype 1. J Med Primatol. 1989; 18(3-4):195-207.
Lackner AA, Schiødt M, Armitage GC, Moore PF, Munn RJ, Marx PA, Gardner MB, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 2547957.
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Lymphoid immunohistochemistry of macaque primates. Clin Exp Immunol. 1988 Dec; 74(3):435-42.
Ormerod LD, Osborn KG, Lowenstine LJ, Meyer PR, Parker JW, Smith RE, Taylor CR. PMID: 3233792; PMCID: PMC1542026.
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Response to radiation therapy of recurrent lymphangioma in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1988 Dec 01; 193(11):1432-4.
Turrel JM, Lowenstine LJ, Cowgill LD. PMID: 3209459.
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Pathogenesis of experimentally induced feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats. Am J Vet Res. 1988 Aug; 49(8):1246-58.
Yamamoto JK, Sparger E, Ho EW, Andersen PR, O'Connor TP, Mandell CP, Lowenstine L, Munn R, Pedersen NC. PMID: 2459996.
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Distribution of a macaque immunosuppressive type D retrovirus in neural, lymphoid, and salivary tissues. J Virol. 1988 Jun; 62(6):2134-42.
Lackner AA, Rodriguez MH, Bush CE, Munn RJ, Kwang HS, Moore PF, Osborn KG, Marx PA, Gardner MB, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 3285033; PMCID: PMC253311.
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Oral lesions in rhesus monkeys associated with infection by simian AIDS retrovirus, serotype-I (SRV-1). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1988 Jan; 65(1):50-5.
Schiødt M, Lackner A, Armitage G, Lerche N, Greenspan JS, Lowenstine L. PMID: 2829094.
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Natural history of endemic type D retrovirus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in group-housed rhesus monkeys. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1987 Oct; 79(4):847-54.
Lerche NW, Marx PA, Osborn KG, Maul DH, Lowenstine LJ, Bleviss ML, Moody P, Henrickson RV, Gardner MB. PMID: 3477665.
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Induction of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome (SAIDS) with a molecular clone of a type D SAIDS retrovirus. J Virol. 1987 Oct; 61(10):3066-71.
Heidecker G, Lerche NW, Lowenstine LJ, Lackner AA, Osborn KG, Gardner MB, Marx PA. PMID: 3041028; PMCID: PMC255881.
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Chronic urinary tract infection in dogs: induction by inoculation with bacteria via percutaneous nephropyelostomy. Am J Vet Res. 1987 May; 48(5):794-8.
Ling GV, Lowenstine LJ, Cullen JM, Ackerman N, Ruby AL. PMID: 3296890.
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Comparative toxicology of tetrachlorobiphenyls in mink and rats. I. Changes in hepatic enzyme activity and smooth endoplasmic reticulum volume. Fundam Appl Toxicol. 1987 Jan; 8(1):5-14.
Gillette DM, Corey RD, Helferich WG, McFarland JM, Lowenstine LJ, Moody DE, Hammock BD, Shull LR. PMID: 3104118.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Comparative toxicology of tetrachlorobiphenyls in mink and rats. II. Pathology. Fundam Appl Toxicol. 1987 Jan; 8(1):15-22.
Gillette DM, Corey RD, Lowenstine LJ, Shull LR. PMID: 3030868.
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Mesenchymal neoplasms associated with type D retroviruses in macaques. Cancer Surv. 1987; 6(1):101-15.
Marx PA, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 3319133.
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Survival versus nonsurvival determinants for neonatal harbor seals. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1986 Nov 01; 189(9):1024-8.
Dierauf LA, Dougherty SA, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 3505918.
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The causes of false-positives encountered during the screening of old-world primates for antibodies to human and simian retroviruses by ELISA. J Virol Methods. 1986 Nov; 14(3-4):213-28.
Pedersen NC, Lowenstine L, Marx P, Higgins J, Baulu J, McGuire M, Gardner MB. PMID: 3025237; PMCID: PMC7119498.
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Prevention of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome with a formalin-inactivated type D retrovirus vaccine. J Virol. 1986 Nov; 60(2):431-5.
Marx PA, Pedersen NC, Lerche NW, Osborn KG, Lowenstine LJ, Lackner AA, Maul DH, Kwang HS, Kluge JD, Zaiss CP, et al. PMID: 3021978; PMCID: PMC288910.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Seroepidemiologic survey of captive Old-World primates for antibodies to human and simian retroviruses, and isolation of a lentivirus from sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys). Int J Cancer. 1986 Oct 15; 38(4):563-74.
Lowenstine LJ, Pedersen NC, Higgins J, Pallis KC, Uyeda A, Marx P, Lerche NW, Munn RJ, Gardner MB. PMID: 2428760.
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Immunodeficiency in rhesus monkeys associated with the original Mason-Pfizer monkey virus. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1986 Oct; 77(4):957-65.
Bryant ML, Gardner MB, Marx PA, Maul DH, Lerche NW, Osborn KG, Lowenstine LJ, Bodgen A, Arthur LO, Hunter E. PMID: 3020302.
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Inapparent carriers of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome type D retrovirus and disease transmission with saliva. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1986 Aug; 77(2):489-96.
Lerche NW, Osborn KG, Marx PA, Prahalada S, Maul DH, Lowenstine LJ, Munn RJ, Bryant ML, Henrickson RV, Arthur LO, et al. PMID: 3461210.
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Pathogenesis of simian AIDS in rhesus macaques inoculated with the SRV-1 strain of type D retrovirus. Am J Vet Res. 1986 Apr; 47(4):863-8.
Maul DH, Lerche NW, Osborn KG, Marx PA, Zaiss C, Spinner A, Kluge JD, MacKenzie MR, Lowenstine LJ, Bryant ML, et al. PMID: 3963589.
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Hematologic abnormalities in simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Lab Anim Sci. 1986 Feb; 36(1):14-9.
MacKenzie M, Lowenstine L, Lalchandani R, Lerche N, Osborn K, Spinner A, Bleviss M, Hendrickson R, Gardner M. PMID: 3959529.
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Malignant lymphoreticular neoplasm in an African gray parrot. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1985 Dec 01; 187(11):1216-7.
Paul-Murphy J, Lowenstine L, Turrel JM, Murphy CJ, Fowler ME. PMID: 4077641.
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Isolation of a new serotype of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome type D retrovirus from Celebes black macaques (Macaca nigra) with immune deficiency and retroperitoneal fibromatosis. J Virol. 1985 Nov; 56(2):571-8.
Marx PA, Bryant ML, Osborn KG, Maul DH, Lerche NW, Lowenstine LJ, Kluge JD, Zaiss CP, Henrickson RV, Shiigi SM, et al. PMID: 2997477; PMCID: PMC252614.
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Pathology of Common Murres and Cassin's Auklets exposed to oil. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1985 Nov 1; 14(6):725-737.
Fry FD, Lowenstine LL. .
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An immunopathologic evaluation of lymph nodes from monkey and man with acquired immune deficiency syndrome and related conditions. Hematol Oncol. 1985 Jul-Sep; 3(3):199-210.
Meyer PR, Ormerod LD, Osborn KG, Lowenstine LJ, Hendrickson RV, Modlin RL, Smith RE, Gardner MB, Taylor CR. PMID: 4043931.
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Adenovirus-like particles associated with intranuclear inclusion bodies in the kidney of a common murre (uria aalge). Avian Dis. 1985 Jan-Mar; 29(1):208-13.
Lowenstine LJ, Fry DM. PMID: 2985038.
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Caprine encephalomyelomalacia. Vet Pathol. 1984 May; 21(3):269-73.
Cordy DR, East NE, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 6730215.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Clinical features of simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SAIDS) in rhesus monkeys. Lab Anim Sci. 1984 Apr; 34(2):140-5.
Henrickson RV, Maul DH, Lerche NW, Osborn KG, Lowenstine LJ, Prahalada S, Sever JL, Madden DL, Gardner MB. PMID: 6328113.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Simian AIDS: isolation of a type D retrovirus and transmission of the disease. Science. 1984 Mar 09; 223(4640):1083-6.
Marx PA, Maul DH, Osborn KG, Lerche NW, Moody P, Lowenstine LJ, Henrickson RV, Arthur LO, Gilden RV, Gravell M, et al. PMID: 6695196.
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The pathology of an epizootic of acquired immunodeficiency in rhesus macaques. Am J Pathol. 1984 Jan; 114(1):94-103.
Osborn KG, Prahalada S, Lowenstine LJ, Gardner MB, Maul DH, Henrickson RV. PMID: 6691418; PMCID: PMC1900398.
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Invasive trichomoniasis in a Callicebus moloch. Vet Pathol. 1983 Jul; 20(4):491-4.
Bunton TE, Lowenstine LJ, Leininger R. PMID: 6623852.
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Diagnostic exercise. Lab Anim Sci. 1983 Jun; 33(3):245-6.
Lowenstine LJ, Henrickson RV, Anderson JH. PMID: 6876728.
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Epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency in rhesus monkeys. Lancet. 1983 Feb 19; 1(8321):388-90.
Henrickson RV, Maul DH, Osborn KG, Sever JL, Madden DL, Ellingsworth LR, Anderson JH, Lowenstine LJ, Gardner MB. PMID: 6130381.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Viral hepatitis (adenovirus) in a California sea lion. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1981 Dec 01; 179(11):1194-7.
Dierauf LA, Lowenstine LJ, Jerome C. PMID: 6276345.
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Brain abscess in a rhesus monkey. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1981 Dec 01; 179(11):1299-303.
Rosenberg DP, Lowenstine LJ. PMID: 7328028.
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Avian pox in blue-fronted Amazon parrots. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1981 Dec 01; 179(11):1218-22.
McDonald SE, Lowenstine LJ, Ardans AA. PMID: 6276348.
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A new viral respiratory infection in parakeets. Avian Dis. 1980 Jul-Sep; 24(3):781-3.
Helfer DH, Schmitz JA, Seefeldt SL, Lowenstine L. PMID: 6255930.
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Percutaneous nephropyelocentesis and nephropyelostomy in the dog: a description of the technique. Am J Vet Res. 1979 Nov; 40(11):1605-12.
Ling GV, Ackerman N, Lowenstine LJ, Cowgill LD. PMID: 525880.
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Trombiculosis in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1979 Aug 01; 175(3):289-2.
Lowenstine LJ, Carpenter JL, OConnor BM. PMID: 500457.
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Diabetes mellitus in dogs: a review of initial evaluation, immediate and long-term management, and outcome. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1977 Mar 01; 170(5):521-30.
Ling GV, Lowenstine LJ, Pulley LT, Kaneko JJ. PMID: 557467.
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Serum thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3) uptake values in normal adult cats. Am J Vet Res. 1974 Sep; 35(9):1247-9.
Ling GV, Lowenstine LJ, Kaneko JJ. PMID: 4214085.
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