Dynamic proportional loss of functional connectivity revealed change of left superior frontal gyrus in subjective cognitive decline: an explanatory study based on Chinese and Western cohorts. Geroscience. 2025 Jan 31.
Wang L, Hu W, Dong F, Sheng C, Wu J, Han Y, Jiang J, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Weiner MW, Aisen P, Petersen R, Jack CR, Jagust W, Trojanowski JQ, Toga AW, Beckett L, Green RC, Saykin AJ, Morris J, Shaw LM, Khachaturian Z, Sorensen G, Kuller L, Raichle M, Paul S, Davies P, Fillit H, Hefti F, Holtzman D, Mesulam MM, Potter W, Snyder P, Schwartz A, Montine T, Thomas RG, Donohue M, Walter S, Gessert D, Sather T, Jiminez G, Harvey D, Bernstein M, Thompson P, Schuff N, Borowski B, Gunter J, Senjem M, Vemuri P, Jones D, Kantarci K, Ward C, Koeppe RA, Foster N, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis C, Landau S, Cairns NJ, Householder E, Taylor-Reinwald L, Lee V, Korecka M, Figurski M, Crawford K, Neu S, Foroud TM, Potkin SG, Shen L, Faber K, Kim S, Nho K, Thal L, Buckholtz N, Albert M, Frank R, Hsiao J, Kaye J, Quinn J, Lind B, Carter R, Dolen S, Schneider LS, Pawluczyk S, Beccera M, Teodoro L, Spann BM, Brewer J, Vanderswag H, Fleisher A, Heidebrink JL, Lord JL, Mason SS, Albers CS, Knopman D, Johnson K, Doody RS, Villanueva-Meyer J, Chowdhury M, Rountree S, Dang M, Stern Y, Honig LS, Bell KL, Ances B, Carroll M, Leon S, Mintun MA, Schneider S, Oliver A, Marson D, Griffith R, Clark D, Geldmacher D, Brockington J, Roberson E, Grossman H, Mitsis E, de Toledo-Morrell L, Shah RC, Duara R, Varon D, Greig MT, Roberts P, Onyike C, D'Agostino D, Kielb S, Galvin JE, Cerbone B, Michel CA, Rusinek H, de Leon MJ, Glodzik L, De Santi S, Doraiswamy P, Petrella JR, Wong TZ, Arnold SE, Karlawish JH, Wolk D, Smith CD, Jicha G, Hardy P, Sinha P, Oates E, Conrad G, Lopez OL, Oakley M, Simpson DM, Porsteinsson AP, Goldstein BS, Martin K, Makino KM, Ismail M, Brand C, Mulnard RA, Thai G, McAdams-Ortiz C, Womack K, Mathews D, Quiceno M, Diaz-Arrastia R, King R, Weiner M, Martin-Cook K, DeVous M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Cellar JS, Burns JM, Anderson HS, Swerdlow RH, Apostolova L, Tingus K, Woo E, Silverman DHS, Lu PH, Bartzokis G, Graff-Radford NR, Parfitt F, Kendall T, Johnson H, Farlow MR, Hake AM, Matthews BR, Herring S, Hunt C, van Dyck CH, Carson RE, MacAvoy MG, Chertkow H, Bergman H, Hosein C, Hsiung GR, Feldman H, Mudge B, Assaly M, Bernick C, Munic D, Kertesz A, Rogers J, Trost D, Kerwin D, Lipowski K, Wu CK, Johnson N, Sadowsky C, Martinez W, Villena T, Turner RS, Johnson K, Reynolds B, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Marshall G, Frey M, Lane B, Rosen A, Tinklenberg J, Sabbagh MN, Belden CM, Jacobson SA, Sirrel SA, Kowall N, Killiany R, Budson AE, Norbash A, Johnson PL, Allard J, Lerner A, Ogrocki P, Hudson L, Fletcher E, Carmichae O, Olichney J, DeCarli C, Kittur S, Borrie M, Lee TY, Bartha R, Johnson S, Asthana S, Carlsson CM, Preda A, Nguyen D, Tariot P, Reeder S, Bates V, Capote H, Rainka M, Scharre DW, Kataki M, Adeli A, Zimmerman EA, Celmins D, Brown AD, Pearlson GD, Blank K, Anderson K, Santulli RB, Kitzmiller TJ, Schwartz ES, Sink KM, Williamson JD, Garg P, Watkins F, Ott BR, Querfurth H, Tremont G, Salloway S, Malloy P, Correia S, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Mintzer J, Spicer K, Bachman D, Pasternak S, Rachinsky I, Drost D, Pomara N, et al. PMID: 39888585.
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An unsupervised learning approach for clustering joint trajectories of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers: An application to ADNI Data. Alzheimers Dement. 2025 Jan 27; e14524.
Sönmez TF, Harvey DJ, Beckett LA, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39868506.
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Differences in baseline cognitive performance between participants with early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer's disease: Comparison of LEADS and ADNI. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec 23.
Hammers DB, Eloyan A, Thangarajah M, Taurone A, Beckett L, Gao S, Polsinelli AJ, Kirby K, Dage JL, Nudelman K, Aisen P, Reman R, La Joie R, Lagarde J, Atri A, Clark D, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez MF, Womack K, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Grant I, Rogalski E, Johnson ECB, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium 1 for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39711228.
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Longitudinal cognitive performance of participants with sporadic early onset Alzheimer's disease from LEADS. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec 23.
Hammers DB, Eloyan A, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Gao S, Beckett L, Polsinelli AJ, Kirby K, Dage JL, Nudelman K, Aisen P, Reman R, La Joie R, Lagarde J, Atri A, Clark D, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Grant I, Honig LS, Johnson ECB, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez MF, Womack K, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Rabinovici GD, Dickerson BC, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 39713873.
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Overview of Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and future clinical trials. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec 22.
Weiner MW, Kanoria S, Miller MJ, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Conti C, Diaz A, Flenniken D, Green RC, Harvey DJ, Jack CR, Jagust W, Lee EB, Morris JC, Nho K, Nosheny R, Okonkwo OC, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Veitch DP, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39711072.
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Population-level effects on crime of recovering firearms from armed prohibited persons: intention-to-treat analysis of a pragmatic cluster-randomised trial in California cities. Inj Prev. 2024 Oct 02.
Wintemute GJ, Tancredi D, Pear VA, Li Y, McCort CD, Pierce G, Braga AA, Wright MA, Laqueur H, Kravitz-Wirtz N, Studdert D, Beckett L. PMID: 39358039.
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Learning precise segmentation of neurofibrillary tangles from rapid manual point annotations. bioRxiv. 2024 Sep 24.
Ghandian S, Albarghouthi L, Nava K, Sharma SRR, Minaud L, Beckett L, Saito N, DeCarli C, Rissman RA, Teich AF, Jin LW, Dugger BN, Keiser MJ. PMID: 39386601; PMCID: PMC11463656.
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The ADNI4 Digital Study: A novel approach to recruitment, screening, and assessment of participants for AD clinical research. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):7232-7247.
Miller MJ, Diaz A, Conti C, Albala B, Flenniken D, Fockler J, Kwang W, Sacrey DT, Ashford MT, Skirrow C, Weston J, Fristed E, Farias ST, Korecka M, Wan Y, Aisen PS, Beckett L, Harvey D, Lee EB, Petersen RC, Shaw LM, Okonkwo OC, Mindt MR, Weiner MW, Nosheny RL, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39219153; PMCID: PMC11485063.
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Contributions of the ADNI Biostatistics Core. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):7331-7339.
Beckett LA, Saito N, Donohue MC, Harvey DJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39140601; PMCID: PMC11485306.
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Standardized statistical framework for comparison of biomarkers: Techniques from ADNI. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):6834-6843.
Harvey DJ, Tosun D, Jack CR, Weiner M, Beckett LA, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39138886; PMCID: PMC11485401.
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Immune Cell Dynamics in EGFR-Mutated NSCLC Treated With Afatinib and Pembrolizumab: Results From a Phase IB Study. JTO Clin Res Rep. 2024 Oct; 5(10):100706.
Riess JW, Lara MS, Lopez de Rodas M, Luxardi G, Herbert S, Shimoda M, Kelly K, Meerlev A, Moore E, Beckett L, Monjazeb A, Schalper K, Maverakis E, Gandara DR. PMID: 39318388; PMCID: PMC11420451.
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The neuropathological landscape of small vessel disease and Lewy pathology in a cohort of Hispanic and non-Hispanic White decedents with Alzheimer disease. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2024 05 24; 12(1):81.
Wang HP, Scalco R, Saito N, Beckett L, Nguyen ML, Huie EZ, Honig LS, DeCarli C, Rissman RA, Teich AF, Mungas DM, Jin LW, Dugger BN. PMID: 38790074; PMCID: PMC11127432.
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The Sporadic Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Signature Of Atrophy: Preliminary Findings From The Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS) Cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S74-S88.
Touroutoglou A, Katsumi Y, Brickhouse M, Zaitsev A, Eckbo R, Aisen P, Beckett L, Dage JL, Eloyan A, Foroud T, Ghetti B, Griffin P, Hammers D, Jack CR, Kramer JH, Iaccarino L, Joie R, Mundada NS, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Polsinelli AJ, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez MF, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha S, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Womack K, Carrillo MC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, Dickerson BC, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37850549; PMCID: PMC10829523.
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Pathogenic variants in the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S64-S73.
Nudelman KNH, Jackson T, Rumbaugh M, Eloyan A, Abreu M, Dage JL, Snoddy C, Faber KM, Foroud T, Hammers DB, DIAN/DIAN-TU Clinical/Genetics Committee, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Aisen P, Beckett L, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Toga AW, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez M, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37801072; PMCID: PMC10783439.
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The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative in the era of Alzheimer's disease treatment: A review of ADNI studies from 2021 to 2022. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 01; 20(1):652-694.
Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Miller M, Aisen PS, Ashford MA, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nho KT, Nosheny R, Okonkwo O, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera Mindt M, Saykin A, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 37698424; PMCID: PMC10841343.
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Atezolizumab plus stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for medically inoperable patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: a multi-institutional phase I trial. Nat Commun. 2023 09 02; 14(1):5332.
Monjazeb AM, Daly ME, Luxardi G, Maverakis E, Merleev AA, Marusina AI, Borowsky A, Mirhadi A, Shiao SL, Beckett L, Chen S, Eastham D, Li T, Vick LV, McGee HM, Lara F, Garcia L, Morris LA, Canter RJ, Riess JW, Schalper KA, Murphy WJ, Kelly K. PMID: 37658083; PMCID: PMC10474145.
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CTClinical Trials
White matter hyperintensities are higher among early-onset Alzheimer's disease participants than their cognitively normal and early-onset nonAD peers: Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS). Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S89-S97.
Eloyan A, Thangarajah M, An N, Borowski BJ, Reddy AL, Aisen P, Dage JL, Foroud T, Ghetti B, Griffin P, Hammers D, Iaccarino L, Jack CR, Kirby K, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, La Joie R, Mundada NS, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga A, Touroutoglou A, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez MF, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha S, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Womack K, Beckett L, Gao S, Carrillo MC, Rabinovici G, Apostolova LG, Dickerson B, Vemuri P, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37491599; PMCID: PMC10808262.
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Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S115-S125.
Dage JL, Eloyan A, Thangarajah M, Hammers DB, Fagan AM, Gray JD, Schindler SE, Snoddy C, Nudelman KNH, Faber KM, Foroud T, Aisen P, Griffin P, Grinberg LT, Iaccarino L, Kirby K, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, La Joie R, Mundada NS, Murray ME, Rumbaugh M, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Toga AW, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Beckett LA, Day GS, Graff-Radford NR, Duara R, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu JC, Mendez MF, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Womack KB, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37491668; PMCID: PMC10877673.
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The neuropathological landscape of Hispanic and non-Hispanic White decedents with Alzheimer disease. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 06 29; 11(1):105.
Scalco R, Saito N, Beckett L, Nguyen ML, Huie E, Wang HP, Flaherty DA, Honig LS, DeCarli C, Rissman RA, Teich AF, Jin LW, Dugger BN. PMID: 37386610; PMCID: PMC10311731.
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Baseline neuropsychiatric symptoms and psychotropic medication use midway through data collection of the Longitudinal Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS) cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S42-S48.
Polsinelli AJ, Wonderlin RJ, Hammers DB, Garcia AP, Eloyan A, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Beckett L, Gao S, Wang S, Kirby K, Logan PE, Aisen P, Dage JL, Foroud T, Griffin P, Iaccarino L, Kramer JH, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, La Joie R, Mundada NS, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Rumbaugh M, Toga AW, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez MF, Womack K, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37296082; PMCID: PMC10709525.
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Profiling baseline performance on the Longitudinal Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS) cohort near the midpoint of data collection. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19 Suppl 9:S8-S18.
Hammers DB, Eloyan A, Taurone A, Thangarajah M, Beckett L, Gao S, Kirby K, Aisen P, Dage JL, Foroud T, Griffin P, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Koeppe R, Kukull WA, Mundada NS, La Joie R, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Iaccarino L, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Polsinelli AJ, Rumbaugh M, Toga A, Touroutoglou A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez MF, Womack K, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski E, Salloway S, Sha SJ, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Carrillo MC, Dickerson BC, Rabinovici GD, Apostolova LG, LEADS Consortium. PMID: 37256497; PMCID: PMC10806768.
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Alzheimer's-related brain damage shows sex-specific links with risk factors. PLoS Biol. 2022 12; 20(12):e3001905.
Beckett LA. PMID: 36516115; PMCID: PMC9749968.
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Autosomal dominant and sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease share a common in vivo pathophysiology. Brain. 2022 10 21; 145(10):3594-3607.
Morris JC, Weiner M, Xiong C, Beckett L, Coble D, Saito N, Aisen PS, Allegri R, Benzinger TLS, Berman SB, Cairns NJ, Carrillo MC, Chui HC, Chhatwal JP, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Farlow M, Fox NC, Ghetti B, Goate AM, Gordon BA, Graff-Radford N, Day GS, Hassenstab J, Ikeuchi T, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Jucker M, Levin J, Massoumzadeh P, Masters CL, Martins R, McDade E, Mori H, Noble JM, Petersen RC, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Vöglein J, Weninger S, Bateman RJ, Buckles VD. PMID: 35580594; PMCID: PMC9989348.
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22 Fields:
Increasing participant diversity in AD research: Plans for digital screening, blood testing, and a community-engaged approach in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 4. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 01; 19(1):307-317.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Miller MJ, Aisen PS, Albala B, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nosheny R, Okonkwo OC, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 36209495; PMCID: PMC10042173.
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A distinct subpopulation of leukemia initiating cells in acute precursor B lymphoblastic leukemia: quiescent phenotype and unique transcriptomic profile. Front Oncol. 2022; 12:972323.
Lee AQ, Konishi H, Duong C, Yoshida S, Davis RR, Van Dyke JE, Ijiri M, McLaughlin B, Kim K, Li Y, Beckett L, Nitin N, McPherson JD, Tepper CG, Satake N. PMID: 36212452; PMCID: PMC9533407.
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The Worldwide Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: ADNI-3 updates and global perspectives. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2021; 7(1):e12226.
Weber CJ, Carrillo MC, Jagust W, Jack CR, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Saykin AJ, Beckett LA, Sur C, Rao NP, Mendez PC, Black SE, Li K, Iwatsubo T, Chang CC, Sosa AL, Rowe CC, Perrin RJ, Morris JC, Healan AMB, Hall SE, Weiner MW. PMID: 35005206; PMCID: PMC8719344.
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A Landscape of Subjective and Objective Stress in African-American Dementia Family Caregivers. West J Nurs Res. 2022 03; 44(3):239-249.
Cothran FA, Chang E, Beckett L, Bidwell JT, Price CA, Gallagher-Thompson D. PMID: 34865588; PMCID: PMC8908689.
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Review of Existing Models to Predict Reductions in Neural Tube Defects Due to Folic Acid Fortification and Model Results Using Data from Cameroon. Adv Nutr. 2021 12 01; 12(6):2401-2414.
Luo H, Brown KH, Stewart CP, Beckett LA, Clermont A, Vosti SA, Guintang Assiene JM, Engle-Stone R. PMID: 34280291; PMCID: PMC8634386.
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Using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative to improve early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 04; 18(4):824-857.
Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, DeCarli C, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Okonkwo O, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 34581485; PMCID: PMC9158456.
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Novel Patient Metastatic Pleural Effusion-Derived Xenograft Model of Renal Medullary Carcinoma Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy of Sunitinib. Front Oncol. 2021; 11:648097.
Lee AQ, Ijiri M, Rodriguez R, Gandour-Edwards R, Lee J, Tepper CG, Li Y, Beckett L, Lam K, Goodwin N, Satake N. PMID: 33842362; PMCID: PMC8032976.
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Phase I/II Study of Capmatinib Plus Erlotinib in Patients With MET-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. JCO Precis Oncol. 2021; 1.
McCoach CE, Yu A, Gandara DR, Riess JW, Vang DP, Li T, Lara PN, Gubens M, Lara F, Mack PC, Beckett LA, Kelly K. PMID: 34036220; PMCID: PMC8140807.
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Injection Reactions after Administration of Sustained-release Meloxicam to BALB/cJ, C57BL/6J, and Crl:CD1(ICR) Mice. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2021 03 01; 60(2):176-183.
Fuetsch SR, Stewart LA, Imai DM, Beckett LA, Li Y, Lloyd KCK, Grimsrud KN. PMID: 33402233; PMCID: PMC7974809.
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Injection-site Reactions to Sustained-release Meloxicam in Sprague-Dawley Rats. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2020 11 01; 59(6):726-731.
Stewart LA, Imai DM, Beckett L, Li Y, Lloyd KC, Grimsrud KN. PMID: 32928340; PMCID: PMC7604686.
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Perspectives of emergency department attendees on outcomes of resuscitation efforts: origins and impact on cardiopulmonary resuscitation preference. Emerg Med J. 2020 Oct; 37(10):611-616.
Bandolin NS, Huang W, Beckett L, Wintemute G. PMID: 32661063.
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Armed and prohibited: characteristics of unlawful owners of legally purchased firearms. Inj Prev. 2021 04; 27(2):145-149.
Pear VA, McCort CD, Li Y, Beckett L, Tancredi D, Studdert DM, Kass PH, Pierce GL, Braga AA, Wright MA, Laqueur HS, Kravitz-Wirtz N, Wintemute GJ. PMID: 32156740.
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A novel gamma GLM approach to MRI relaxometry comparisons. Magn Reson Med. 2020 09; 84(3):1592-1604.
Kapre R, Zhou J, Li X, Beckett L, Louie AY. PMID: 32048764; PMCID: PMC7317199.
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Relationship between per capita births of Cook Inlet belugas and summer salmon runs: age-structured population modeling. Ecosphere. 2020 Jan 1; 11(1).
Norman NS, Hobbs HR, Beckett BL, Trumble TS, Smith SW. .
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MXD3 antisense oligonucleotide with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: A new targeted approach for neuroblastoma. Nanomedicine. 2020 02; 24:102127.
Yoshida S, Duong C, Oestergaard M, Fazio M, Chen C, Peralta R, Guo S, Seth PP, Li Y, Beckett L, Nitin N, Satake N. PMID: 31783139; PMCID: PMC7515558.
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Stroke prevention: An uphill battle. Neurology. 2019 12 03; 93(23):987-988.
Beckett LA, Berglund LF. PMID: 31672714.
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Genome-wide association analysis of hippocampal volume identifies enrichment of neurogenesis-related pathways. Sci Rep. 2019 10 10; 9(1):14498.
Horgusluoglu-Moloch E, Risacher SL, Crane PK, Hibar D, Thompson PM, Saykin AJ, Nho K, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 31601890; PMCID: PMC6787090.
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Multimodal Hippocampal Subfield Grading For Alzheimer's Disease Classification. Sci Rep. 2019 09 25; 9(1):13845.
Hett K, Ta VT, Catheline G, Tourdias T, Manjón JV, Coupé P, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 31554909; PMCID: PMC6761169.
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Non-coding variability at the APOE locus contributes to the Alzheimer's risk. Nat Commun. 2019 07 25; 10(1):3310.
Zhou X, Chen Y, Mok KY, Kwok TCY, Mok VCT, Guo Q, Ip FC, Chen Y, Mullapudi N, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Sullivan PF, Hardy J, Fu AKY, Li Y, Ip NY. PMID: 31346172; PMCID: PMC6658518.
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Interpretable classification of Alzheimer's disease pathologies with a convolutional neural network pipeline. Nat Commun. 2019 05 15; 10(1):2173.
Tang Z, Chuang KV, DeCarli C, Jin LW, Beckett L, Keiser MJ, Dugger BN. PMID: 31092819; PMCID: PMC6520374.
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The BIN1 rs744373 SNP is associated with increased tau-PET levels and impaired memory. Nat Commun. 2019 04 16; 10(1):1766.
Franzmeier N, Rubinski A, Neitzel J, Ewers M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 30992433; PMCID: PMC6467911.
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44 Fields:
White matter hyperintensities in vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID): Knowledge gaps and opportunities. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2019; 5:107-117.
Alber J, Alladi S, Bae HJ, Barton DA, Beckett LA, Bell JM, Berman SE, Biessels GJ, Black SE, Bos I, Bowman GL, Brai E, Brickman AM, Callahan BL, Corriveau RA, Fossati S, Gottesman RF, Gustafson DR, Hachinski V, Hayden KM, Helman AM, Hughes TM, Isaacs JD, Jefferson AL, Johnson SC, Kapasi A, Kern S, Kwon JC, Kukolja J, Lee A, Lockhart SN, Murray A, Osborn KE, Power MC, Price BR, Rhodius-Meester HFM, Rondeau JA, Rosen AC, Rosene DL, Schneider JA, Scholtzova H, Shaaban CE, Silva NCBS, Snyder HM, Swardfager W, Troen AM, van Veluw SJ, Vemuri P, Wallin A, Wellington C, Wilcock DM, Xie SX, Hainsworth AH. PMID: 31011621; PMCID: PMC6461571.
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A blood-based signature of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ1-42 status. Sci Rep. 2019 03 11; 9(1):4163.
Goudey B, Fung BJ, Schieber C, Faux NG, Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30853713; PMCID: PMC6409361.
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Predicting Short-term MCI-to-AD Progression Using Imaging, CSF, Genetic Factors, Cognitive Resilience, and Demographics. Sci Rep. 2019 02 19; 9(1):2235.
Varatharajah Y, Ramanan VK, Iyer R, Vemuri P, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30783207; PMCID: PMC6381141.
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Predicting Alzheimer's disease progression using multi-modal deep learning approach. Sci Rep. 2019 02 13; 9(1):1952.
Lee G, Nho K, Kang B, Sohn KA, Kim D, for Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30760848; PMCID: PMC6374429.
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106 Fields:
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, brain atrophy, and cognitive decline. Neurology. 2019 02 19; 92(8):e823-e830.
Moran C, Beare R, Wang W, Callisaya M, Srikanth V, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 30674592; PMCID: PMC7987953.
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62 Fields:
Neuropathological Diagnoses of Demented Hispanic, Black, and Non-Hispanic White Decedents Seen at an Alzheimer's Disease Center. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019; 68(1):145-158.
Filshtein TJ, Dugger BN, Jin LW, Olichney JM, Farias ST, Carvajal-Carmona L, Lott P, Mungas D, Reed B, Beckett LA, DeCarli C. PMID: 30775996; PMCID: PMC7286069.
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49 Fields:
Survival benefits associated with surgery for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 04; 157(4):1620-1628.
David EA, Andersen SW, Beckett LA, Melnikow J, Clark JM, Brown LM, Cooke DT, Kelly K, Canter RJ. PMID: 30551965; PMCID: PMC6448577.
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Regional Amyloid-β Load and White Matter Abnormalities Contribute to Hypometabolism in Alzheimer's Dementia. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Jul; 56(7):4916-4924.
Schilling LP, Pascoal TA, Zimmer ER, Mathotaarachchi S, Shin M, de Mello Rieder CR, Gauthier S, Palmini A, Rosa-Neto P, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30414086.
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Uncovering the heterogeneity and temporal complexity of neurodegenerative diseases with Subtype and Stage Inference. Nat Commun. 2018 10 15; 9(1):4273.
Young AL, Marinescu RV, Oxtoby NP, Bocchetta M, Yong K, Firth NC, Cash DM, Thomas DL, Dick KM, Cardoso J, van Swieten J, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Rowe JB, Graff C, Tagliavini F, Frisoni GB, Laforce R, Finger E, de Mendonça A, Sorbi S, Warren JD, Crutch S, Fox NC, Ourselin S, Schott JM, Rohrer JD, Alexander DC, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI), Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 30323170; PMCID: PMC6189176.
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185 Fields:
Understanding disease progression and improving Alzheimer's disease clinical trials: Recent highlights from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 01; 15(1):106-152.
Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30321505.
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178 Fields:
Characteristic patterns of inter- and intra-hemispheric metabolic connectivity in patients with stable and progressive mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Sci Rep. 2018 09 14; 8(1):13807.
Huang SY, Hsu JL, Lin KJ, Liu HL, Wey SP, Hsiao IT, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30218083; PMCID: PMC6138637.
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Assessment of an e-training tool for college students to improve accuracy and reduce effort associated with reading nutrition labels. J Am Coll Health. 2019 07; 67(5):441-448.
Soederberg Miller LM, Sutter C, Wilson MD, Bergman JJ, Beckett LA, Gibson TN. PMID: 29979929; PMCID: PMC6320722.
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Pembrolizumab Combined With Either Docetaxel or Gemcitabine in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Platinum-Refractory Urothelial Cancer: Results From a Phase I Study. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2018 12; 16(6):421-428.e1.
Parikh M, Pan CX, Beckett LA, Li Y, Robles DA, Aujla PK, Lara PN. PMID: 30166228; PMCID: PMC6450697.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Sex-specific genetic predictors of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Acta Neuropathol. 2018 12; 136(6):857-872.
Deming Y, Dumitrescu L, Barnes LL, Thambisetty M, Kunkle B, Gifford KA, Bush WS, Chibnik LB, Mukherjee S, De Jager PL, Kukull W, Huentelman M, Crane PK, Resnick SM, Keene CD, Montine TJ, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Larson EB, Johnson SC, Albert M, Moghekar A, Del Aguila JL, Fernandez MV, Budde J, Hassenstab J, Fagan AM, Riemenschneider M, Petersen RC, Minthon L, Chao MJ, Van Deerlin VM, Lee VM, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Peskind ER, Li G, Davis LK, Sealock JM, Cox NJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), Alzheimer Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), Goate AM, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Jefferson AL, Cruchaga C, Hohman TJ. PMID: 29967939; PMCID: PMC6280657.
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Response to Zywieck and Kirkby paper. Neurobiol Aging. 2018 09; 69:298-299.
Weiner MW, Toga A, Harvey D, Donohue M, Beckett L. PMID: 29929929.
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Japanese and North American Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative studies: Harmonization for international trials. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 08; 14(8):1077-1087.
Iwatsubo T, Iwata A, Suzuki K, Ihara R, Arai H, Ishii K, Senda M, Ito K, Ikeuchi T, Kuwano R, Matsuda H, Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Sun CK, Beckett LA, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Donohue MC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 29753531.
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Multimodal and Multiscale Deep Neural Networks for the Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease using structural MR and FDG-PET images. Sci Rep. 2018 04 09; 8(1):5697.
Lu D, Popuri K, Ding GW, Balachandar R, Beg MF, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 29632364; PMCID: PMC5890270.
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104 Fields:
The Communication Gap Between the Medical System and Community Resources for Dementia-Related Behavioral Symptom Management: Family Caregiver Perspectives. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2018 Mar 15; 20(2).
Xiong GL, Godwin H, Ziegahn L, Beckett LA, Filshtein T, Hinton L. PMID: 29570968.
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1 Fields:
Brain multiplexes reveal morphological connectional biomarkers fingerprinting late brain dementia states. Sci Rep. 2018 03 07; 8(1):4103.
Mahjoub I, Mahjoub MA, Rekik I, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 29515158; PMCID: PMC5841319.
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Scope and Nature of Pain- and Analgesia-Related Content of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Pain Med. 2018 03 01; 19(3):449-459.
Fishman SM, Carr DB, Hogans B, Cheatle M, Gallagher RM, Katzman J, Mackey S, Polomano R, Popescu A, Rathmell JP, Rosenquist RW, Tauben D, Beckett L, Li Y, Mongoven JM, Young HM. PMID: 29365160; PMCID: PMC6057520.
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Barriers to Career Flexibility in Academic Medicine: A Qualitative Analysis of Reasons for the Underutilization of Family-Friendly Policies, and Implications for Institutional Change and Department Chair Leadership. Acad Med. 2018 02; 93(2):246-255.
Shauman K, Howell LP, Paterniti DA, Beckett LA, Villablanca AC. PMID: 28834844; PMCID: PMC5788717.
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An Evaluation of an eHealth Tool Designed to Improve College Students' Label-Reading Skills and Feelings of Empowerment to Choose Healthful Foods. Front Public Health. 2017; 5:359.
Miller LMS, Sutter CA, Wilson MD, Bergman JJ, Beckett LA, Gibson TN. PMID: 29376048; PMCID: PMC5768899.
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Pattern Discovery in Brain Imaging Genetics via SCCA Modeling with a Generic Non-convex Penalty. Sci Rep. 2017 10 25; 7(1):14052.
Du L, Liu K, Yao X, Yan J, Risacher SL, Han J, Guo L, Saykin AJ, Shen L, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 29070790; PMCID: PMC5656688.
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Mediating Effect of Postsurgical Chemotherapy on Presence of Dementia and Survival among Patients 65 and Older with Stage III Colon Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017 10; 26(10):1558-1563.
Chen Y, Cress RD, Stewart SL, Semrad TJ, Harvey D, Tencredi DJ, Beckett L. PMID: 28939585; PMCID: PMC7489435.
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A Model to Predict the Use of Surgical Resection for Advanced-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Nov; 104(5):1665-1672.
David EA, Andersen SW, Beckett LA, Melnikow J, Kelly K, Cooke DT, Brown LM, Canter RJ. PMID: 28964421; PMCID: PMC7491367.
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Cascaded Multi-view Canonical Correlation (CaMCCo) for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease via Fusion of Clinical, Imaging and Omic Features. Sci Rep. 2017 08 15; 7(1):8137.
Singanamalli A, Wang H, Madabhushi A, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 28811553; PMCID: PMC5558022.
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Sex and Electrode Configuration in Transcranial Electrical Stimulation. Front Psychiatry. 2017; 8:147.
Russell MJ, Goodman TA, Visse JM, Beckett L, Saito N, Lyeth BG, Recanzone GH. PMID: 28855877; PMCID: PMC5558260.
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Ideal Worker and Academic Professional Identity: Perspectives from a Career Flexibility Educational Intervention. Am J Med. 2017 09; 130(9):1117-1125.
Howell LP, Beckett LA, Villablanca AC. PMID: 28625409.
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Novel targeted therapy for neuroblastoma: silencing the MXD3 gene using siRNA. Pediatr Res. 2017 Sep; 82(3):527-535.
Duong C, Yoshida S, Chen C, Barisone G, Diaz E, Li Y, Beckett L, Chung J, Antony R, Nolta J, Nitin N, Satake N. PMID: 28419087; PMCID: PMC5766270.
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Association of Plasma Neurofilament Light With Neurodegeneration in Patients With Alzheimer Disease. JAMA Neurol. 2017 05 01; 74(5):557-566.
Mattsson N, Andreasson U, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 28346578; PMCID: PMC5822204.
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410 Fields:
Recent publications from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Reviewing progress toward improved AD clinical trials. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 Apr; 13(4):e1-e85.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 28342697; PMCID: PMC6818723.
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140 Fields:
Evaluating a Medical School's Climate for Women's Success: Outcomes for Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2017 05; 26(5):530-539.
Villablanca AC, Li Y, Beckett LA, Howell LP. PMID: 28170291; PMCID: PMC5446601.
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Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Trajectories in a Diverse Longitudinal Cohort. Clin Gerontol. 2018 Jan-Feb; 41(1):82-93.
Meyer OL, Mungas D, King J, Hinton L, Farias S, Reed B, DeCarli C, Geraghty E, Beckett L. PMID: 28452649; PMCID: PMC5522784.
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Developing Nutrition Label Reading Skills: A Web-Based Practice Approach. J Med Internet Res. 2017 01 13; 19(1):e16.
Miller LM, Beckett LA, Bergman JJ, Wilson MD, Applegate EA, Gibson TN. PMID: 28087497; PMCID: PMC5273399.
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Synaptophysin-Ki67 double stain: a novel technique that improves interobserver agreement in the grading of well-differentiated gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors. Mod Pathol. 2017 04; 30(4):620-629.
Matsukuma K, Olson KA, Gui D, Gandour-Edwards R, Li Y, Beckett L. PMID: 28084345; PMCID: PMC5380546.
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Longitudinal measurement and hierarchical classification framework for the prediction of Alzheimer's disease. Sci Rep. 2017 01 12; 7:39880.
Huang M, Yang W, Feng Q, Chen W, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 28079104; PMCID: PMC5227696.
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Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease: A View of the Regulatory Science Qualification Landscape from the Coalition Against Major Diseases CSF Biomarker Team. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017; 55(1):19-35.
Arneric SP, Batrla-Utermann R, Beckett L, Bittner T, Blennow K, Carter L, Dean R, Engelborghs S, Genius J, Gordon MF, Hitchcock J, Kaplow J, Luthman J, Meibach R, Raunig D, Romero K, Samtani MN, Savage M, Shaw L, Stephenson D, Umek RM, Vanderstichele H, Willis B, Yule S. PMID: 27662307; PMCID: PMC5115607.
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Age differences in the use of serving size information on food labels: numeracy or attention? Public Health Nutr. 2017 04; 20(5):786-796.
Miller LM, Applegate E, Beckett LA, Wilson MD, Gibson TN. PMID: 28025950; PMCID: PMC5426332.
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The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 3: Continued innovation for clinical trial improvement. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 May; 13(5):561-571.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Salazar J, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 27931796; PMCID: PMC5536850.
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Randomized Phase 2 Trial of Pharmacodynamic Separation of Pemetrexed and Intercalated Erlotinib Versus Pemetrexed Alone for Advanced Nonsquamous, Non-small-cell Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2017 01; 18(1):60-67.
Li T, Piperdi B, Walsh WV, Kim M, Beckett LA, Gucalp R, Haigentz M, Bathini VG, Wen H, Zhou K, Pasquinelli PB, Gajavelli S, Sreedhara M, Xie X, Lara PN, Gandara DR, Perez-Soler R. PMID: 27919627; PMCID: PMC5497702.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Evaluation of California's Armed and Prohibited Persons System: study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial. Inj Prev. 2017 10; 23(5):358.
Wintemute GJ, Beckett L, Kass PH, Tancredi D, Studdert D, Pierce G, Braga AA, Wright MA, Cerdá M. PMID: 27729440.
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Efficacy of an anti-CD22 antibody-monomethyl auristatin E conjugate in a preclinical xenograft model of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 2017 05; 58(5):1254-1257.
Yoshida S, Tuscano E, Duong C, Chung J, Li Y, Beckett L, Tuscano JM, Satake N. PMID: 27701909; PMCID: PMC5457839.
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Aging in Fragile X Premutation Carriers. Cerebellum. 2016 10; 15(5):587-94.
Lozano R, Saito N, Reed D, Eldeeb M, Schneider A, Hessl D, Tassone F, Beckett L, Hagerman R. PMID: 27334385; PMCID: PMC8020959.
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Progression from normal cognition to mild cognitive impairment in a diverse clinic-based and community-based elderly cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 Apr; 13(4):399-405.
Chen Y, Denny KG, Harvey D, Farias ST, Mungas D, DeCarli C, Beckett L. PMID: 27590706; PMCID: PMC5451154.
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40 Fields:
Novel Targeted Therapy for Precursor B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: anti-CD22 Antibody-MXD3 Antisense Oligonucleotide Conjugate. Mol Med. 2016 Oct; 22:632-642.
Satake N, Duong C, Yoshida S, Oestergaard M, Chen C, Peralta R, Guo S, Seth PP, Li Y, Beckett L, Chung J, Nolta J, Nitin N, Tuscano JM. PMID: 27455414; PMCID: PMC5082301.
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Incident Antipsychotic Use in a Diverse Population with Dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 09; 64(9):e44-6.
Filshtein T, Beckett LA, Godwin H, Hinton L, Xiong GL. PMID: 27430431; PMCID: PMC5026861.
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Variants in ACPP are associated with cerebrospinal fluid Prostatic Acid Phosphatase levels. BMC Genomics. 2016 06 29; 17 Suppl 3:439.
Staley LA, Ebbert MT, Bunker D, Bailey M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Ridge PG, Goate AM, Kauwe JS. PMID: 27357282; PMCID: PMC4943489.
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Variants in CCL16 are associated with blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid CCL16 protein levels. BMC Genomics. 2016 06 29; 17 Suppl 3:437.
Ebbert MT, Staley LA, Parker J, Parker S, Bailey M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Ridge PG, Goate AM, Kauwe JS. PMID: 27357396; PMCID: PMC4943476.
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Genome-wide association study of prolactin levels in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. BMC Genomics. 2016 06 29; 17 Suppl 3:436.
Staley LA, Ebbert MT, Parker S, Bailey M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Ridge PG, Goate AM, Kauwe JS. PMID: 27357110; PMCID: PMC4943503.
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Early role of vascular dysregulation on late-onset Alzheimer's disease based on multifactorial data-driven analysis. Nat Commun. 2016 06 21; 7:11934.
Iturria-Medina Y, Sotero RC, Toussaint PJ, Mateos-Pérez JM, Evans AC, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 27327500; PMCID: PMC4919512.
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527 Fields:
Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Use and Cognition, Brain Metabolism, and Brain Atrophy in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. JAMA Neurol. 2016 06 01; 73(6):721-32.
Risacher SL, McDonald BC, Tallman EF, West JD, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Gao S, Boustani M, Crane PK, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Aisen PS, Weiner MW, Saykin AJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 27088965; PMCID: PMC5029278.
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120 Fields:
Potential natural and anthropogenic impediments to the conservation and recovery of Cook Inlet beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas. Marine Fisheries Review. 2016 Jun 1; 77(2):89-105.
Norman NS, Hobbs HR, Goertz GC, Burek-Huntington BK, Shelden SK, Smith SW, Beckett BL. .
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A phase 2 clinical trial of everolimus plus bicalutamide for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer. 2016 06 15; 122(12):1897-904.
Chow H, Ghosh PM, deVere White R, Evans CP, Dall'Era MA, Yap SA, Li Y, Beckett LA, Lara PN, Pan CX. PMID: 27019001; PMCID: PMC4892938.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
A multivariate cure model for left-censored and right-censored data with application to colorectal cancer screening patterns. Stat Med. 2016 08 30; 35(19):3347-67.
Hagar YC, Harvey DJ, Beckett LA. PMID: 26990553; PMCID: PMC4938788.
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Impact of an Interactive On-line Tool on Therapeutic Decision-Making for Patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Oct; 10(10):1421-9.
Chow H, Edelman MJ, Giaccone G, Ramalingam SS, Quill TA, Bowser AD, Mortimer J, Guerra W, Beckett LA, West HL, Lara PN, Gandara DR. PMID: 25719266.
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Large-scale genomics unveil polygenic architecture of human cortical surface area. Nat Commun. 2015 Jul 20; 6:7549.
Chen CH, Peng Q, Schork AJ, Lo MT, Fan CC, Wang Y, Desikan RS, Bettella F, Hagler DJ, Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition and Genetics Study, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Westlye LT, Kremen WS, Jernigan TL, Le Hellard S, Steen VM, Espeseth T, Huentelman M, Håberg AK, Agartz I, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Schork N, Dale AM, Pediatric Imaging Neurocognition and Genetics Study, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 26189703; PMCID: PMC4518289.
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Impact of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, 2004 to 2014. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Jul; 11(7):865-84.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Cedarbaum J, Donohue MC, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Shaw L, Thompson PM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 26194320; PMCID: PMC4659407.
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100 Fields:
The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative phase 2: Increasing the length, breadth, and depth of our understanding. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Jul; 11(7):823-31.
Beckett LA, Donohue MC, Wang C, Aisen P, Harvey DJ, Saito N, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 26194315; PMCID: PMC4510463.
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34 Fields:
Do Family Responsibilities and a Clinical Versus Research Faculty Position Affect Satisfaction with Career and Work-Life Balance for Medical School Faculty? J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015 Jun; 24(6):471-80.
Beckett L, Nettiksimmons J, Howell LP, Villablanca AC. PMID: 26070036; PMCID: PMC4490748.
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2014 Update of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: A review of papers published since its inception. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Jun; 11(6):e1-120.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Cedarbaum J, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Luthman J, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Shaw L, Shen L, Schwarz A, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 26073027; PMCID: PMC5469297.
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Ferritin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid predict Alzheimer's disease outcomes and are regulated by APOE. Nat Commun. 2015 May 19; 6:6760.
Ayton S, Faux NG, Bush AI, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 25988319; PMCID: PMC4479012.
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148 Fields:
APOE effect on Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in older adults with significant memory concern. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Dec; 11(12):1417-1429.
Risacher SL, Kim S, Nho K, Foroud T, Shen L, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Beckett LA, Aisen PS, Koeppe RA, Jagust WJ, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner MW, Saykin AJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 25960448; PMCID: PMC4637003.
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Misunderstanding of Front-Of-Package Nutrition Information on US Food Products. PLoS One. 2015; 10(4):e0125306.
Miller LM, Cassady DL, Beckett LA, Applegate EA, Wilson MD, Gibson TN, Ellwood K. PMID: 25922942; PMCID: PMC4414362.
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Attenuated age-impact on systemic inflammatory markers in the presence of a metabolic burden. PLoS One. 2015; 10(3):e0121947.
Erdembileg A, Mirsoian A, Enkhmaa B, Zhang W, Beckett LA, Murphy WJ, Berglund LF. PMID: 25815855; PMCID: PMC4376898.
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White matter hyperintensities among older adults are associated with futile increase in frontal activation and functional connectivity during spatial search. PLoS One. 2015; 10(3):e0122445.
Lockhart SN, Luck SJ, Geng J, Beckett L, Disbrow EA, Carmichael O, DeCarli C. PMID: 25793922; PMCID: PMC4368687.
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16 Fields:
Prospective evaluation of low-dose ketoconazole plus hydrocortisone in docetaxel pre-treated castration-resistant prostate cancer patients. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2015 Jun; 18(2):144-8.
Lo EN, Beckett LA, Pan CX, Robles D, Suga JM, Sands JM, Lara PN. PMID: 25667107; PMCID: PMC4430382.
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1 Fields:
Relationships among food label use, motivation, and dietary quality. Nutrients. 2015 Feb 05; 7(2):1068-80.
Miller LM, Cassady DL, Applegate EA, Beckett LA, Wilson MD, Gibson TN, Ellwood K. PMID: 25665157; PMCID: PMC4344575.
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18 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Antipsychotic Use in a Diverse Population With Dementia: A Retrospective Review of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Database. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2015; 27(4):326-32.
Xiong GL, Filshtein T, Beckett LA, Hinton L. PMID: 26488486; PMCID: PMC4617662.
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6 Fields:
Pharmacodynamic separation of gemcitabine and erlotinib in locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer: therapeutic and biomarker results. Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jun; 20(3):518-24.
Semrad T, Barzi A, Lenz HJ, Hutchins IM, Kim EJ, Gong IY, Tanaka M, Beckett L, Holland W, Burich RA, Snyder-Solis L, Mack P, Lara PN. PMID: 25091263; PMCID: PMC4318776.
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17 Fields:
Coalition Against Major Diseases/European Medicines Agency biomarker qualification of hippocampal volume for enrichment of clinical trials in predementia stages of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2014 Jul; 10(4):421-429.e3.
Hill DLG, Schwarz AJ, Isaac M, Pani L, Vamvakas S, Hemmings R, Carrillo MC, Yu P, Sun J, Beckett L, Boccardi M, Brewer J, Brumfield M, Cantillon M, Cole PE, Fox N, Frisoni GB, Jack C, Kelleher T, Luo F, Novak G, Maguire P, Meibach R, Patterson P, Bain L, Sampaio C, Raunig D, Soares H, Suhy J, Wang H, Wolz R, Stephenson D. PMID: 24985687.
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46 Fields:
Headache relief after anterior cervical discectomy: post hoc analysis of a randomized investigational device exemption trial: clinical article. J Neurosurg Spine. 2014 Aug; 21(2):217-22.
Schrot RJ, Mathew JS, Li Y, Beckett L, Bae HW, Kim KD. PMID: 24836655; PMCID: PMC4386608.
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16 Fields:
Estimating long-term multivariate progression from short-term data. Alzheimers Dement. 2014 Oct; 10(5 Suppl):S400-10.
Donohue MC, Jacqmin-Gadda H, Le Goff M, Thomas RG, Raman R, Gamst AC, Beckett LA, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Dartigues JF, Aisen PS, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 24656849; PMCID: PMC4169767.
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81 Fields:
Association of brain amyloid-β with cerebral perfusion and structure in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Brain. 2014 May; 137(Pt 5):1550-61.
Mattsson N, Tosun D, Insel PS, Simonson A, Jack CR, Beckett LA, Donohue M, Jagust W, Schuff N, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 24625697; PMCID: PMC3999717.
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100 Fields:
Biological heterogeneity in ADNI amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement. 2014 Sep; 10(5):511-521.e1.
Nettiksimmons J, DeCarli C, Landau S, Beckett L, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 24418061; PMCID: PMC4092059.
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69 Fields:
Large-scale screening and molecular characterization of EML4-ALK fusion variants in archival non-small-cell lung cancer tumor specimens using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Jan; 9(1):18-25.
Li T, Maus MK, Desai SJ, Beckett LA, Stephens C, Huang E, Hsiang J, Zeger G, Danenberg KD, Astrow SH, Gandara DR. PMID: 24346090.
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34 Fields:
Longitudinal trajectories of everyday function by diagnostic status. Psychol Aging. 2013 Dec; 28(4):1070-5.
Farias ST, Chou E, Harvey DJ, Mungas D, Reed B, DeCarli C, Park LQ, Beckett L. PMID: 24364409; PMCID: PMC4021720.
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34 Fields:
White matter hyperintensities are associated with visual search behavior independent of generalized slowing in aging. Neuropsychologia. 2014 Jan; 52:93-101.
Lockhart SN, Roach AE, Luck SJ, Geng J, Beckett L, Carmichael O, DeCarli C. PMID: 24183716; PMCID: PMC3924853.
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Clinical-dosimetric relationship between lacrimal gland dose and ocular toxicity after intensity-modulated radiotherapy for sinonasal tumours. Br J Radiol. 2013 Dec; 86(1032):20130459.
Batth SS, Sreeraman R, Dienes E, Beckett LA, Daly ME, Cui J, Mathai M, Purdy JA, Chen AM. PMID: 24167183; PMCID: PMC3856547.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Does early posttreatment surveillance imaging affect subsequent management following stereotactic body radiation therapy for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer? Pract Radiat Oncol. 2014 Jul-Aug; 4(4):240-6.
Daly ME, Beckett LA, Chen AM. PMID: 25012832; PMCID: PMC4586160.
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Phase I/II trial of pemetrexed plus nab-paclitaxel in advanced solid tumor patients with emphasis on non-small cell lung cancer. Invest New Drugs. 2013 Dec; 31(6):1587-91.
Ho C, Davies AM, Sangha RS, Lau D, Lara P, Chew HK, Beckett L, Mack PC, Riess JW, Gandara DR. PMID: 24013936; PMCID: PMC4562389.
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4 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: a review of papers published since its inception. Alzheimers Dement. 2013 Sep; 9(5):e111-94.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Liu E, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Schmidt ME, Shaw L, Shen L, Siuciak JA, Soares H, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 23932184; PMCID: PMC4108198.
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234 Fields:
Comments on "Causal versus spurious spatial exposure-response associations in health risk analysis" and "A cautionary tale: The characteristics of two-dimensional distributions and their effects on epidemiological studies employing an ecological design". Crit Rev Toxicol. 2013 Aug; 43(7):607-8.
Schenker M, Beckett L, Pan X, Day H. PMID: 23837547.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Variation in hematologic and serum biochemical values of belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) under managed care. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2013 Jun; 44(2):376-88.
Norman SA, Beckett LA, Miller WA, St Leger J, Hobbs RC. PMID: 23805556.
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9 Fields:
Improving knowledge, awareness, and use of flexible career policies through an accelerator intervention at the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine. Acad Med. 2013 Jun; 88(6):771-7.
Villablanca AC, Beckett L, Nettiksimmons J, Howell LP. PMID: 23619063; PMCID: PMC3665650.
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7 Fields:
Fecal pathogen pollution: sources and patterns in water and sediment samples from the upper Cook Inlet, Alaska ecosystem. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2013 May; 15(5):1041-51.
Norman SA, Hobbs RC, Wuertz S, Melli A, Beckett LA, Chouicha N, Kundu A, Miller WA. PMID: 23552731.
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3 Fields:
HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Quantitation of sentinel node metastatic burden and Her-2/neu over-expression accurately predicts residual axillary nodal involvement and extranodal disease in breast cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Jun; 39(6):627-33.
Chae AW, Vandewalker KM, Li YJ, Beckett LA, Ramsamooj R, Bold RJ, Khatri VP. PMID: 23523315.
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1 Fields:
Subgroup of ADNI normal controls characterized by atrophy and cognitive decline associated with vascular damage. Psychol Aging. 2013 Mar; 28(1):191-201.
Nettiksimmons J, Beckett L, Schwarz C, Carmichael O, Fletcher E, Decarli C. PMID: 23527743; PMCID: PMC3751169.
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20 Fields:
Demographic predictors of cognitive change in ethnically diverse older persons. Psychol Aging. 2013 Sep; 28(3):633-45.
Early DR, Widaman KF, Harvey D, Beckett L, Park LQ, Farias ST, Reed BR, Decarli C, Mungas D. PMID: 23437898; PMCID: PMC3778107.
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66 Fields:
Quantitation of fixative-induced morphologic and antigenic variation in mouse and human breast cancers. Lab Invest. 2013 Apr; 93(4):480-97.
Cardiff RD, Hubbard NE, Engelberg JA, Munn RJ, Miller CH, Walls JE, Chen JQ, Velásquez-García HA, Galvez JJ, Bell KJ, Beckett LA, Li YJ, Borowsky AD. PMID: 23399853; PMCID: PMC3843496.
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23 Fields:
Beta amyloid, tau, neuroimaging, and cognition: sequence modeling of biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease. Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Dec; 6(4):610-20.
Han SD, Gruhl J, Beckett L, Dodge HH, Stricker NH, Farias S, Mungas D, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 22648764; PMCID: PMC3582336.
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28 Fields:
Estimating youth locomotion ground reaction forces using an accelerometer-based activity monitor. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10):e48182.
Neugebauer JM, Hawkins DA, Beckett L. PMID: 23133564; PMCID: PMC3485031.
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Differential response rates to irradiation among patients with human papillomavirus positive and negative oropharyngeal cancer. Laryngoscope. 2013 Jan; 123(1):152-7.
Chen AM, Li J, Beckett LA, Zhara T, Farwell G, Lau DH, Gandour-Edwards R, Vaughan AT, Purdy JA. PMID: 23008061.
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23 Fields:
Generational and gender perspectives on career flexibility: ensuring the faculty workforce of the future. Am J Med. 2012 Jul; 125(7):719-28.
Howell LP, Beckett LA, Nettiksimmons J, Villablanca AC. PMID: 22727238; PMCID: PMC4131696.
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19 Fields:
Skin dose effects of postmastectomy chest wall radiation therapy using brass mesh as an alternative to tissue equivalent bolus. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2013 Apr-Jun; 3(2):e45-53.
Healy E, Anderson S, Cui J, Beckett L, Chen AM, Perks J, Stern R, Mayadev J. PMID: 24674320.
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Algorithm for codevelopment of new drug-predictive biomarker combinations: accounting for inter- and intrapatient tumor heterogeneity. Clin Lung Cancer. 2012 Sep; 13(5):321-5.
Gandara DR, Li T, Lara PN, Mack PC, Kelly K, Miyamoto S, Goodwin N, Beckett L, Redman MW. PMID: 22677432; PMCID: PMC4049356.
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The contributions of MRI-based measures of gray matter, white matter hyperintensity, and white matter integrity to late-life cognition. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2012 Oct; 33(9):1797-803.
He J, Wong VS, Fletcher E, Maillard P, Lee DY, Iosif AM, Singh B, Martinez O, Roach AE, Lockhart SN, Beckett L, Mungas D, Farias ST, Carmichael O, DeCarli C. PMID: 22538073; PMCID: PMC3694809.
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Brachial plexus-associated neuropathy after high-dose radiation therapy for head-and-neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Sep 01; 84(1):165-9.
Chen AM, Hall WH, Li J, Beckett L, Farwell DG, Lau DH, Purdy JA. PMID: 22444998.
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22 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Association of common genetic variants in GPCPD1 with scaling of visual cortical surface area in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 06; 109(10):3985-90.
Bakken TE, Roddey JC, Djurovic S, Akshoomoff N, Amaral DG, Bloss CS, Casey BJ, Chang L, Ernst TM, Gruen JR, Jernigan TL, Kaufmann WE, Kenet T, Kennedy DN, Kuperman JM, Murray SS, Sowell ER, Rimol LM, Mattingsdal M, Melle I, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Schork NJ, Dale AM, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics Study, Weiner M, Aisen P, Petersen R, Jack CR, Jagust W, Trojanowki JQ, Toga AW, Beckett L, Green RC, Saykin AJ, Morris J, Liu E, Montine T, Gamst A, Thomas RG, Donohue M, Walter S, Gessert D, Sather T, Harvey D, Kornak J, Dale A, Bernstein M, Felmlee J, Fox N, Thompson P, Schuff N, Alexander G, DeCarli C, Bandy D, Koeppe RA, Foster N, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis C, Cairns NJ, Taylor-Reinwald L, Trojanowki JQ, Shaw L, Lee VM, Korecka M, Crawford K, Neu S, Foroud TM, Potkin S, Shen L, Kachaturian Z, Frank R, Snyder PJ, Molchan S, Kaye J, Quinn J, Lind B, Dolen S, Schneider LS, Pawluczyk S, Spann BM, Brewer J, Vanderswag H, Heidebrink JL, Lord JL, Johnson K, Doody RS, Villanueva-Meyer J, Chowdhury M, Stern Y, Honig LS, Bell KL, Morris JC, Ances B, Carroll M, Leon S, Mintun MA, Schneider S, Marson D, Griffith R, Clark D, Grossman H, Mitsis E, Romirowsky A, deToledo-Morrell L, Shah RC, Duara R, Varon D, Roberts P, Albert M, Onyike C, Kielb S, Rusinek H, de Leon MJ, Glodzik L, De Santi S, Doraiswamy PM, Petrella JR, Coleman RE, Arnold SE, Karlawish JH, Wolk D, Smith CD, Jicha G, Hardy P, Lopez OL, Oakley M, Simpson DM, Porsteinsson AP, Goldstein BS, Martin K, Makino KM, Ismail MS, Brand C, Mulnard RA, Thai G, Mc-Adams-Ortiz C, Womack K, Mathews D, Quiceno M, Diaz-Arrastia R, King R, Weiner M, Martin-Cook K, DeVous M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Cellar JS, Burns JM, Anderson HS, Swerdlow RH, Apostolova L, Lu PH, Bartzokis G, Silverman DH, Graff-Radford NR, Parfitt F, Johnson H, Farlow MR, Hake AM, Matthews BR, Herring S, van Dyck CH, Carson RE, MacAvoy MG, Chertkow H, Bergman H, Hosein C, Black S, Stefanovic B, Caldwell C, Hsiung R, Feldman H, Mudge B, Assaly M, Kertesz A, Rogers J, Trost D, Bernick C, Munic D, Kerwin D, Mesulam MM, Lipowski K, Wu CK, Johnson N, Sadowsky C, Martinez W, Villena T, Turner RS, Johnson K, Reynolds B, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Marshall G, Frey M, Yesavage J, Taylor JL, Lane B, Rosen A, Tinklenberg J, Sabbagh M, Belden C, Jacobson S, Kowall N, Killiany R, Budson AE, Norbash A, Johnson PL, Obisesan TO, Wolday S, Bwayo SK, Lerner A, Hudson L, Ogrocki P, Fletcher E, Carmichael O, et al. PMID: 22343285; PMCID: PMC3309762.
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Reproducibility of macular thickness measurement among five OCT instruments: effects of image resolution, image registration, and eye tracking. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2012 Mar-Apr; 43(2):97-108.
Chin EK, Sedeek RW, Li Y, Beckett L, Redenbo E, Chandra K, Park SS. PMID: 22201525.
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Seasonal hematology and serum chemistry of wild beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, USA. J Wildl Dis. 2012 Jan; 48(1):21-32.
Norman SA, Goertz CE, Burek KA, Quakenbush LT, Cornick LA, Romano TA, Spoon T, Miller W, Beckett LA, Hobbs RC. PMID: 22247370.
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Intercalated erlotinib-docetaxel dosing schedules designed to achieve pharmacodynamic separation: results of a phase I/II trial. J Thorac Oncol. 2011 Dec; 6(12):2112-9.
Sangha R, Davies AM, Lara PN, Mack PC, Beckett LA, Hesketh PJ, Lau D, Li T, Perkins N, Gandara DR. PMID: 21892109; PMCID: PMC3219834.
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9 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: a review of papers published since its inception. Alzheimers Dement. 2012 Feb; 8(1 Suppl):S1-68.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Cairns NJ, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Liu E, Morris JC, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Schmidt ME, Shaw L, Siuciak JA, Soares H, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 22047634; PMCID: PMC3329969.
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245 Fields:
Feasibility study of intra-patient sorafenib dose-escalation or re-escalation in patients with previously treated advanced solid tumors. Invest New Drugs. 2012 Oct; 30(5):2001-7.
Semrad TJ, Eddings C, Pan CX, Lau DH, Gandara D, Beckett L, Lara PN. PMID: 22015991; PMCID: PMC4131984.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Impact of apolipoprotein E4-cerebrospinal fluid β-amyloid interaction on hippocampal volume loss over 1 year in mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Sep; 7(5):514-20.
Chiang GC, Insel PS, Tosun D, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Raptentsetsang ST, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Jack CR, Fox NC, Jagust WJ, Harvey DJ, Beckett LA, Gamst A, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 21889115; PMCID: PMC3177162.
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Career flexibility and family-friendly policies: an NIH-funded study to enhance women's careers in biomedical sciences. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2011 Oct; 20(10):1485-96.
Villablanca AC, Beckett L, Nettiksimmons J, Howell LP. PMID: 21859346; PMCID: PMC3186447.
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30 Fields:
The natural history of cardiac and pulmonary function decline in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Jul 01; 36(15):E1009-17.
Roberto R, Fritz A, Hagar Y, Boice B, Skalsky A, Hwang H, Beckett L, McDonald C, Gupta M. PMID: 21289561; PMCID: PMC3120906.
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The linear excisional wound: an improved model for human ex vivo wound epithelialization studies. Skin Res Technol. 2012 Feb; 18(1):125-32.
Rizzo AE, Beckett LA, Baier BS, Isseroff RR. PMID: 21605167; PMCID: PMC3863622.
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5 Fields:
Maximal brain size remains an important predictor of cognition in old age, independent of current brain pathology. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 Aug; 33(8):1758-68.
Farias ST, Mungas D, Reed B, Carmichael O, Beckett L, Harvey D, Olichney J, Simmons A, Decarli C. PMID: 21531482; PMCID: PMC3177982.
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The relative efficiency of time-to-threshold and rate of change in longitudinal data. Contemp Clin Trials. 2011 Sep; 32(5):685-93.
Donohue MC, Gamst AC, Thomas RG, Xu R, Beckett L, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Aisen P, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 21554992; PMCID: PMC3148349.
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Toward defining the preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease: recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 May; 7(3):280-92.
Sperling RA, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Bennett DA, Craft S, Fagan AM, Iwatsubo T, Jack CR, Kaye J, Montine TJ, Park DC, Reiman EM, Rowe CC, Siemers E, Stern Y, Yaffe K, Carrillo MC, Thies B, Morrison-Bogorad M, Wagster MV, Phelps CH. PMID: 21514248; PMCID: PMC3220946.
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3102 Fields:
Survival analysis of dogs diagnosed with canine peritoneal larval cestodiasis (Mesocestoides spp.). Vet Parasitol. 2011 Aug 25; 180(3-4):256-61.
Boyce W, Shender L, Schultz L, Vickers W, Johnson C, Ziccardi M, Beckett L, Padgett K, Crosbie P, Sykes J. PMID: 21497443.
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Effects of a problem-solving intervention (COPE) on quality of life for patients with advanced cancer on clinical trials and their caregivers: simultaneous care educational intervention (SCEI): linking palliation and clinical trials. J Palliat Med. 2011 Apr; 14(4):465-73.
Meyers FJ, Carducci M, Loscalzo MJ, Linder J, Greasby T, Beckett LA. PMID: 21413846; PMCID: PMC3070139.
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A microdosing approach for characterizing formation and repair of carboplatin-DNA monoadducts and chemoresistance. Int J Cancer. 2011 Sep 15; 129(6):1425-34.
Henderson PT, Li T, He M, Zhang H, Malfatti M, Gandara D, Grimminger PP, Danenberg KD, Beckett L, de Vere White RW, Turteltaub KW, Pan CX. PMID: 21128223; PMCID: PMC3145006.
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Atypical development of the executive attention network in children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. J Neurodev Disord. 2011 Mar; 3(1):76-85.
Stoddard J, Beckett L, Simon TJ. PMID: 21475729; PMCID: PMC3056994.
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Longitudinal changes in white matter disease and cognition in the first year of the Alzheimer disease neuroimaging initiative. Arch Neurol. 2010 Nov; 67(11):1370-8.
Carmichael O, Schwarz C, Drucker D, Fletcher E, Harvey D, Beckett L, Jack CR, Weiner M, DeCarli C, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 21060014; PMCID: PMC3082636.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Effect of ERCP mechanical simulator (EMS) practice on trainees' ERCP performance in the early learning period: US multicenter randomized controlled trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb; 106(2):300-6.
Lim BS, Leung JW, Lee J, Yen D, Beckett L, Tancredi D, Leung FW. PMID: 20978485.
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Contrast-enhanced dedicated breast CT: initial clinical experience. Radiology. 2010 Sep; 256(3):714-23.
Prionas ND, Lindfors KK, Ray S, Huang SY, Beckett LA, Monsky WL, Boone JM. PMID: 20720067; PMCID: PMC2923727.
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Longitudinal MRI atrophy biomarkers: relationship to conversion in the ADNI cohort. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Aug; 31(8):1401-18.
Risacher SL, Shen L, West JD, Kim S, McDonald BC, Beckett LA, Harvey DJ, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Saykin AJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). PMID: 20620664; PMCID: PMC2904350.
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147 Fields:
ZNF217, a candidate breast cancer oncogene amplified at 20q13, regulates expression of the ErbB3 receptor tyrosine kinase in breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2010 Oct 07; 29(40):5500-10.
Krig SR, Miller JK, Frietze S, Beckett LA, Neve RM, Farnham PJ, Yaswen PI, Sweeney CA. PMID: 20661224; PMCID: PMC4256946.
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Recruitment of a community-based cohort for research on diversity and risk of dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2010 Jul-Sep; 24(3):234-41.
Hinton L, Carter K, Reed BR, Beckett L, Lara E, DeCarli C, Mungas D. PMID: 20625273; PMCID: PMC2946798.
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68 Fields:
Outcomes of comprehensive heart care programs in high-risk women. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 Jul; 19(7):1313-25.
Villablanca AC, Beckett LA, Li Y, Leatherwood S, Gill SK, Giardina EG, Taylor AL, Barron C, Foody JM, Haynes S, D'Onofrio G. PMID: 20590484; PMCID: PMC2940459.
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On an asymptotic distribution of dependent random variables on a 3-dimensional lattice. Stat Probab Lett. 2010 Jun 15; 80(11-12):1015-1021.
Harvey DJ, Weng Q, Beckett LA. PMID: 20436940; PMCID: PMC2860153.
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Subtypes based on cerebrospinal fluid and magnetic resonance imaging markers in normal elderly predict cognitive decline. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Aug; 31(8):1419-28.
Nettiksimmons J, Harvey D, Brewer J, Carmichael O, DeCarli C, Jack CR, Petersen R, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner MW, Beckett L, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 20542598; PMCID: PMC2902683.
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41 Fields:
The Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative: progress report and future plans. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 May; 6(3):202-11.e7.
Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw L, Saykin AJ, Morris JC, Cairns N, Beckett LA, Toga A, Green R, Walter S, Soares H, Snyder P, Siemers E, Potter W, Cole PE, Schmidt M, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 20451868; PMCID: PMC2927112.
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263 Fields:
Clinical Core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: progress and plans. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 May; 6(3):239-46.
Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Donohue MC, Gamst A, Raman R, Thomas RG, Walter S, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Beckett LA, Jack CR, Jagust W, Toga AW, Saykin AJ, Morris JC, Green RC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 20451872; PMCID: PMC2867843.
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241 Fields:
The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Annual change in biomarkers and clinical outcomes. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 May; 6(3):257-64.
Beckett LA, Harvey DJ, Gamst A, Donohue M, Kornak J, Zhang H, Kuo JH, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 20451874; PMCID: PMC2867839.
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The effect of hand burns on quality of life in children. J Burn Care Res. 2010 May-Jun; 31(3):414-22.
Dodd AR, Nelson-Mooney K, Greenhalgh DG, Beckett LA, Li Y, Palmieri TL. PMID: 20305569.
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Salzmann nodular degeneration. Cornea. 2010 Mar; 29(3):283-9.
Graue-Hernández EO, Mannis MJ, Eliasieh K, Greasby TA, Beckett LA, Bradley JC, Schwab IR. PMID: 20098304.
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Escalating weekly doses of cetuximab and correlation with skin toxicity: a phase I study. Invest New Drugs. 2011 Aug; 29(4):680-7.
Ho C, Sangha R, Beckett L, Tanaka M, Lau DH, Eisen DB, Burich RA, Luciw P, Khan I, Mack PC, Gandara DR, Davies AM. PMID: 20148348; PMCID: PMC4559347.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI): clinical characterization. Neurology. 2010 Jan 19; 74(3):201-9.
Petersen RC, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, Donohue MC, Gamst AC, Harvey DJ, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner MW. PMID: 20042704; PMCID: PMC2809036.
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945 Fields:
Does donating blood for the first time during a national emergency create a better commitment to donating again? Vox Sang. 2010 Apr; 98(3 Pt 1):e219-24.
Tran S, Lewalski EA, Dwyre DM, Hagar Y, Beckett L, Janatpour KA, Holland PV. PMID: 20002621; PMCID: PMC2859095.
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EGFR mutations detected in plasma are associated with patient outcomes in erlotinib plus docetaxel-treated non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Dec; 4(12):1466-72.
Mack PC, Holland WS, Burich RA, Sangha R, Solis LJ, Li Y, Beckett LA, Lara PN, Davies AM, Gandara DR. PMID: 19884861.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Intermittent erlotinib in combination with pemetrexed: phase I schedules designed to achieve pharmacodynamic separation. J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Jul; 4(7):862-8.
Davies AM, Ho C, Beckett L, Lau D, Scudder SA, Lara PN, Perkins N, Gandara DR. PMID: 19494788.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Longitudinal influences of partner depression on cognitive functioning in latino spousal pairs. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2009; 27(6):491-500.
Hinton L, Hagar Y, West N, González HM, Mungas D, Beckett L, Haan MN. PMID: 19439967; PMCID: PMC2753512.
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A lack of default network suppression is linked to increased distractibility in ADHD. Brain Res. 2009 Jun 01; 1273:114-28.
Fassbender C, Zhang H, Buzy WM, Cortes CR, Mizuiri D, Beckett L, Schweitzer JB. PMID: 19281801; PMCID: PMC4721585.
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134 Fields:
Temporal changes in characteristics of injection-site sarcomas in cats: 392 cases (1990-2006). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2009 Feb 01; 234(3):376-80.
Shaw SC, Kent MS, Gordon IK, Collins CJ, Greasby TA, Beckett LA, Hammond GM, Skorupski KA. PMID: 19210260; PMCID: PMC5404116.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Molecular specific and cell selective cytotoxicity induced by a novel synthetic HLA-DR antibody mimic for lymphoma and leukemia. Int J Oncol. 2009 Feb; 34(2):511-6.
DeNardo GL, Mirick GR, Hok S, DeNardo SJ, Beckett LA, Adamson GN, Balhorn RL. PMID: 19148487.
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An Exploration of Maitland's Concept of Pain Irritability in Patients with Low Back Pain. J Man Manip Ther. 2009; 17(4):196-205.
Barakatt ET, Romano PS, Riddle DL, Beckett LA, Kravitz R. PMID: 20140150; PMCID: PMC2813500.
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The membrane mucin MUC4 is elevated in breast tumor lymph node metastases relative to matched primary tumors and confers aggressive properties to breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. 2009; 11(5):R70.
Workman HC, Miller JK, Ingalla EQ, Kaur RP, Yamamoto DI, Beckett LA, Young LJ, Cardiff RD, Borowsky AD, Carraway KL, Sweeney C, Carraway KL. PMID: 19761616; PMCID: PMC2790847.
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The Reliability of Maitland's Irritability Judgments in Patients with Low Back Pain. J Man Manip Ther. 2009; 17(3):135-40.
Barakatt ET, Romano PS, Riddle DL, Beckett LA. PMID: 20046619; PMCID: PMC2762835.
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Comparison of C-reactive protein and metabolic syndrome as cardiovascular risk factors in African-Americans and European-Americans. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Feb 15; 103(4):523-7.
Anuurad E, Tracy RP, Pearson TA, Beckett L, Berglund L. PMID: 19195514; PMCID: PMC3051347.
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Nanomolecular HLA-DR10 antibody mimics: A potent system for molecular targeted therapy and imaging. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2008 Dec; 23(6):783-96.
DeNardo GL, Natarajan A, Hok S, Mirick G, DeNardo SJ, Corzett M, Sysko V, Lehmann J, Beckett L, Balhorn R. PMID: 20443696; PMCID: PMC2936943.
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Comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional iterative watershed segmentation methods in hepatic tumor volumetrics. Med Phys. 2008 Dec; 35(12):5869-81.
Ray S, Hagge R, Gillen M, Cerejo M, Shakeri S, Beckett L, Greasby T, Badawi RD. PMID: 19175143; PMCID: PMC2673614.
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Increased rotational mobility of the testis after vasectomy: a sonographic study. J Ultrasound Med. 2008 Dec; 27(12):1667-72.
Gerscovich EO, Park CW, Dulude MZ, McGahan JP, Stein-Wexler R, Greasby TA, Beckett LA. PMID: 19022992.
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Rigid interferon-alpha subtype responses of human plasmacytoid dendritic cells. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2008 Dec; 28(12):749-63.
Szubin R, Chang WL, Greasby T, Beckett L, Baumgarth N. PMID: 18937549; PMCID: PMC2956691.
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Occupational paraquat exposure of agricultural workers in large Costa Rican farms. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2009 Mar; 82(4):455-62.
Lee K, Park EK, Stoecklin-Marois M, Koivunen ME, Gee SJ, Hammock BD, Beckett LA, Schenker MB. PMID: 18762966; PMCID: PMC2864122.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Trends in colorectal cancer testing among Medicare subpopulations. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Sep; 35(3):194-202.
Fenton JJ, Cai Y, Green P, Beckett LA, Franks P, Baldwin LM. PMID: 18619761.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Nine-color flow cytometry for accurate measurement of T cell subsets and cytokine responses. Part II: Panel performance across different instrument platforms. Cytometry A. 2008 May; 73(5):411-20.
McLaughlin BE, Baumgarth N, Bigos M, Roederer M, De Rosa SC, Altman JD, Nixon DF, Ottinger J, Li J, Beckett L, Shacklett BL, Evans TG, Asmuth DM. PMID: 18383309; PMCID: PMC9191636.
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Midkine is a NF-kappaB-inducible gene that supports prostate cancer cell survival. BMC Med Genomics. 2008 Feb 14; 1:6.
You Z, Dong Y, Kong X, Beckett LA, Gandour-Edwards R, Melamed J. PMID: 18275606; PMCID: PMC2254643.
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Overcoming barriers to cancer clinical trial accrual: impact of a mass media campaign. Cancer. 2008 Jan 01; 112(1):212-9.
Umutyan A, Chiechi C, Beckett LA, Paterniti DA, Turrell C, Gandara DR, Davis SW, Wun T, Chen MS, Lara PN. PMID: 18008353.
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Phase I study of two different schedules of bortezomib and pemetrexed in advanced solid tumors with emphasis on non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2007 Dec; 2(12):1112-6.
Davies AM, Ho C, Metzger AS, Beckett LA, Christensen S, Tanaka M, Lara PN, Lau DH, Gandara DR. PMID: 18090584.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Concordance of peritumoral technetium 99m colloid and subareolar blue dye injection in breast cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy. J Surg Res. 2007 Nov; 143(1):126-9.
Kargozaran H, Shah M, Li Y, Beckett L, Gandour-Edwards R, Schneider PD, Khatri VP. PMID: 17950081.
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Independent review of interstitial lung disease associated with death in TRIBUTE (paclitaxel and carboplatin with or without concurrent erlotinib) in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2007 Jun; 2(6):537-43.
Yoneda KY, Shelton DK, Beckett LA, Gandara DR. PMID: 17545850.
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Detection by immunofixation of M proteins in hypogammaglobulinemic patients with normal serum protein electrophoresis results. Am J Clin Pathol. 2007 May; 127(5):746-51.
Lakshminarayanan R, Li Y, Janatpour K, Beckett L, Jialal I. PMID: 17439833.
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Erlotinib and vinorelbine in advanced malignant solid tumors: a phase I study. Invest New Drugs. 2007 Aug; 25(4):351-5.
Davies AM, Ho C, Hesketh PJ, Beckett LA, Lara PN, Lau DH, Gandara DR. PMID: 17440682.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
On the analysis of count data of birth-and-death process type: with application to molecularly targeted cancer therapy. Stat Med. 2007 Feb 28; 26(5):1114-35.
Liu H, Beckett LA, DeNardo GL. PMID: 16755532.
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Characterization of MUC1 glycoprotein on prostate cancer for selection of targeting molecules. Int J Oncol. 2006 Jul; 29(1):49-55.
Burke PA, Gregg JP, Bakhtiar B, Beckett LA, Denardo GL, Albrecht H, De Vere White RW, De Nardo SJ. PMID: 16773184.
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Size bias of fragile X premutation alleles in late-onset movement disorders. J Med Genet. 2006 Oct; 43(10):804-9.
Jacquemont S, Leehey MA, Hagerman RJ, Beckett LA, Hagerman PJ. PMID: 16723388; PMCID: PMC2563171.
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Residential proximity to naturally occurring asbestos: health risk or ecologic fallacy? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Mar 01; 173(5):573; author reply 573-4.
Brodkin CA, Balmes JR, Redlich CA, Cullen MR. PMID: 16493164.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Type-2 dominant cytokine gene expression following hepatic surgery. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2006; 13(5):442-9.
Khatri VP, Shah MH, Petrelli NJ, Li Y, Beckett L, Gibbs JF, Rodriguez-Bigas MA. PMID: 17013720.
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Analysis of Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Production (GARP) modeling approach for predicting distributions of fleas implicated as vectors of plague, Yersinia pestis, in California. J Med Entomol. 2006 Jan; 43(1):93-103.
Adjemian JC, Girvetz EH, Beckett L, Foley JE. PMID: 16506453.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Evaluation of factors affecting awareness of and willingness to participate in cancer clinical trials. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Dec 20; 23(36):9282-9.
Lara PN, Paterniti DA, Chiechi C, Turrell C, Morain C, Horan N, Montell L, Gonzalez J, Davis S, Umutyan A, Martel CL, Gandara DR, Wun T, Beckett LA, Chen MS. PMID: 16361626.
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Asian Americans and cancer clinical trials: a mixed-methods approach to understanding awareness and experience. Cancer. 2005 Dec 15; 104(12 Suppl):3015-24.
Paterniti DA, Chen MS, Chiechi C, Beckett LA, Horan N, Turrell C, Smith L, Morain C, Montell L, Luis Gonzalez J, Davis S, Lara PN. PMID: 16247795; PMCID: PMC1810970.
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The Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2005 Nov; 15(4):869-77, xi-xii.
Mueller SG, Weiner MW, Thal LJ, Petersen RC, Jack C, Jagust W, Trojanowski JQ, Toga AW, Beckett L. PMID: 16443497; PMCID: PMC2376747.
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Ospemifene inhibits the growth of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced mammary tumors in Sencar mice. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Nov; 97(3):230-40.
Wurz GT, Read KC, Marchisano-Karpman C, Gregg JP, Beckett LA, Yu Q, Degregorio MW. PMID: 16153821.
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Longitudinal volumetric MRI change and rate of cognitive decline. Neurology. 2005 Aug 23; 65(4):565-71.
Mungas D, Harvey D, Reed BR, Jagust WJ, DeCarli C, Beckett L, Mack WJ, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Chui HC. PMID: 16116117; PMCID: PMC1820871.
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Ways toward an early diagnosis in Alzheimer's disease: the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Alzheimers Dement. 2005 Jul; 1(1):55-66.
Mueller SG, Weiner MW, Thal LJ, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Jagust W, Trojanowski JQ, Toga AW, Beckett L. PMID: 17476317; PMCID: PMC1864941.
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Residential proximity to naturally occurring asbestos and mesothelioma risk in California. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Oct 15; 172(8):1019-25.
Pan XL, Day HW, Wang W, Beckett LA, Schenker MB. PMID: 15976368; PMCID: PMC2718408.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Seroprevalence of antibodies against Bartonella species and evaluation of risk factors and clinical signs associated with seropositivity in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 2005 Apr; 66(4):688-94.
Henn JB, Liu CH, Kasten RW, VanHorn BA, Beckett LA, Kass PH, Chomel BB. PMID: 15900951.
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Acculturation and its association with health-risk behaviors in a rural Latina population. Ethn Dis. 2005; 15(4):733-9.
Kasirye OC, Walsh JA, Romano PS, Beckett LA, Garcia JA, Elvine-Kreis B, Bethel JW, Schenker MB. PMID: 16259501.
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Simultaneous care: a model approach to the perceived conflict between investigational therapy and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2004 Dec; 28(6):548-56.
Meyers FJ, Linder J, Beckett L, Christensen S, Blais J, Gandara DR. PMID: 15589080.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Designing a randomized phase I/II prostate cancer chemoprevention trial using 1alpha-hydroxy-24-ethyl-cholecalciferol, an analogue of vitamin D3. Cancer J. 2004 Nov-Dec; 10(6):357-67.
Packianathan S, Mehta RG, Mehta RR, Hall WH, Boerner PS, Beckett LA, Vijayakumar S. PMID: 15701267.
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A modified yeast assay used on archival samples of localized prostate cancer tissue improves the detection of p53 abnormalities and increases their predictive value. BJU Int. 2004 Nov; 94(7):996-1002.
Shi XB, Gandour-Edwards R, Beckett LA, Deitch AD, de Vere White RW. PMID: 15541116.
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An evaluation of barriers to accrual in the era of legislation requiring insurance coverage of cancer clinical trial costs in California. Cancer J. 2004 Sep-Oct; 10(5):294-300.
Martel CL, Li Y, Beckett L, Chew H, Christensen S, Davies A, Lam KS, Lau DH, Meyers FJ, O'donnell RT, Richman C, Scudder S, Tanaka M, Tuscano J, Welborn J, Wun T, Gandara DR, Lara PN. PMID: 15530258.
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A longitudinal study of parkinsonism and disability in a community population of older people. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2004 Aug; 59(8):864-70.
Murray AM, Bennett DA, Mendes de Leon CF, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 15345740.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Pulmonary function and exercise-associated changes with chronic low-level paraquat exposure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Oct 01; 170(7):773-9.
Schenker MB, Stoecklin M, Lee K, Lupercio R, Zeballos RJ, Enright P, Hennessy T, Beckett LA. PMID: 15229097.
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HumansAnimalsPHPublic Health
Temporal patterns of negative and positive behavior among nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease. Psychol Aging. 2004 Jun; 19(2):336-45.
McCann JJ, Gilley DW, Bienias JL, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 15222827.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Survival and cell cycle kinetics of human prostate cancer cell lines after single- and multifraction exposures to ionizing radiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 May 01; 59(1):219-27.
Scott SL, Gumerlock PH, Beckett L, Li Y, Goldberg Z. PMID: 15093919.
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Do behavioral disturbances in persons with Alzheimer's disease predict caregiver depression over time? Psychol Aging. 2004 Mar; 19(1):198-202.
Danhauer SC, McCann JJ, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Bienias JL, Evans DA. PMID: 15065943.
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Effects of a genistein-rich extract on PSA levels in men with a history of prostate cancer. Urology. 2004 Feb; 63(2):259-63.
deVere White RW, Hackman RM, Soares SE, Beckett LA, Li Y, Sun B. PMID: 14972467.
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HumansAnimalsCTClinical Trials
Multivariate longitudinal models for complex change processes. Stat Med. 2004 Jan 30; 23(2):231-9.
Beckett LA, Tancredi DJ, Wilson RS. PMID: 14716725.
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Gamma interferon-mediated inflammation is associated with lack of protection from intravaginal simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239 challenge in simian-human immunodeficiency virus 89.6-immunized rhesus macaques. J Virol. 2004 Jan; 78(2):841-54.
Abel K, La Franco-Scheuch L, Rourke T, Ma ZM, De Silva V, Fallert B, Beckett L, Reinhart TA, Miller CJ. PMID: 14694116; PMCID: PMC368742.
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HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Incidence, mechanism and prognostic value of activated AKT in pancreas cancer. Br J Cancer. 2003 Dec 01; 89(11):2110-5.
Schlieman MG, Fahy BN, Ramsamooj R, Beckett L, Bold RJ. PMID: 14647146; PMCID: PMC2376856.
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Multivariate modeling of two associated cognitive outcomes in a longitudinal study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2003 Oct; 5(5):357-65.
Harvey DJ, Beckett LA, Mungas DM. PMID: 14646026.
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Design of the Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP). J Alzheimers Dis. 2003 Oct; 5(5):349-55.
Bienias JL, Beckett LA, Bennett DA, Wilson RS, Evans DA. PMID: 14646025.
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Effects of patient and physician practice socioeconomic status on the health care of privately insured managed care patients. Med Care. 2003 Jul; 41(7):842-52.
Franks P, Fiscella K, Beckett L, Zwanziger J, Mooney C, Gorthy S. PMID: 12835608.
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Terminal decline in cognitive function. Neurology. 2003 Jun 10; 60(11):1782-7.
Wilson RS, Beckett LA, Bienias JL, Evans DA, Bennett DA. PMID: 12796531.
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Incidence of Alzheimer disease in a biracial urban community: relation to apolipoprotein E allele status. Arch Neurol. 2003 Feb; 60(2):185-9.
Evans DA, Bennett DA, Wilson RS, Bienias JL, Morris MC, Scherr PA, Hebert LE, Aggarwal N, Beckett LA, Joglekar R, Berry-Kravis E, Schneider J. PMID: 12580702.
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BCL2 antisense reduces prostate cancer cell survival following irradiation. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2002 Dec; 17(6):647-56.
Scott SL, Higdon R, Beckett L, Shi XB, deVere White RW, Earle JD, Gumerlock PH. PMID: 12537668.
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Effects of a mushroom mycelium extract on the treatment of prostate cancer. Urology. 2002 Oct; 60(4):640-4.
deVere White RW, Hackman RM, Soares SE, Beckett LA, Sun B. PMID: 12385925.
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HumansAnimalsCTClinical Trials
Does HER2/neu expression provide prognostic information in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma? Cancer. 2002 Sep 01; 95(5):1009-15.
Gandour-Edwards R, Lara PN, Folkins AK, LaSalle JM, Beckett L, Li Y, Meyers FJ, DeVere-White R. PMID: 12209684.
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Depressive symptoms, cognitive decline, and risk of AD in older persons. Neurology. 2002 Aug 13; 59(3):364-70.
Wilson RS, Barnes LL, Mendes de Leon CF, Aggarwal NT, Schneider JS, Bach J, Pilat J, Beckett LA, Arnold SE, Evans DA, Bennett DA. PMID: 12177369.
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Modern parathyroid surgery: a cost-benefit analysis of localizing strategies. Arch Surg. 2002 Aug; 137(8):917-22; discussion 922-3.
Fahy BN, Bold RJ, Beckett L, Schneider PD. PMID: 12146990.
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Natural history of mild cognitive impairment in older persons. Neurology. 2002 Jul 23; 59(2):198-205.
Bennett DA, Wilson RS, Schneider JA, Evans DA, Beckett LA, Aggarwal NT, Barnes LL, Fox JH, Bach J. PMID: 12136057.
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Acetaminophen and diphenhydramine as premedication for platelet transfusions: a prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Am J Hematol. 2002 Jul; 70(3):191-4.
Wang SE, Lara PN, Lee-Ow A, Reed J, Wang LR, Palmer P, Tuscano JM, Richman CM, Beckett L, Wun T. PMID: 12111764.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
The apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele and decline in different cognitive systems during a 6-year period. Arch Neurol. 2002 Jul; 59(7):1154-60.
Wilson RS, Schneider JA, Barnes LL, Beckett LA, Aggarwal NT, Cochran EJ, Berry-Kravis E, Bach J, Fox JH, Evans DA, Bennett DA. PMID: 12117364.
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Progression of gait disorder and rigidity and risk of death in older persons. Neurology. 2002 Jun 25; 58(12):1815-9.
Wilson RS, Schneider JA, Beckett LA, Evans DA, Bennett DA. PMID: 12084882.
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Individual differences in rates of change in cognitive abilities of older persons. Psychol Aging. 2002 Jun; 17(2):179-93.
Wilson RS, Beckett LA, Barnes LL, Schneider JA, Bach J, Evans DA, Bennett DA. PMID: 12061405.
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Morbidity, mortality, and technical factors of distal pancreatectomy. Am J Surg. 2002 Mar; 183(3):237-41.
Fahy BN, Frey CF, Ho HS, Beckett L, Bold RJ. PMID: 11943118.
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Upregulation of choline acetyltransferase activity in hippocampus and frontal cortex of elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment. Ann Neurol. 2002 Feb; 51(2):145-55.
DeKosky ST, Ikonomovic MD, Styren SD, Beckett L, Wisniewski S, Bennett DA, Cochran EJ, Kordower JH, Mufson EJ. PMID: 11835370.
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Annual incidence of Alzheimer disease in the United States projected to the years 2000 through 2050. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2001 Oct-Dec; 15(4):169-73.
Hebert LE, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Evans DA. PMID: 11723367.
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MRI-derived entorhinal and hippocampal atrophy in incipient and very mild Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2001 Sep-Oct; 22(5):747-54.
Dickerson BC, Goncharova I, Sullivan MP, Forchetti C, Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Beckett LA, deToledo-Morrell L. PMID: 11705634.
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Standardized submaximal exercise testing in never smokers: a normative study. Clin Physiol. 2001 Sep; 21(5):629-36.
Gulsvik A, Beckett LA, Bakke P, Humerfelt S, Omenaas E, Speizer FE. PMID: 11576165.
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Tau-66: evidence for a novel tau conformation in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurochem. 2001 Jun; 77(5):1372-85.
Ghoshal N, García-Sierra F, Fu Y, Beckett LA, Mufson EJ, Kuret J, Berry RW, Binder LI. PMID: 11389188.
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Is the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease greater for women than for men? Am J Epidemiol. 2001 Jan 15; 153(2):132-6.
Hebert LE, Scherr PA, McCann JJ, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 11159157.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Comparison of informal caregiving by black and white older adults in a community population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2000 Dec; 48(12):1612-7.
McCann JJ, Hebert LE, Beckett LA, Morris MC, Scherr PA, Evans DA. PMID: 11129751.
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Premorbid reading activity and patterns of cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2000 Dec; 57(12):1718-23.
Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Barnes LL, Evans DA. PMID: 11115237.
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Six-year effect of depressive symptoms on the course of physical disability in community-living older adults. Arch Intern Med. 2000 Nov 13; 160(20):3074-80.
Cronin-Stubbs D, de Leon CF, Beckett LA, Field TS, Glynn RJ, Evans DA. PMID: 11074736.
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Loss of nucleus basalis neurons containing trkA immunoreactivity in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer's disease. J Comp Neurol. 2000 Nov 06; 427(1):19-30.
Mufson EJ, Ma SY, Cochran EJ, Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Jaffar S, Saragovi HU, Kordower JH. PMID: 11042589.
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Decline of language among women and men with Alzheimer's disease. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2000 Nov; 55(6):P354-60.
Hebert LE, Wilson RS, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Bennett DA, Evans DA. PMID: 11078105.
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Hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000 Aug; 69(2):172-7.
Wilson RS, Gilley DW, Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 10896689; PMCID: PMC1737043.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Community-based studies of Alzheimer's disease: statistical challenges in design and analysis. Stat Med. 2000 Jun 15-30; 19(11-12):1469-80.
Beckett LA. PMID: 10844712.
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Progression of parkinsonism and loss of cognitive function in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun; 57(6):855-60.
Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Schneider JA, Evans DA. PMID: 10867783.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Progression of parkinsonian signs in Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 2000 Mar 28; 54(6):1284-9.
Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Schneider JA, Evans DA. PMID: 10746599.
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Parametric empirical Bayes estimates of disease prevalence using stratified samples from community populations. Stat Med. 2000 Mar 15; 19(5):681-95.
Beckett LA, Tancredi DJ. PMID: 10700739.
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Person-specific paths of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease and their relation to age. Psychol Aging. 2000 Mar; 15(1):18-28.
Wilson RS, Gilley DW, Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 10755286.
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Change in cognitive function in older persons from a community population: relation to age and Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 1999 Oct; 56(10):1274-9.
Wilson RS, Beckett LA, Bennett DA, Albert MS, Evans DA. PMID: 10520945.
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Entorhinal cortex beta-amyloid load in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Exp Neurol. 1999 Aug; 158(2):469-90.
Mufson EJ, Chen EY, Cochran EJ, Beckett LA, Bennett DA, Kordower JH. PMID: 10415154.
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Cognitive activity in older persons from a geographically defined population. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1999 May; 54(3):P155-60.
Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Morris MC, Gilley DW, Bienias JL, Scherr PA, Evans DA. PMID: 10363036.
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Social networks and disability transitions across eight intervals of yearly data in the New Haven EPESE. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1999 May; 54(3):S162-72.
Mendes de Leon CF, Glass TA, Beckett LA, Seeman TE, Evans DA, Berkman LF. PMID: 10363047.
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Dimensionality of parkinsonian signs in aging and Alzheimer's disease. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1999 Apr; 54(4):M191-6.
Bennett DA, Shannon KM, Beckett LA, Wilson RS. PMID: 10219010.
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Current and remote blood pressure and cognitive decline. JAMA. 1999 Feb 03; 281(5):438-45.
Glynn RJ, Beckett LA, Hebert LE, Morris MC, Scherr PA, Evans DA. PMID: 9952204.
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Vitamin E and vitamin C supplement use and risk of incident Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1998 Sep; 12(3):121-6.
Morris MC, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Hebert LE, Bennett DA, Field TS, Evans DA. PMID: 9772012.
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Parkinsonian signs and mortality from Alzheimer's disease. Lancet. 1998 May 30; 351(9116):1631.
Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Wilson RS, Murray AM, Evans DA. PMID: 9620721.
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Metric properties of nurses' ratings of parkinsonian signs with a modified Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. Neurology. 1997 Dec; 49(6):1580-7.
Bennett DA, Shannon KM, Beckett LA, Goetz CG, Wilson RS. PMID: 9409350.
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Education and other measures of socioeconomic status and risk of incident Alzheimer disease in a defined population of older persons. Arch Neurol. 1997 Nov; 54(11):1399-405.
Evans DA, Hebert LE, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Albert MS, Chown MJ, Pilgrim DM, Taylor JO. PMID: 9362989.
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Sources of priming in text rereading: intact implicit memory for new associations in older adults and in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Psychol Aging. 1997 Sep; 12(3):536-47.
Monti LA, Gabrieli JD, Wilson RS, Beckett LA, Grinnell E, Lange KL, Reminger SL. PMID: 9308100.
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Psychotic symptoms and physically aggressive behavior in Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997 Sep; 45(9):1074-9.
Gilley DW, Wilson RS, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 9288014.
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Around the WORLD backward: an algorithm for scoring the MMSE WORLD item. Neurology. 1997 Jun; 48(6):1733-4.
Beckett LA, Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Morris MC. PMID: 9191800.
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Black-white differences in risk of becoming disabled and recovering from disability in old age: a longitudinal analysis of two EPESE populations. Am J Epidemiol. 1997 Mar 15; 145(6):488-97.
Mendes de Leon CF, Beckett LA, Fillenbaum GG, Brock DB, Branch LG, Evans DA, Berkman LF. PMID: 9063338.
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Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 and incidence of Alzheimer disease in a community population of older persons. JAMA. 1997 Mar 12; 277(10):822-4.
Evans DA, Beckett LA, Field TS, Feng L, Albert MS, Bennett DA, Tycko B, Mayeux R. PMID: 9052713.
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Concordance between direct observation and staff rating of behavior in nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1997 Mar; 52(2):P63-72.
McCann JJ, Gilley DW, Hebert LE, Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 9060981.
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Weight loss in people with Alzheimer's disease: a prospective population based analysis. BMJ. 1997 Jan 18; 314(7075):178-9.
Cronin-Stubbs D, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Field TS, Chown MJ, Pilgrim DM, Bennett DA, Evans DA. PMID: 9022430; PMCID: PMC2125711.
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A randomized, placebo-controlled study of the immunogenicity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) rgp160 vaccine in HIV-infected subjects with > or = 400/mm3 CD4 T lymphocytes (AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 137). J Infect Dis. 1996 Jun; 173(6):1336-46.
Valentine FT, Kundu S, Haslett PA, Katzenstein D, Beckett L, Spino C, Borucki M, Vasquez M, Smith G, Korvick J, Kagan J, Merigan TC. PMID: 8648205.
Analysis of change in self-reported physical function among older persons in four population studies. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Apr 15; 143(8):766-78.
Beckett LA, Brock DB, Lemke JH, Mendes de Leon CF, Guralnik JM, Fillenbaum GG, Branch LG, Wetle TT, Evans DA. PMID: 8610686.
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Prevalence of parkinsonian signs and associated mortality in a community population of older people. N Engl J Med. 1996 Jan 11; 334(2):71-6.
Bennett DA, Beckett LA, Murray AM, Shannon KM, Goetz CG, Pilgrim DM, Evans DA. PMID: 8531961.
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Validation of a meta-analysis: the effects of fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis. J Clin Epidemiol. 1995 Nov; 48(11):1379-90.
Fortin PR, Lew RA, Liang MH, Wright EA, Beckett LA, Chalmers TC, Sperling RI. PMID: 7490601.
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Functional disability among elderly blacks and whites in two diverse areas: the New Haven and North Carolina EPESE. Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly. Am J Public Health. 1995 Jul; 85(7):994-8.
Mendes de Leon CF, Fillenbaum GG, Williams CS, Brock DB, Beckett LA, Berkman LF. PMID: 7604929; PMCID: PMC1615553.
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Age-specific incidence of Alzheimer's disease in a community population. JAMA. 1995 May 03; 273(17):1354-9.
Hebert LE, Scherr PA, Beckett LA, Albert MS, Pilgrim DM, Chown MJ, Funkenstein HH, Evans DA. PMID: 7715060.
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Ex vivo expansion of HIV type 1-specific cytolytic T cells from HIV type 1-seropositive subjects. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 1995 Feb; 11(2):257-71.
Lieberman J, Fabry JA, Shankar P, Beckett L, Skolnik PR. PMID: 7742040.
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Comparison of neurologic changes in 'successfully aging' persons vs the total aging population. Arch Neurol. 1994 Jun; 51(6):573-80.
Odenheimer G, Funkenstein HH, Beckett L, Chown M, Pilgrim D, Evans D, Albert M. PMID: 8198468.
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Serum p24 antigen level as an intermediate end point in clinical trials of zidovudine in people infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Aids Clinical Trials Group Virology Laboratories. J Infect Dis. 1994 Apr; 169(4):713-21.
DeGruttola V, Beckett LA, Coombs RW, Arduino JM, Balfour HH, Rasheed S, Hollinger FB, Fischl MA, Volberding P. PMID: 8133085.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Dideoxynucleoside resistance emerges with prolonged zidovudine monotherapy. The RV43 Study Group. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1994 Feb; 38(2):307-14.
Mayers DL, Japour AJ, Arduino JM, Hammer SM, Reichman R, Wagner KF, Chung R, Lane J, Crumpacker CS, McLeod GX, et al. PMID: 8192457; PMCID: PMC284445.
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Short-term variability of self report of incontinence in older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1994 Feb; 42(2):202-7.
Resnick NM, Beckett LA, Branch LG, Scherr PA, Wetle T. PMID: 8126337.
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Estimating prevalence and incidence of chronic conditions in the elderly: design and sampling issues. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1994; 8 Suppl 1:S274-80.
Beckett LA, Evans DA. PMID: 8068269.
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Acute delirium and functional decline in the hospitalized elderly patient. J Gerontol. 1993 Sep; 48(5):M181-6.
Murray AM, Levkoff SE, Wetle TT, Beckett L, Cleary PD, Schor JD, Lipsitz LA, Rowe JW, Evans DA. PMID: 8366260.
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Pentoxifylline decreases tumor necrosis factor expression and serum triglycerides in people with AIDS. NIAID AIDS Clinical Trials Group. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (1988). 1993 Jul; 6(7):787-94.
Dezube BJ, Pardee AB, Chapman B, Beckett LA, Korvick JA, Novick WJ, Chiurco J, Kasdan P, Ahlers CM, Ecto LT, et al. PMID: 8099612.
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Standardized peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture assay for determination of drug susceptibilities of clinical human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates. The RV-43 Study Group, the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Virology Committee Resistance Working Group. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1993 May; 37(5):1095-101.
Japour AJ, Mayers DL, Johnson VA, Kuritzkes DR, Beckett LA, Arduino JM, Lane J, Black RJ, Reichelderfer PS, D'Aquila RT, et al. PMID: 8517697; PMCID: PMC187907.
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Relation of smoking and low-to-moderate alcohol consumption to change in cognitive function: a longitudinal study in a defined community of older persons. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Apr 15; 137(8):881-91.
Herbert LE, Scherr PA, Beckett LA, Albert MS, Rosner B, Taylor JO, Evans DA. PMID: 8484379.
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Serum levels of soluble CD8, neopterin, beta 2-microglobulin and p24 antigen as indicators of disease progression in children with AIDS on zidovudine therapy. AIDS. 1993 Mar; 7(3):369-73.
Siller L, Martin NL, Kostuchenko P, Beckett L, Rautonen J, Cheng SC, Wara DW. PMID: 8097095.
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Level of education and change in cognitive function in a community population of older persons. Ann Epidemiol. 1993 Jan; 3(1):71-7.
Evans DA, Beckett LA, Albert MS, Hebert LE, Scherr PA, Funkenstein HH, Taylor JO. PMID: 8287159.
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Correlates of behavior problems in children with epilepsy. Epilepsia. 1992 Nov-Dec; 33(6):1115-22.
Austin JK, Risinger MW, Beckett LA. PMID: 1464273.
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Childhood blood pressure tracking correlations corrected for within-person variability. Stat Med. 1992 Jun 30; 11(9):1187-94.
Gillman MW, Cook NR, Rosner B, Beckett LA, Evans DA, Keough ME, Taylor JO, Hennekens CH. PMID: 1509219.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Serial changes in blood pressure from adolescence into adulthood. Am J Epidemiol. 1992 May 15; 135(10):1166-77.
Beckett LA, Rosner B, Roche AF, Guo S. PMID: 1632426.
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Population prevalence estimates from complex samples. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992 Apr; 45(4):393-402.
Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Evans DA. PMID: 1569435.
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Relation of smoking and alcohol consumption to incident Alzheimer's disease. Am J Epidemiol. 1992 Feb 15; 135(4):347-55.
Hebert LE, Scherr PA, Beckett LA, Funkenstein HH, Albert MS, Chown MJ, Evans DA. PMID: 1550089.
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Cytokine dysregulation in AIDS: in vivo overexpression of mRNA of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its correlation with that of the inflammatory cytokine GRO. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (1988). 1992; 5(11):1099-104.
Dezube BJ, Pardee AB, Beckett LA, Ahlers CM, Ecto L, Allen-Ryan J, Anisowicz A, Sager R, Crumpacker CS. PMID: 1403638.
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Motility and ultrastructure of large granular lymphocytes on lipid bilayers reconstituted with adhesion receptors LFA-1, ICAM-1, and two isoforms of LFA-3. J Cell Biol. 1991 Nov; 115(3):861-71.
Carpén O, Dustin ML, Springer TA, Swafford JA, Beckett LA, Caulfield JP. PMID: 1717493; PMCID: PMC2289190.
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